Romeo (Blood Fury MC #12.5) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, Forbidden, MC Tags Authors: Series: Blood Fury MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 115186 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)

Then he settled in for the next hour.

Only, it turned out he needed less than five minutes.

But no one had to know that.

Chapter Five

Trip’s deep voice filled Romeo’s ear. “There’s a reason we didn’t give you a heads up, Rome.”

“And that reason is?”

“You really gotta fuckin’ ask?”

Did they actually know or only suspect? Or was the Blood Fury president just shooting blanks?

He couldn’t imagine that Maddie had told anyone about what happened.

“Stay away from her.”

Too late.

“She ain’t for you, brother.”

Should he be offended? He felt like he should be fucking offended. Time to do a clap-back. “Wouldn’t blame you if you’re savin’ that sweet, young thing for yourself.”

He knew that wasn’t true. He’d witnessed the connection the Fury president had with his ol’ lady. That man didn’t have eyes for anyone other than Stella, his wife and mother of his two sons.

Some bikers he knew might not be loyal, but Trip wasn’t one of them.


“Gonna end this conversation now. If we don’t, it could fuck up our clubs’ alliance.”

“How would it get fucked up?”

“When you do.”

Damn. “Why the fuck would I get fucked up?” This conversation was not going as planned.

“By tryin’ to get with our girl.”

“Your girl,” Romeo murmured into the phone.

“Wears our colors. Under our protection.”

“When I ran into her last night, she wasn’t wearin’ anyone’s colors.” Fact.

“Then, you’re fuckin’ blind.”

“Could see her just fine.” And how fine she looked.

“Pretend you can’t.”

For fuck’s sake. He was hoping Trip would tell him to look after Maddie, not stay away from her. That kind of put a kink in his plan.

“Look, was reachin’ out ‘cause our clubs are supposed to have each other’s backs. Had no fuckin’ clue she was livin’ down here. If you didn’t wanna tell me, you shoulda shared that info with Magnum, at least.”

“Magnum knew.”

Hold up…

“Told him not to tell you.”

Now Romeo’s blood pressure was spiking. “Why?”

“‘Cause you got a reputation, Romeo. No, ain’t a fuckin’ reputation, it’s reality. You stick your dick into anything. But let me clue you in… Ain’t gonna be stickin’ it in her.”

Romeo muttered, “Such goddamn disrespect.”

“Am I wrong? Think it didn’t go unnoticed when you were sniffin’ ‘round her every damn time we had a gatherin’ you were at? Think we didn’t hear those inquiries about her whereabouts when she wasn’t there?”

Shit. Had it been that obvious? He thought he’d been slick about it.

“Think we don’t know how you earned your goddamn road name?”

Romeo was batting a thousand here.

“Not hearin’ your answers,” Trip prodded.

Because Romeo didn’t have any.

He couldn’t deny it. It was all true. “Called to help a brother out and all I get is this bullshit.”

“Tell me, why do you give a shit that Maddie’s down there?”

“Like I said, was tryin’ to do our part since we’re allies. That’s it. Don’t gotta read anythin’ more into it.”

Silence filled Romeo’s ear. He didn’t take that as Trip realizing Romeo was right, but as the Fury prez trying to avoid pissing off another club’s prez even more.

Between the clubs, Trip’s hair-trigger temper was as well-known as Romeo’s quest to put so many notches in his bedpost, nothing would be left except a pile of sawdust.

He wiped his grin away with his hand as if Trip could see it. “All right… Figured I’d help a brother out but can see my efforts ain’t appreciated.”

“If I believed you had good intentions, Romeo, I would appreciate it. But like I said, Magnum got a heads up.”

He was going to have a little discussion with his enforcer. Especially after he lied and told Romeo he didn’t know. The fucker wasn’t supposed to keep secrets about shit like that. At the minimum, that info should’ve been shared in an exec committee meeting.

“Guessin’ that means if anyone from the Knights moves north, you expect me to contact Judge ‘steada you?” Judge was the Fury’s sergeant at arms.

Once again silence hit his ears.

Yeah, just like he fucking thought. Trip only bypassed him to keep Romeo in the dark about Maddie.

Finally, Trip said, “On the rare chance that happens, got no problem with you reachin’ out to Judge.”

Bullshit. “Got it.” He was so fucking done with this conversation. “Have a good one.”

“You, too, Rome. And don’t worry about Maddie. We got it covered.”

Romeo ended the call and stared at his phone.

Good thing the alliance was formed long before Romeo became president, otherwise, there wouldn’t be one.

Not after that fucking phone call.

But he still had one more fucking bone to pick. This time it was with one of his own.

“You said you didn’t fuckin’ know.”

Magnum grunted and pushed past Romeo.

“You kept shit from your goddamn president.”

Magnum didn’t even grunt this time, he ignored Romeo and kept moving. Romeo followed right on the big man’s heels.

“Had a little convo with Trip and he said he told you she was livin’ down here.”


