Rushed – Christopher (The Four #5) Read Online Sloane Kennedy

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Four Series by Sloane Kennedy

Total pages in book: 53
Estimated words: 49669 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 248(@200wpm)___ 199(@250wpm)___ 166(@300wpm)

My hope was that the next round of Christopher’s testing would be the catalyst that brought him back to his family. Even if the news wasn’t good, it was more apparent than ever that Christopher needed to come home.

For real this time.

“Oh, wow,” I heard Christopher say from behind me as he stepped out onto the back porch. “Rush, it’s gorgeous!”

I loved how he immediately came to me and put his arm around me.

“I still need to stain it, but I’ll need you to pick out what color you want. I can also just paint it if you prefer—”

Christopher’s mouth on mine shut me up. Unfortunately, it was over too soon. “What I want is to try it out,” Christopher said, and then he was closing his fingers around mine. He sat gingerly on the gliding bench and smiled when it rocked back and forth just a tiny bit as he sat. I sat down next to him and automatically put my arm around his shoulder.

“It’s perfect,” Christopher whispered.

I’d built the gliding bench after Christopher had mentioned wanting to put some kind of seating on the back porch so we could watch the rabbits frolic or just enjoy the weather. It had taken me four days of nearly nonstop work, but I’d pulled it off, and I’d even managed to surprise Christopher with it. He’d assumed I’d been working on some shelving in the garage. While Christopher’s tool kit had been a little on the sparse side (three screwdrivers and a hammer), thankfully, I’d had all of my father’s tools in storage, so it had just been a matter of getting everything set up in the garage.

As I leaned back against the bench, I used my boot to get it moving. Christopher’s hand came up to cover the one I had on his shoulder. I could feel the stitches against my own skin.

“How’s this feeling?” I asked as I turned my hand a bit so we could twine our fingers together.

“Good,” Christopher said with a nod. “Dr. Kleinman said she’ll take the stitches out when I go in for the results.”

“When we go in,” I corrected.


“We’re not having this conversation again,” I interrupted. “I’m coming with you, and that’s that. I know you can keep me from coming in the room with you, but I’ll be parked in the waiting room, and the second we’re in my truck, you will tell me everything.” I lightened my statement by adding, “You don’t want to test my powers of persuasion, Christopher.”

Christopher chuckled and dropped his head to my shoulder.

“I heard you talking to Uncle King this morning,” Christopher said softly. “I wasn’t eavesdropping or anything, I was just coming downstairs to get something to drink—”

“It’s okay, I heard you on the stairs. I was going to tell you about it tonight over dinner. No secrets, right?”

Christopher nodded. “You turned down a job, didn’t you? For me. You told Uncle King you had to go to Colorado to deal with some estate stuff.”

I sighed. “Yes, I turned down a job, but King has plenty of men and women on his team who can handle that kind of job. Since he’s joined forces with that Ronan guy’s team, our resources are pretty much limitless now. I think he was offering it to me because he probably thought I miss being in the field.”

“Do you?” Christopher asked.

I gave the question some thought and was surprised by the answer. “No, I don’t actually.”

It was the absolute truth. In the past, I couldn’t wait to get the call from King that there was a job, but I hadn’t missed the boots on the ground stuff at all in the week I’d spent with Christopher.

“I didn’t want this,” Christopher murmured, pulling me from my thoughts.

“What?” I asked.

“For you to lie to him, to anyone, to protect me.”

“You come first, Christopher. Always. I know we’ve kind of put a pin in it when comes to our relationship and me telling you how I feel about you, but no matter what happens, you will always come first. Do you hear me?”

Christopher nodded and then pressed his entire body against mine. I automatically enfolded him in my arms.



“How do I take it out?”

I stilled. I knew in my gut what he was talking about, but I had to be sure he did too. “Take what out, sweetheart?”

Christopher sat up. He shifted so he was sitting sideways on the bench. I did the same so we could face one another.

“I don’t want my life to be on hold anymore. No matter what the results are, I want to live my life. I want to live it with you, Rush, but I know it’s a lot to ask—”

I didn’t let him finish. I snaked my hand around the back of his neck and slashed my mouth over his. Christopher squeaked in surprise, but then he was eagerly kissing me back. His tongue swept into my mouth, seeking control. I gave it to him. Although we hadn’t done more than kiss since that first morning when he’d given me the privilege of being the first one to taste the lush beauty of his mouth, he kissed me like he’d been doing it forever. There was no hesitation, no fear, no confusion. It was just Christopher. The real Christopher.


