Something So Unscripted Read Online Natasha Madison (Something So #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Drama, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Something So Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 84802 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

“I think I came on to Zack,” I blurt out and then close my eyes.

“You think?” she asks. “You either sat on it or you didn’t?”

“Why do you always assume sex?” I ask her, and she just laughs.

“Because, bottom line, it all leads to sex,” she says, “n’est-ce-pas.” Isn’t that right.

“I can’t have sex with him.”

“And why not?” she asks. “Last I checked, and believe me, I checked, he’s all there.”

“Vivienne,” I say loudly, sitting up.

“You said I couldn’t go after him; you never said I couldn’t look,” she points out.

“I never said you couldn’t go after him,” I point out, getting up off the couch and going to my bedroom.

“I believe ripping the phone from my hand was your way of saying back up bitch.” She laughs. “Besides, I think he’s already interested in someone.”

“Really?” I say, and I don’t know why my heart has suddenly crushed as fall into bed.

“Oh, you poor, poor girl,” she says, and I’m not even listening to her. Me touching him was so not okay now. Not that it was before, but now knowing he is with someone. I would never ever touch him knowing he’s dating someone. And then I wonder, why didn’t he tell me he’s dating? Why wasn’t she at dinner? Maybe he doesn’t want to introduce Jack to her just yet. “Are you okay, ma poule?” my girl asks.

“Yeah,” I say quietly, “just thinking about something.”

“Something or someone?” she asks the big question.

“He’s my patient,” I say again. “There is a code and a line I refuse to cross.”

“Then walk away,” she says, and it hurts, it fucking guts me, and I have no idea why. I’ve known him for two weeks, and the mere thought of him not there hurts me physically.

“What if I can’t?” It’s a question that she can’t even answer. Not even all her wit and humor can answer this loaded question.

“Only you can answer that, Ma chere,” my dear, “but answer this. Why is he so different?”

“What do you mean?” I roll over in bed, thinking to myself.

“What makes you want to break the rules for him?” she asks me quietly. “Besides a killer face, perfect cheekbones, and crystal clear blue eyes that you can stare at for days and days getting lost in them. His great arms, tight ass, and massive package. What is it about him that makes you want to cross that line?”

I roll my eyes. “He isn’t that good looking,” I say, and even I know that’s a fucking lie. “I don’t know if I want to cross the line or not.”

“Just the fact that you are thinking about it speaks volumes,” she points out. “You’ve made a lot of people happy doing what you do and being the type of person you are.”

“Aww,” I say out loud, “look at you, loving up on me.”

“What I’m saying is when are you going to decide to make yourself happy instead of just everyone around you?” she says, and I don’t have an answer. I have nothing to say, nothing that will answer her question because I’ve never put my happiness before anything else before. I’ve never had to. “I will leave you with that,” she says. “Bonne nuit.” Good night, she says, and she hangs up. I look at my phone, not sure what to say or what to do, so I do the worst thing possible.

I go online and google Zack Morrow and click images. Lots of pictures of him on the ice, in his gear, some of him celebrating. I scroll down and finally find him with a blond woman. I click the image, and my insides fall because she is the opposite of me. Perfect body, or at least that’s what it looks like in her black skintight dress. He has his hand around her as they both look at the camera. Clicking on the picture, the caption comes up.

Zack Morrow and wife of three years, Chantal Morrow.

“Oh my god,” I say to myself, “that is her after she gave birth. Jesus.” I’m a glutton for punishment because then I google just Chantal Morrow, and bikini shots come up, none of them with Zack. It seems she loves the camera, the duck face, and Botox.

I snap a picture of her and send it to Vivienne, Karrie, and Allison in our group chat.

This is Zack’s ex-wife. Or soon to be.

And then attach the picture. Allison is the first to answer.

Jesus, you can bounce a quarter off that ass.

I laugh, and I don’t have time to reply before Karrie’s answer comes.

She probably never eats carbs, which means she’s hangry.

I knew this is what I needed, so I answer.

But at least she can flaunt it.

I’d rather have a plate of pasta and hold my man close than have what she has. She has so much Botox, one of her eyebrows is higher than the other.


