Revived Read Online Kora Knight (Dungeon Black Duology #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Dungeon Black Duology Series by Kora Knight

Total pages in book: 166
Estimated words: 161257 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 806(@200wpm)___ 645(@250wpm)___ 538(@300wpm)

Sean barked out a laugh. Shit made more sense now. “Well, it’s about fucking time.” Jonah chuckled a little, too, and flipped him off. Sean simmered back down. “You use protection?”

Instant mood shift.

Jonah’s shoulders slumped. “No, because that’s pretty much the furthest we got.”

Sean stilled. “What do you mean? Did the fan mob find you or something?”

“No. Which is what I don’t understand. We were really getting into it. Hell, he was just as hard as me. And fuck, dude, the crazy-hot shit he was saying…” Jonah squeezed his junk, a quiet groan escaping. “Made me wanna fuck so goddamn friggin’ bad. And we were about to. We were. No fucking question. He went for my fly and I totally let him. And then his hands were down the back of my pants, clutching my bare fucking ass.”

Damn. If Joe’s story didn’t wrap up soon, Sean was going to get a boner, too. “So… I don’t understand… Why didn’t you two…?”

Jonah frowned and shrugged again. “I dunno. That’s the million-dollar question. We were both so into it. God, we couldn’t stop kissing. But outta nowhere, he just pulled back and… stared at me.”

Wait, what? Sean’s brows scrunched. Shit was back to not making sense. “He just stopped?”

“He just stopped.”

“Didn’t ask for a blowjob or anything?”

Jonah scowled. “Seriously, Sean. You’re making me feel worse.”

Sean scratched his head, glancing away in thought. Had Jonah done something, said something, that turned Ledger off? Sean looked back at his friend. “So, that’s it? No dice? You both just kinda went your separate ways?”

“No. That’s the thing.” Joe shook his head, perplexed. “He definitely wants to hang out again. Hell, he dug my phone outta my pocket and programmed his number in it. Then he made me do the same thing with his.” Joe’s warm gaze hooded. “Then he leaned in and bit my lip… When I cussed, he just laughed and started sucking it.” Jonah smiled, eyes drifting. “Then he walked me back inside… with his finger hooked in my wrist band the whole way. Told me to text him. So I did. He got back to me. We did some casual back and forth... Talked about meeting up again…” Jonah looked at Sean. “So, that’s a good sign, yeah?”

Sean nodded, genuinely surprised. Never once had Ledger ever asked Sean for his number. Not even after that one time they fucked. Granted, Sean had told him that he didn’t do seconds, at least not where fucking was concerned. Didn’t stop the guy from offering on a regular basis, anyway, but never once did he ask for Sean’s digits. Which, honestly, Sean hadn’t thought much of at the time. After all, Ledger was pretty much a local celebrity whom Sean highly doubted maintained contact with all his conquests. But who knew, maybe Sean had pegged him wrong…

Sean nearly laughed. No fucking way.

Meaning Sean was just a dumbfounded as Jonah. What was Ledger up to? He better not be playing games. Sean looked at his friend. Such a nice, stand-up guy who just wanted a little excitement in his life. Thing was, to those who took the time to actually see him, Joe’s inexperience gave him quite the appeal. Innocent allure, so eager and untainted. Like a tiger cub among big, hungry lions. Ledger better not be playing with his food. Needed to just get with Joe if that’s what they wanted, then back the fuck off and leave Joe be. Wasn’t like Jonah wanted more from the guy. He may be inexperienced, but he wasn’t stupid; knew that guys like Ledger didn’t do relationships.

Jonah stared at him. “You’re lying. I can see it in your eyes. You don’t think it’s a good sign at all.”

“No, it’s not that.” Sean shoved a lock of hair behind his ear. “Ledger’s just a tough one to really know for sure.”

Jonah frowned again. “What do you mean?”

Sean shrugged. “I dunno. From what I’ve seen of the guy, either he’s interested or he’s not. And when he’s interested, he pretty much goes after it and takes. Or gives. Whichever way you choose to look at it.” He slid Joe a cheeky grin. Jonah smirked and rolled his eyes. “But he doesn’t typically pussyfoot around. Doesn’t have that kind of attention span. Which is kinda understandable, since he’s literally got a line of people always waiting in the wings, ready and willing to put out.

“That being said, no matter how things go with partners, Ledger doesn’t ever date. And he definitely doesn’t ever give out his number. Told me he made that mistake in the past and ended up having to get a new one.” Sean looked at Jonah curiously. “So, I really don’t know what to make of this shit with you. If he was interested, he would’ve had his way with you, no question. But he didn’t, which would naturally lead one to believe he really wasn’t interested. But then why invite you out to his ride in the first place? Or give you his off-limits number?”


