Semper (Stygian Isles #2) Read Online Natalie Bennett

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark Tags Authors: Series: Stygian Isles Series by Natalie Bennett

Total pages in book: 140
Estimated words: 127933 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 640(@200wpm)___ 512(@250wpm)___ 426(@300wpm)

A tall figure stepped forward, bowing low before Diabolus, then turning to face the congregation. I couldn’t see his face due to the mask he wore, but I recognized the name and stature—the cocky man that had been with Alexander at the resort.

“In the name of Impío, Dominion, and Darkness,” Bishop began, his voice low and rhythmic. “Amen.”

The Chapel echoed with the collective murmur of voices repeating after him, "In the name of Impío, Dominion, and Darkness, Amen."

The final word, Amen, rolled off their tongues like an incantation, reverberating through the room with dark power, as though they had sealed themselves in this twisted bond all over again. Bishop's voice filled the air as he began to lead the prayer, the congregation chanting along with him in unison. The words dripped with dark reverence.

"Domine Abyssi, Rex Profanum,

Sub obscuritate coeamus, in umbra peccatorum, filii Impii.

In luxuriam et indulgentiam, tua manus nos ducit, per desideria noctis.

Revela nobis arcana carnalis, ut in tenebris voluptatibus immergamur.

Te imploramus, ut peccata nostra celebramus, et nos ad aeternam luxuriam guidas.

Mundum profanum nobis offer, et dona nobis potestatem super carnes nostras et aliorum.

In nomine Impii, Luxuria et Obscuritas, Amen."

The sound of their voices, laden with conviction, sent a shiver down my spine. Even Seraphine and Selena bowed their heads, reciting the prayer with a reverence that felt almost suffocating.

I shot a glance at Keres, when she muttered under her breath, "Damn, and I thought I was dramatic."

I bit back a nervous laugh, my lips twitching at her comment. The prayer, spoken in a language I didn't understand, swirled around me like a dense fog. Each word felt heavy with meaning I couldn’t grasp. Still, I sensed the darkness woven through every verse. For a moment, I found myself drawn in, the allure of those words pulling at something deep within me, like a whisper I wasn’t supposed to hear but couldn’t resist.

I shook it off, forcing myself to stay anchored to reality, refusing to let the darkness pull me under. The prayer ended, and Alexander's commanding voice cut through the silence. “Rise and be seated,” he ordered, his voice firm yet smooth, like silk draped over a blade.

As one, the congregation responded, “Yes, Diabolus,” their collective voice was a haunting echo that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. In perfect synchrony, they moved back into their pews, their movements eerily coordinated. I glanced over at Seraphine and Selena. They, too, had risen from their kneeling positions.

Selena's eyes lingered on Alexander; a look of forlorn longing etched across her face. It was the same look I had seen before, and now I knew there was a history between them. My stomach twisted at the reminder, a strange cocktail of emotions swirling inside me—jealousy, curiosity, and something I didn’t want to name. Alexander, standing tall and formidable at the front of the Chapel, continued to speak, his deep, cultured voice carrying easily across the room.

"Tonight, we gather not only to strengthen our faith," he began, his tone authoritative, "but also to offer salvation to those who have strayed. The path of darkness requires discipline. It demands obedience." He paused, his golden eyes scanning the room from behind his mask.

"Punishment is not cruelty, but mercy. It is a way to bring those who have faltered back into the fold, to remind them of their place, of their duty."

The congregation murmured in agreement, nodding along as if they were already prepared to accept the harshness of what was to come. Alexander turned slightly, casting a long shadow over the altar. "Tonight, three will be brought forward to receive their penance." The room grew heavier with anticipation as he continued, his voice unwavering. "Their names are as follows," he paused, drawing out the tension, "Nicolette Verran, Cato Thornwell, and Verina Blackmore."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Nicolette’s name.

It felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. Each name fell like a stone, weighty and ominous. The image of Nicolette being punished the other night flickered in my mind, and I couldn’t help but wonder what awaited her now. Keres’ voice broke through the tension like a whip crack, her usual bravado masking what I suspected was genuine concern.

"Isn't she one of your servitors?" she asked, her tone laced with disbelief.

“I don’t know what she is,” I murmured under my breath, my eyes glued to Nicolette as she was brought forward, “but she doesn’t deserve what’s about to happen to her.”

Pandora’s soft voice floated over from beside me, her words filled with resigned sorrow. “We never do.”

Selena’s eyes snapped to mine. “No, Electi, all punishment is just.”

Keres scoffed. “Punishment for what? Breathing too loud? This is bullshit."

Seraphine interjected, her voice calm but firm, like a teacher scolding unruly children. “This is a valuable lesson. You must not stray from your roles. To stray is to invite chaos, and chaos has no place on this Isle.”


