Say My Name – A Dark Mafia Romance Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 51
Estimated words: 48087 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 240(@200wpm)___ 192(@250wpm)___ 160(@300wpm)

“You made a big fucking mess on the linen, sweet girl.” He grabbed his napkin and dabbed the corner of his mouth.

I was transfixed at the sight of his tattoos on the back of his hands, his wrists, and forearms. He had the sleeves of his dark button-down rolled up his arms. With my gaze, I traced the intimidating ink that disappeared beneath the material.

He looked into my face for a suspended moment before grabbing his cell, pointing it at my pussy, and snapping a picture.

I made a shocked sound but was too stunned to move or speak.

“Material for the spank bank?” I could hear the outrage in my voice, and he smirked but didn’t respond.

Instead, Matteo ran the pad of his finger over his dessert plate, gathering chocolate frosting, and bringing it to my mouth. “Suck on it like you’ll be doing to my cock soon enough.”

My eyes felt huge as I stared at him. My mouth parted in surprise at his words. He took that as my compliance before he pushed the digit past my lips and ran it over my tongue. The flavor exploded on my taste buds, and I involuntarily did what he said and sucked on his finger.

“Brava bambina.” Good girl. He had murmured those two words, all the while staring at my mouth.

My nipples hurt, the little beads tighter and harder than hell. I was seconds away from begging him to touch me, to ease this burn I felt deep within me.

And I thought he might. I watched as he curled his hands into tight fists, his knuckles white as he kept staring at me. His jaw was locked, a muscle clenching under the dark scruff covering it.

But he rose from the chair and just stood there for a moment looking down at me. I allowed myself to take in his huge, imposing form. I ran my gaze over how he filled out that dark shirt to perfection. His shoulders were so wide and his chest broad enough that it blocked out everything behind him.

And when my gaze landed on the massive erection he sported, I felt more wetness slip from me.

He may not have touched me, but I affected him in the most primal way a woman could a man.

“Go to bed, Liliana.”

Confusion immediately filled me. “You’re…you’re not going to…” I couldn’t actually say the words.

You’re not going to fuck me? You’re going to leave me in this state, so turned on and desperate that I wanted a murderer to fuck me right here on the dining room table?

Maybe he saw my thoughts washing across my face because he took a step toward me.

“So ready for me,” he said deep and low and so damn sexy I couldn’t hold in my moan.

He didn’t wait for me to say anything. I didn’t even think he was looking for some kind of response or reaction.

And then Matteo leaned in, and dragged his tongue over my lips in a possessive, proprietary manner. He tucked himself back in his pants and turned to leave.

I sat there totally naked, staring at his retreating body, and asking myself what in the hell I got myself into.

Chapter 12


I had that dream again. The one where I felt him touch me, felt Matteo dragging his lips and tongue across my face and neck. It felt so good.

He feels so good.

I stretched, my eyes fluttering open as I stared into the darkened room. I could see it was still the middle of the night by the lack of light coming through the crack in the curtains. The bedside clock showed it was just past midnight.

I sat up and pushed the stray hairs that had fallen out of my ponytail from my face. My heart was beating a little faster, and I was slick between my thighs.

The dream had been so vivid although, in my mind’s eye, I couldn’t see much but his big, looming figure hovering over mine. I couldn’t focus on anything but the sensation of his fingers and mouth on me and how I wanted to say fuck it all and let Matteo have his way with me.

I looked around the room, feeling that tightening on the back of my neck as if I weren’t alone. But I saw nothing aside from darkened corners and a lot of emptiness.

After using the restroom, I made my way back to the bed and sat on the edge, but I still felt that tingling on my nape. My breathing picked up as the sensation intensified.

I wasn’t alone. I knew that down to my marrow.

My entire body was tense, and my skin tingled as if ants crawled up and down my body.

“You look beautiful in any light,” the deep, dark voice said from behind me.

I was proud of myself for not moving and for not showing any outward sign that he startled me, that I was a little frightened, or that I was so aroused my inner thighs were slick because of it.


