Shifted Love – Volume 1 Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance, Shape Shifters Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 68126 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 273(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)



2 months later

“Calliope, my love! You were spectacular!”

A growl rumbled in my throat, and I yanked my mate into my side just as Salazar Humphries reached for her. I didn’t give a flying fuck that the man didn’t go for women; I was territorial over mine.

My mate threw me a glare, but it lacked any real anger since she loved it when I got territorial over her. I grinned in response, making her roll her eyes before she turned back to Salazar with a beaming smile. “I hope I made you proud.”

Salazar was Calliope’s investor and besides me and my family, her biggest cheerleader. He was a legend in the fashion world. Tabara was a costume designer for Broadway, and she’d known him for years. When my mother and sisters found out about Calliope’s dream, they made it their mission in life to make it happen. The goal had been to find an investor to sponsor a show at a small-scale fashion house. However, when Trinity saw Calliope’s designs, she’d demanded that Tabara take them straight to Salazar. He’d been blown away, and the next thing we knew, he’d managed to snag her a coveted spot in New York Fashion Week. With the tight timeline, he’d hired an army to help her get ready, and her night had finally arrived.

It had gone off without a hitch, and the smile on her face made all the time I’d had to give up in the past couple of months completely worth it. She was incredible, and I couldn’t have been prouder to be her man.

“You more than delivered, little one! My office phone is already ringing off the hook with potential buyers!” Salazar bounced on his feet and clapped his hands. His boyish excitement made a stark contrast with the older man’s distinguished looks and five-thousand-dollar tailored suit. I turned my head into Calliope’s sunshine hair to muffle my chuckle and earned myself a pinch in the ribs. “We should get started planning for September. You’re going to have to move here of course. I’ll get my assistant to start looking for a house—”

“Salazar,” Calliope cut him off with a tinkling laugh. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Besides, this was a dream come true. For a long time, it was my only dream. Well, the only dream I thought I had any chance of making come true.”

Salazar’s expression fell, clearly sensing by Calliope’s tone that he wouldn’t be happy with what she had to say next.

“But now I want so many other things, and while I intend to keep designing, I think we’ll table another fashion show for long into the future.”

“How long?” Salazar asked with a suspicious gleam in his ice-blue eyes.

Calliope giggled and shook her head, wagging her finger at him. “Stop whatever shenanigans you’re planning right now. I’ll let you know when, or if, I’m ever ready again, okay? Right now, I want to focus on”—she paused and looked up at me through her lashes, pink spots blooming on her cheeks—“having a family.”

I was immediately in pain...from the grin stretching impossibly wide across my face and the steel pipe that instantly formed in my pants. Fuck yeah! Slazar glared at me, to which I gave him a wink before kissing my mate on her temple.

“This isn’t over, my brilliant girl,” he sighed. “I’ll win eventually.” I suppressed a snort, reminding myself that he didn’t understand my Calliope like I did, or how important family was to us.

He gave her an air-kiss on each cheek from a foot away since I wouldn’t let him get any closer. Then he promised to call and spun on his heel to stroll across the room to another one of his pet projects.

I curled my arm around Calliope and steered her into the nearest dark corner before bringing her front flush against mine. I smirked as I stared down into her beautiful, happy face. “You want to get knocked up, huh?”

She blushed and dropped her eyes to my chest. “I could probably be convinced to let you put a little cub in my belly,” she quipped lightly, followed by an adorable giggle.

I let her go so that I could grab her hand and drag her toward the exit to the back lot. But I only got as far as a few steps before she was tugging on my arm to halt me. “We can’t go yet,” she laughed. “For one thing, your family is waiting for us out in the audience!”

Sighing, I altered our direction and headed for the door that led out to the seating area around the runway. “Let’s get this over with,” I muttered. Calliope laughed again, and I felt the sound reverberate through me, sending a tingle straight to my dick. I loved nothing more than seeing my mate happy, especially when that happiness was due to an earth-shattering orgasm. Fuck. I really needed to focus on something besides getting inside my woman. Otherwise, it would only take one look at the bulge in my pants for everyone to know exactly where my mind was at.


