Step-Savage (Wanting What’s Wrong #6) Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Sports, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Wanting What's Wrong Series by Dani Wyatt

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 53605 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 268(@200wpm)___ 214(@250wpm)___ 179(@300wpm)

The sofa is a lost cause but I’ll buy her all the things she wants when she picks out her new house. Mom is always down for new furniture, and I’ve got six months to figure that out.

Her body massages my cock in time with the rhythm of my suckling. The softness of her breast around my mouth makes me feel like I’ve come home. I’m someone I wasn’t ten minutes ago. I’m addicted to all of her. Her taste, her smell, her voice, her dreams and every movement of her body.

I could watch her for the rest of my life. She’s given me a comfort I never thought I could have. Feelings I’ve heard of but thought were false hopes spin and grow inside me as my cock takes one last thrust. I roar into the mouthful of her tit and cream inside of her with an explosive climax that has my legs twitching and my hands resting on the sides of her belly, the soft movement under the skin making my eyes burn.

Her breathing comes faster as my orgasm leaves me lust drunk and the milk does the same. I’m in a happy, serotonin-induced haze when I finally come up for air and see her watching me with her own lusty smile.

I explore her belly with my fingers, the roundness there making her more sensual that before. Her tits rest just above the top, dots of milk on the nipples, two of them turning into rivers as they fall onto her belly and I swoop up the milk with my fingers and feed it to her.

“So sweet,” I say, more about her than the milk. The way she draws my fingertips in, I know she’s as needy for what this is between us as I am. “Daddy’s got a new kink, baby. Two. I want you pregnant and leaking for the rest of your life.”

She wilts against my chest. “Maybe I could just get through this baby first. I’m still…” She turns her head toward my neck. “Pretty lost in it all.”

“You’re not lost, baby, because I found you. You’re never going to be lost again. This baby is ours. That’s all. I’m going to light up this fucking town to make you safe and happy. This afternoon, we’re going to look at houses online, but first, I need to get this house totally redone so it’s safe. What if you trip over a cord? Or the power goes out? We need a generator, an intercom system, you need one of those buttons…”

She lifts her head, clearing her throat as I lean forward and tickle her nipple with my tongue. “What… buttons?”

“You know.” I lift my hand between us, squeezing an invisible button. “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.”

She giggles and I feel it all around my dick. So fucking fun. “That’s for old people.”

“Well, it’s for you now. You need that button. And more security. And what vitamins are you on?” I shake my head. “There’s so much to fucking think about.”

I rake my hand over my head as her nipple is pressed to my lips.

“Settle down there, big brother. Just breathe, have a little drink.”

“You’re such a good girl.” I mumble around her tit, taking a long draw of the milk, the spray lessening but I intend to get her production up so she’s filling up the freezer with extra. I want to take it with me when I go on the road.

I pop her nipple from my mouth, guiding her up onto her feet, kissing her belly and putting my ear against it, hands on the sides, listening. “Daddy’s here. A different kind of daddy than I am to your mom, but, confusing as it might be, I’m your father. I’m glad to meet you.”

I look up at her wide eyes. “Boy or girl? Do you know?”

She shakes her head. “No. I thought a surprise would be good. But, I have an ultrasound next week if you want to come.”

“I need to research your doctor. I want to make sure she’s the best.”

“James.” Her hands cup my cheeks. “I like my doctor, she’s the best.”

I grit my teeth. “Fine, but I’m still going to look her up and fuck, yes, I want to be at the ultrasound, I have two weeks before I have to leave, we have so fucking much to do.”

I spin her around, settling her on the sofa, grabbing a blanket and tucking it around her soft body. “You stay there. I’ll make lunch when the groceries come. I’ll get you water, you need to hydrate…”

I stomp off to the kitchen, mumbling to myself, my dick already straining to get at her again. But taking care of her right now is more important.

She’s everything. I’m going to be a father. Have a family.


