Something So Unscripted Read Online Natasha Madison (Something So #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Drama, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Something So Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 84802 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

“Hey,” I say, hanging Zack’s jacket. “Where is everyone?”

“In the playroom,” he says, and I walk to him and kiss him on the cheek. “Where is your partner in crime?” I ask, looking for my niece.

“I just put her down for a nap,” he says, smiling. “Jack, your dad is here.”

“My dad?” We hear him say from somewhere in the house and then hear footsteps running from in the house when he comes around the corner with Michael right behind him. “Daddy,” he says, running into Zack’s arms. He hugs him, and he starts talking so fast we can hardly understand him. I hug Michael and give him a kiss while Jack tells us all about his “bestest night ever.”

Zack just smiles at him and then Jack looks at me. “You came too,” he says, leaning over and coming into my arms to kiss me.

We walk into the kitchen where Allison is sitting at the island. “Hey, guys,” she says, getting up and then sitting back down. “I’m so nauseous,” she says, and I just tilt my head to her. “Don’t even say it.”

“I haven’t said anything,” I tell her, and she grabs a saltine from the counter and eats it.

Jack climbs out of my arms and goes over to Zack and pulls him into the playroom with Michael and Max following them. Allison moves in the chair to look around the wall to make sure the coast is clear.

“Well, aren’t you glowing,” she says, bringing her hand to cup her mouth. “This hot water shit doesn’t help.”

“How far along are you?” I turn and ask her, and she shrugs her shoulders.

“I’m not even late yet,” she says and then, “I’m due to start tomorrow.”

I smile at her. “I’m so happy for you, for Max.” I look down, blinking away tears. “He deserves this.”

She leans into me, hugging me. “You both deserve this.” Her eyes go wide, and she runs away, and I hear her retching down the hall.

Max comes into the room. “What’s the matter?” he asks me.

“You put a bun in her oven,” I tell him, laughing. “Who is going to break the news to Alex?”

“She’ll be fine,” he says, and I know he would climb mountains to make sure she is fine. He comes to sit in the chair that Allison just left, and he turns to me. “You have to stop working so hard,” he tells me. “You need to go out, date. Do something.”

“I am dating,” I tell him. “I actually am really dating this time.”

“Really?” he asks and then nudges me. “Who is it?”

Zack comes back into the kitchen by himself and stands at the island listening to us. “I’m not ready to share that just yet.”

“Is he going to come to casino night this weekend?” he asks, and I just shake my head.

“I’m going solo,” I tell him. “I start working nights this week, so I might be dead on my feet by the time Saturday comes around.”

“Please. You know you will be good to go,” Max says and then Allison returns. “You okay?” I ask her, and she just shakes her head. Max holds his arms open for her, and she leans into him, and he kisses her head. I look up at Zack, who looks at me and smiles. I look down, and the rest of the afternoon is spent with us playing mini sticks with the boys while Allison rests and Alex keeps my brother occupied.

I kiss everyone goodbye and get into the car with Jack and Zack. “What time do you start?” he asks me, and I look over at him, leaning back in the chair.

“Eleven.” I look at him. “Till tomorrow at seven.”

“That must be a tough shift,” he says, reaching over and grabbing my hand. I hold his hand in mine as we make our way to my loft. When we pull in, he looks in the back at Jack who is watching something on the screen. I get out, opening the back door to lean in and kiss Jack. “See you soon, Jack.”

I walk to the back of the truck and see Zack is there, and he takes me in his arms. “I don’t know how long I can keep this up,” he says, leaning in to kiss me. “Not being able to touch you or kiss you or any of that.”

“It’s been a day,” I say while his arms are wrapped around my waist.

“I just don’t like it,” he says, leaning down and kissing me again.

“How about we evaluate it next week after the fundraiser?”

“Fine.” He kisses me, and now I kiss him back. “But I won’t like it.”

“Duly noted.” I kiss him back. “Now, I’d better get going before Jack rolls down the window and asks what we’re doing.”

He kisses me one more time as I walk in the loft doors and watch his car leave. I don’t want to know why I’m feeling this way; it’s too early to have these things racing through my mind. The fact I miss him and just want to get into a cab to go see him when I just saw him ten minutes ago. I wonder what they are doing at home, I wonder if they are sitting on the couch together, and I wonder if they are cuddling. I go about my routine, and when I finally walk into the hospital at ten forty-five, it’s a good distraction.


