Revived Read Online Kora Knight (Dungeon Black Duology #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Dungeon Black Duology Series by Kora Knight

Total pages in book: 166
Estimated words: 161257 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 806(@200wpm)___ 645(@250wpm)___ 538(@300wpm)

Sean nodded and tried to hug him. “It’s okay, Max. It’s okay.”

But Max held him at arm’s length, still visibly rattled. “No… If you touch me... I’ll lose it, Sean. I’ll fucking lose it.”

God, he was still trembling. Sean could feel it where Max gripped him. Which only made Sean ache to hug him more. But he knew Max wouldn’t allow it. That it might even make things worse. So, he nodded instead and offered an alternative. “Okay. I won’t touch you. But only if you come with me. Somewhere away from here. Where we can talk.”

Max grimaced and shook his head. “Sean—”

“Please, Max. Just to talk. You’re a wreck, and honestly, I kind of am, too.” Sean shot Kai a “no offense” look. Kai just smiled. Good. Still not mad. Sean turned back to Max. “I need this. You need this. Please, Max. Let’s just go.”

* *

“So, right now…. downstairs… Kai and Sean are… Seriously??” Looking unsettled, Breck glanced from Scott to Tad as the three of them sat drinking in the kitchen.

Tad shrugged a little and nodded. “Yeah, pretty much. And for the record, I think it’s a mistake.”

Scott, however, was undecided. When he’d let Sean in earlier, he was pretty sure he detected something. Something in Sean’s eyes. In his demeanor. In his tone. Nervousness, sure. Reservations, absolutely. But there was something else there, too, that gave Scott pause. A feeling that Sean had come there with a purpose. With an endgame. To accomplish something other than just meeting his new Dom.

Of course, Scott could only speculate what that endgame was, but he had a sneaking suspicion it’d be coming to light soon. Fingers crossed that Sean’s intentions were in the right place. He’d looked pretty pissed the last time Scott saw him.

Sighing, Scott took another swig of his Hefeweizen, the unfiltered wheat beer doing little to settle his nerves. “I’m sure shit’ll be fine. Tonight’s just ensuring a smooth transition.”

Breck eyed him pensively, taking a sip of his beer, too. “Smooth transition. Nice way of putting it.”

“Would you rather I be more explicit?”

Breck shifted on his stool. “No.”

“Yeah. That makes two of us.” Tad tipped up his longneck.

Scott’s lips curved. “Sorry, babe. Whether you like it or not, you’re gonna be getting a lot of explicit as soon as they’re finished.”

Breck stilled, eyes widening.

Tad choked on his beer. “Dude,” he laughed, coughing. His face flushed red. “You can’t say shit like that when I’m drinking.”

Scott chuckled with a shrug. “Just giving you a heads up. Once they’re done downstairs, I’ll be taking your ass to the dungeon.”

Tad’s cheeks flushed hotter. He glanced at Breck sheepishly. “He’s joking. Just playing.”

Scott laughed. “No, I’m not.”

Tad shot him a look. “I’m gonna maim you.”

Breck coughed a little chuckle. “Relax, Mitchel. Fuck. I’d be using that shit, too, if the opportunity arose. Nothing wrong with a little bit of nasty.”

Tad froze and stared at him.

Scott did as well.

Breck’s smile evaporated. He awkwardly glanced between them. “With a chick,” he clarified. “A little nasty with a chick.”

Tad and Scott swapped looks, brows rising in unison.

Breck scowled. “What?”

Tad shook his head and laughed. “Dude, the chick part was a total given. It was the “little bit of nasty” that surprised me.”

“Oh.” Breck cleared his throat. Rubbed his buzz cut. Downed more beer.

Scott studied him discreetly, making another note. Not only had Breck appeared less than happy about Kai and Sean, but now seemed compelled to make clear his sexual orientation.


Scott took another swig and glanced at his watch. Thirty more minutes until the playroom was free. God, he couldn’t wait, even though it’d only been two days. In his defense, when Tad came for his first sleepover last weekend, they only had a go in Max’s dungeon once. Meaning they had only had a chance to try out one new device, and there was still another Scott was dying to get his man on.

His dick started to harden at the mere fucking thought. But before he could slide Tad a heated look, the sound of footsteps ascending the stairwell reached the kitchen.

Scott looked toward the sound. So did Tad and Breck. Were they done already? That didn’t make sense. It’d barely been a half hour since they went down.

The door swung open. All three men emerged, each one wearing a very different expression. Sean, a little frazzled but not necessarily sad. Kai, oddly satisfied, but on the down low. Max, however, looked like he’d just had a breakdown—and if he wasn’t careful, might even have another.

Scott stiffened in concern. “Everything cool? You’re done early.”

Sean straightened his beanie and glanced at Max.

Kai offered up a tiny little smile.

“Yeah,” Max muttered. “And now we’re leaving.”

“Leaving?” Scott frowned. Tad looked equally confused.

Max trudged toward the foyer. “Don’t wait up.”

“But…” Scott didn’t like this. Max looked like royal shit.


