Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

She kept her voice low, for his ears only, and her eyes locked with his. The last thing she needed was for him to be freaking out right now since she was already freaking out internally herself.

“Well…” He blew out a breath and shook his head. The look on his face was worried and unhappy. “I still don’t like it.”

“You don’t have to like it,” Penny told him calmly. “I don’t like it either. But we’re going to get through it—together.”

V’rex grabbed her unexpectedly and pulled her into a tight embrace. His big body seemed to surround hers with warmth and strength, as though he was trying to convey some kind of protection to her with his hug.

“Be safe, little girl,” he rumbled in her ear. “Be safe and come back to me.”

“You heard the voice—I won’t even miss much work. And I’ll see you tonight,” Penny promised him. “At dinner, honest I will.”

“You’d better.” V’rex pushed her out to arm’s length, keeping his big hands on her shoulders and pinning her with his eyes. “Because if you don’t, I’m gonna come looking for you and the Goddess help anybody who gets in my fucking way.”


It’ll be all right. Claudette can help me—I’m sure she can, Penny thought to herself as she walked, with a pounding heart, through the metal and glass doors of the Breeding and Conception center for the first time since right before her Unification Ceremony.

But though she looked for her friend, she didn’t see Claudette anywhere. In fact, she didn’t see any familiar faces—not even Mother Toone.

Well, they’re probably both taking care of a new batch of breeders, Penny thought. But then she remembered they couldn’t be because there had been no new batch of breeders since her own group had been brought to the Compound. So what were her friend and her old NeverBreeder attendant doing? Where were they?

“State your purpose,” a NeverBreeder guard in a silver jumpsuit said, coming towards her.

“I…I was ordered here for testing this morning. I think by the Watchers,” Penny told him. “My name is Penelope, Forever Mate to V’rex,” she added for clarification.

The NeverBreeder guard consulted a clipboard and nodded.

“You are expected, breeder. Follow me to the exam room.”

He led Penny back to the same exam room she remembered—the one she’d been examined in every day during her stay in the dorms—and told her to strip.

This is the same place that poor girl was dragged away for recycling on our first day when they discovered she was infertile! whispered a little voice in her head. Oh God, what if they stick that glowing wand in me and decide I’m infertile too? What if they decide to recycle me and I never see V’rex again? What if—

“Ah, there you are, breeder Penelope.” A NeverBreeder doctor that Penny recognized came into the exam room. “And I see you’re all ready for your womb exam. Very good. Now please lay on the table and part your legs for me.”

As she climbed onto the chilly metal table and spread her legs, Penny shivered with a mixture of cold and fear. What was going to happen to her?

The doctor ran the glowing wand over her breasts and nodded at the results.

“Your breast health is very good. Are you producing nectar?”

“Plenty of it,” Penny assured him, thinking of how much of the sticky-sweet stuff V’rex drew from her nipples every morning and every night. She wondered if she ever got out of here if the effects of the Mother’s Milk would fade. Or would she be stuck producing nectar and needing male fluids or healing to keep her pussy from swelling and becoming sensitive for the rest of her life?

If that was the case, what would she do? She and V’rex were parting ways after they managed to escape. Where else would she find a man who was willing to suck the nectar out of her breasts and wanted to either make love with her or go down on her every single night? Where—

“Let’s just check your womb health and see if you’re pregnant yet,” the doctor said. And then he inserted the glowing tip of the medical wand into the entrance of Penny’s pussy.

Penny had hated this exam back when she’d been in the female breeder dorm and she had an even greater reason to hate it now. It was very possibly going to expose her as a fraud and let the doctor know that she hadn’t been doing her duty and getting bred like a good little breeder should.

And that was going to spell trouble.

Sure enough, there was a frown on the doctor’s face when he withdrew the wand and examined the tip, which was glowing a perfectly ordinary dark pink.

“This is very strange,” he said, consulting his lighted clipboard. “According to the Watcher’s notes, you and your Forever Mate have been engaging in sexual activities during the Mandatory Breeding Hour every night. Your womb and vagina are healthy and your breasts are producing nectar normally, yet you are not pregnant.”


