Seducing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #3) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 75770 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)

A shiver courses down my body at their words. I’ve never felt so desired before. Never felt so needed. I’m ready to lead them to the bed, take everything else they have to give when⁠—

Zion kisses my lips. “I have to go.”

“Me too, baby,” Marc says. “We have an early morning.”

An early morning. Of course they do. They both work here. I let out a sigh of disappointment.

The two men dress quickly while I—still naked—watch.

Then they leave. No lingering touch. No “let’s do it again sometime.” No goodbye kiss. No goodbye at all.

They just leave.

And I’m alone in my room.

I’m not sure what I expected. Flowers and a declaration of love? Of course not. I got the attention of two gorgeous guys plus three orgasms. I can’t complain.

But as the door creaks shut behind them, a strange sense of emptiness washes over me. It’s not regret. Not at all. But it’s something. A void left by their absence.

I walk to the closet, grab my short robe, and slip it on. The silence in the room is almost stifling, made even worse by the lingering smell of sex.

I go into the bathroom and check the bandage on my leg. Everything looks fine, so I wash up a little and brush out my hair.

So…now what?

I have no idea where anyone else is. Are June and Misty still in the hot tub? Last time I saw any of them was over an hour ago.

I could go downstairs, see who’s around, but I’m just darned tired. It’s been a day, and my body is spent.

As Scarlett O’Hara herself said, “Tomorrow is another day.”

Still, I feel…

Something’s missing.

I enjoyed my threesome with Marc and Zion, but it doesn’t get me any closer to marrying a billionaire.

Which one is my dream billionaire, the one who is supposed to sweep me off my feet with his wealth and charm? Brett? Alex? Sebastian?

River, who, earlier, I was determined to get to know?

Does it even matter? Because instead of walking on the beach with one of them, I’m lying alone in a room after an encounter with two men who are hardly part of the billionaire club.

I lie back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as I mull over my predicament. My decision to go through with a threesome was not a step toward the life I envisioned for myself, but it was a step away from my inhibitions. It was pushing past my comfort zone and embracing something new and adventurous.

Yet here I am, feeling empty. I can’t shake off this growing sense of loneliness as their scents slowly fade from the room, replaced by a mixture of cool air and silence rippling over me like the waves of the ocean after a storm.

I rise and wander to the window and gaze out into the dark night. The lighting around the mansion illuminates a couple figures walking back from the pool house. They seem to be headed toward the beach.

It’s Emily…and she’s with Misty.

My jaw drops.

What’s going on?

Emily and Misty were paired up for the cook-off. Are they friends now? My window is cracked open, but I can’t hear their hushed tones.

All I know is that seeing Emily and Misty friendly makes me feel lonelier than ever.

I was just starting to feel like I belonged here with all these amazing women and these four handsome and ridiculously rich men.

Now I’m not so sure anymore.




Once our toes hit the sand, Misty turns to me. “Emily, can you keep a secret?”

Right. Here it comes. Will it be more lies or will she truly divulge something of import? I nod, gathering my bearings. “Absolutely. I’m a vault when it comes to secrets, Misty. You can trust me.”

She sighs, looking out to the ocean. “I told you before that I have to figure out my past.”


She turns to me and looks me straight in the eye. “I’m not my parents’ biological child. I was adopted.”

That’s it? That’s her big secret? I hold back a scoff. Does she realize how lucky she is to have been adopted into such a wealthy family?

But I keep all that to myself.

“I see.”

“But let me start somewhere else. My date with River.”

The date that propelled him into my bed. Sure, let’s start there. “All right. Spill it then.”

“I want a chance with River, Emily. River is close to my roots. He still lives in that small Montana town where my birth mother⁠—”

“Wait, wait, wait.” I rub my forehead. “Your birth mother is from Bumfuck, Montana?”

She tilts her head at me. Yeah, I shouldn’t have said bumfuck. Not when the man I may be falling in love with lives there and will never leave.

“Sorry,” I say. “I’m not much of a smalltown girl.”

“No, you’re urban all the way,” Misty agrees. “Just like I always thought I was. But it turns out…”


