Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)


V was sorry more of the prisoners hadn’t escaped with their lives after he’d used the Master Control to set them free. But he had to admit it was just as well in the case of the Trollox. They were a savage race and he wouldn’t have wanted to travel through the jungle with one, especially with Penelope and her luscious curves on display through the ragged, blue toga which was ripped in places.

In the end, the one who was left was a Havoc—an offshoot of the Kindred family tree with one main difference to the Kindred. They didn’t form a permanent soul-bond with a female and spend their life in a mated pair, preferring instead to roam the galaxy free of emotional encumbrances. But they were still honorable and fierce warriors—good to have at your back.

This one, a fellow named Drace, seemed like a solid ally. Once V’rex explained about the Compound and its practices, he thanked them profusely for setting him free.

“That sounds like a seriously fucked-up place, Brother,” he said to V. “Thank the Goddess you two came along before those little orange bastards could get me there.”

“The Goddess put you in our path as well,” V told him. “Can you lead us back to the NeverBreeder launching pad?”

“With pleasure.” Drace nodded eagerly. “I can also tell you that their ships are only lightly guarded—at least as far as I could tell.”

“Good man.” V nodded shortly. “We’ll take care of them, no problem.”

V had thought to take some of the blasters from the dead NeverBreeders, so he and Penelope and Drace were all armed when they at last came upon the landing pad. Drace was right—there were only two NeverBreeder guards standing by either of the two ships on the pad.

V dispatched two before they could even draw their blasters and Drace killed two as well. Penelope seemed reluctant to fire, which was understandable to V. She was still shaken by the actions she’d taken against Skrug and wasn’t, by nature, a violent person.

When the short battle was over, they stood on the landing pad—which was really just an extra-large clearing in the jungle—and V offered Drace a warrior’s clasp.

“I thank you for your help, Brother,” he said to the other male seriously.

“I owe you my life,” Drace replied. “If ever I can repay the debt, let me know.”

“Thank you for the offer,” V told him. “But now it’s time we part ways. Penelope and I will take one ship and you take the other. That way the NeverBreeders have no way to come after us and no way to go kidnap anyone else for their cult.”

“Agreed.” Drace nodded again, the sunlight catching the concentric rings of gold, brown, and copper in his eyes. They matched the highlights in his black hair. “This has been an interesting side adventure, but I need to get back to my ship.”

“Same,” V agreed, nodding. “Maybe we’ll meet again if the Goddess wills it.”

“If she wills it,” Drace agreed and then they each took separate ships with Penelope following V as they boarded the NeverBreeder crafts.


The minute they finally got aboard one of the NeverBreeder spaceships, Penny felt ready to collapse. But first she wanted a long drink of water and a shower to wash the jungle grime off herself.

“You go ahead, sweetheart,” V’rex said distractedly. He was busy in the pilot’s chair, apparently getting the hang of the new controls. “This is nothing like any ship I’ve ever seen—fucking NeverBreeders,” Penny heard him mutter to himself. “Now where in the Seven Hells did they put the Nav-com? Oh right—here it is, where nobody in their right mind would think to put it…”

Deciding to leave him to it, Penny left the blaster she’d been holding on the passenger’s side seat and walked through to the back of the ship, looking for the aforementioned drink and shower.

The NeverBreeders’ ship was extremely utilitarian with absolutely no extra frills. Clearly they only used it to grab unsuspecting “breeders” and bring them back to Yown Alpha. But they did have a rudimentary kitchen area which had a sink with a single faucet and a press button to make the water come out.

Penny washed her hands and face and drank thirstily from her cupped palms. As soon as her thirst was taken care of, her stomach growled—it had been almost a whole day since her last meal.

There was a small cupboard which held a few supplies. Penny saw a few jerky-like strips of dried meat which she avoided with a shudder. But there were also some compressed plant bars stacked there. They tasted sweet and bland and faintly grassy—like someone had mixed carrots, beets, and grass clippings and then dried them out and compressed them into hard little rectangles about the size of a granola bar.

They weren’t the best thing Penny had ever tasted, but she was so hungry she ate two of them before she made herself stop. There were still plenty left for V’rex—if he wanted to eat the plant bars, that was. Right now, Penny decided she wanted a shower more than anything else.


