Romeo (Blood Fury MC #12.5) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, Forbidden, MC Tags Authors: Series: Blood Fury MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 115186 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)

Romeo kept his tone low and steady. “Gonna only say this once, brother… Get the fuck off me. You know fuckin’ better than to put your goddamn hands on your prez.”

As soon as Magnum’s grip loosened enough for Romeo to push his hand away, he slipped to the side so his back was no longer pinned against the door. Being caged in was never a good position to be in.

By a fellow Knight or not.

“Maddie just asked you not to say shit, so who’s gonna tell the Fury? You? Says a fuckin’ lot about your fuckin’ loyalty to your club and your prez.”

Magnum’s jaw shifted and he jabbed a finger in Romeo’s direction. “Don’t you ever question my loyalty to this fuckin’ club. Been a member since before you were in goddamn diapers.”

That might be true, but Romeo wasn’t about to do the math.

“Tryin’ to protect her and our fuckin’ club, asshole. And if you wanna go there, also tryin’ to protect you. Shade’s gonna show up in the dead of goddamn night, slice your fuckin’ throat, then my ass is gonna have to retaliate. That’s gonna cause a fuckin’ war. All ‘cause you couldn’t keep your fuckin’ dick in your pants. Plenty of fuckin’ pussy out there without havin’ to wet your dick in that one.” He tipped his bald head in the direction Maddie drove away.

“She came to me.” At least the first time. And second. His enforcer didn’t need to know about the rest.

“Don’t give a fuck. There’s a goddamn word that’s only got two letters in it. Don’t take much fuckin’ effort to say it, even for a simple fuck like you. If she was lookin’ for dick, you coulda told her no and sent her on her fuckin’ way. But of course, you saw an easy opportunity to get laid and jumped on it.”

“Ain’t like that.”

Magnum’s eyebrows shot up his forehead. “No? You didn’t take advantage of an easy target?”

“Don’t think she’d appreciate you callin’ her easy.”

This time Magnum’s finger jabbed him in the chest. Hard. “You’re the easy one, dumbass, not her. You jumped on a goddamn opportunity you should’ve turned a fuckin’ blind eye to.”

“Have you seen her?” Damn it. He kept digging his own hole deeper every time his opened his trap.

“Used the wrong goddamn head, Rome. In the future, you got no choice but to say no. She shows up again, tell her no. Try it.”

Magnum was not his goddamn babysitter. He wasn’t Maddie’s, either. “No.”

“See? Ain’t so hard. Unlike your dick.”

“Was sayin’ no to you, brother.”

Magnum pursed his lips as he stared at him.

Romeo did not like that stare. “Got shit to do.”

Magnum slapped a hand across Romeo’s chest, stopping him from heading back inside. “You want her to wear your fuckin’ cut?”


“See? You keep provin’ you know how to use that fuckin’ word. Here’s the deal… You ain’t willin’ to scrape her off, then your ass better head north and have a meet with Trip. Then once you got his approval, you have a sit down with Shade. Or do it the other way ‘round. Ask Shade first before you embarrass your Black ass in front of the Fury’s exec committee when they tell you to fuck off.”

“Just fuckin’ said I ain’t lookin’ to fill that spot on the back of my damn sled. Your old ass must be hard of hearin’.”

“Heard you just fuckin’ fine. You know what to fuckin’ do, so do it.” He tipped his ear forward with his finger. “What was that word?”

“Fuck off.”

“That’ll work, too.”

“Again, that was for you. Not her.”

“Messin’ with a good thing, Rome. Told you not to fuck it up. You’re hell bent on doin’ that.”

“Makin’ this a bigger deal than it is.”

“You stickin’ your dick in the property of another club is a…” Magnum leaned in until they were almost nose-to-nose. He ground out, “Big. Fuckin’. Deal.” He straightened. “Thought you were smarter than that. Now I know I was fuckin’ wrong.”

Ouch. “How much of a big fuckin’ deal was it when you did it?”

When Magnum turned his head away, Romeo could see the man’s jaw working. But he did have to agree with his brother. He’d been stupid.

Unfortunately, the result of that was, as soon as he was done fucking Maddie, he was ready to do it again. And again. Never in his goddamn life did he have an itch he couldn’t scratch. That was what it felt like with her. He got the itch to fuck her and once he did, he felt relieved. But every damn time that itch came back with a fucking vengeance.

Even worse, and so fucking unlike him, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was on his mind constantly, whether she was with him or not. He swore it was turning into some sort of sickness or something. Like a virus he couldn’t kick.


