Step-Savage (Wanting What’s Wrong #6) Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Sports, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Wanting What's Wrong Series by Dani Wyatt

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 53605 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 268(@200wpm)___ 214(@250wpm)___ 179(@300wpm)





Nancy trashes and bucks while I devour her swollen pussy. “James, God, please. Enough. I can’t. I can’t come again,” she begs. Her voice is rough.

“Fuck you can’t,” I growl, sucking and biting her engorged clit. And my baby girl’s legs tense on my shoulders, caging my head. She quivers and her mouth opens in a silent cry.

“That’s my girl,” I hum. Seeing her pleasure gives me joy. Her sated body comforts me, making me feel whole. Like everything in the world is right. And actually it is. Cause this gorgeous, dirty, cock-hungry girl, my girl, and the baby inside her are my whole world.

When her legs fall to each side of me, I pepper the inside of her thighs, up to her pink and swollen cunt. I give a slow lick from her slit to her clit and she flinch. So sensitive. A moan escapes her throat.

“Five,” she whispers and I smirk against her skin.

“I can’t hear you, baby,” I taunt her, rolling my tongue around her clit. “Louder. Count louder.”

“Five. Dammit. Five amazing, earth-shattering, toe-curling orgasms you gave me. And I really can’t take anymore,” she shouts at me. Eyes filled with fire as she looks at me. Almost challenging me.

I move my lips from her pussy to her ready to pop belly. As soon as my lips touch her stomach, our baby kicks just where my mouth is. “Hello, baby,” I whisper to her stomach and kiss, kiss, kiss her.

Nancy giggles when our baby keeps kicking every time I place a kiss to where she is.

I move to the side of Nancy, making sure that I don’t hurt her with my weight. And I lick her nipples, humming when her milk hits my tongue. “Your pussy and milk. This could be the best taste in the world,” I murmur against her lips. And then take her lips in a passionate kiss.

When our lips part, I shake my head. “I change my mind. Pussy, milk and you. That’s the best trio.”

She rolls her eyes, but giggles.

“Will you let me rest now?” she asks me.

I shake my head. “Our little MVP is fashionably late and they say orgasms help to bring on labor. I’m doing what I should do as Daddy.”

She lets out a laugh. “I don’t know which is harder. Giving birth or my sixth orgasm.”

Licking my lips, I smirk at her. “So you’re ready for the sixth. Good, cause here it comes.”

I pull her at the end of the bed, letting her legs dangle as I line up and give her all of me in one thrust.

I’m five strokes in when she’s gushing.Only, this time. It doesn’t stop.

“Oh, God, please tell me you squirted. Did I hurt our baby?” I mumble. Barely aware of anything besides the chill of fear shaking me from the inside out.

“James,” Nancy says.

“Fuck. Should I stay here? Like a tampon? Or should I pull away? Will the baby fall out?”

Nancy starts laughing and groaning when another spasm hits her.

“What? Why are you laughing?”

“Calm down and yes, for the God’s sake, pull out. Then we have to put on clothes and go to hospital.”

“Baby’s coming?” I ask then it hits me. “The baby’s coming!”

I nod. Right. Fuck, our baby is coming into the world.

"Okay, okay, we need to go, like now," I mutter, pacing back and forth. Looking around, grabbing at her clothes, dressing her then myself.

“Yes. But calm down. We’re okay. We’ll be okay,” Nancy says with a teasing giggle.

carry her out of the house with a pillow because, I don’t know, seemed like she should have a pillow and buckle her into the back seat.

I’m speeding toward the hospital, as her breathing comes faster. She groans and her teasing giggles turn to painful moans.

The tires screech on the emergency entrance of the hospital. I jump out of the car, letting the door open, and get Nancy in my arms again. I rush to the reception area. The nurse looks at me in surprise. Her eyes move from me to Nancy.

“Sir, what’s wrong?” she asks.

“She’s in labor, that’s what. Where is the damn doctors? I need someone to help her. Fucking get someone. Please. Damn It.”

”Calm down daddy.” She says, her hands on my cheeks. “I’m fine, we’re fine.”

I fight the urge to pass out but over the next three hours, everything changes.

I’m practically kicked out of the hospital for yelling at everyone and making what they said were unreasonable demands but eventually, a doctor who was a fan settled things down and Nancy, fucking Nancy was a god damn rock star.

She’s laying there now, baby latched on and the room is quiet. Lights low and I’ve been crying for an hour.

I hung up with her Dad and my mom and let them know Nancy is great, the baby is perfect and I’m a fucking mess.


