Reckless Truths – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Biker, Mafia, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 132332 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 662(@200wpm)___ 529(@250wpm)___ 441(@300wpm)

“It’s already morning,’’ Wrath says.

“First,” Rock’s tone captures our attention, “Merlin’s an overnight guest.”

“I explained house rules to him,” Wrath says. “But everyone keep an eye on the girls around him. That includes June.”

“That the skinny black-haired chick Swan brought in?” Sparky asks.

“Yes.” Rock rubs his forehead. “Keep an eye on June too. I don’t completely trust her.”

“You thinking we should give her some cash and send her on her way?” Z asks. “Maybe some airfare to the other side of the country?”


“Trinity’s going to suss her out, get a feel for where her head’s at,” Wrath says.

“Trin has a knack for that.” Murphy nods. “Good idea.”

“She’s basically our enforcer for the ol’ ladies,” Dex adds.

Rock ducks his head, shoulders shaking for a second. When he faces us again, he’s completely serious. “Yes.”

“So, is this shit with South of Satan done?” Bricks asks.

“For now, yes.” Rock drums his fingers against the table. “Their old prez and half that charter’s in prison. Doubt the prez will give a shit about the ones who disappeared tonight. Whitey’s the one who ousted the old president. Sticks is the one who ratted out his club to the Feds…” Rock shrugs.

“We did them a favor,” Jigsaw says.

“I don’t know if they’ll see it quite that way,” Grinder says. “Best to keep tonight’s events to ourselves.”

“Merlin sure as fuck ain’t gonna tell anyone,” Z says.

“Holy shit.” Jigsaw squeezes his eyes shut and rocks sideways in his chair. “Mind fucking blown when June said she never even fucked him.”

“Yeah…the look on his face.” Dex shakes his head. “Almost felt bad for him.”

“I didn’t,” I grumble. “She looks like she’s barely out of high school.”

“How much you think Whitey shook him down for?” Murphy asks.

“Who gives a fuck?” Wrath dismisses the question with a wave of his hand. “He deserves it for being stupid.”

“Amen to that,” I mutter.



Things mostly go back to normal after the night Carter was abducted. He stays close to our property or spends time at the clubhouse. Bronze told him to come back to the tattoo shop whenever he’s ready.

I finally got Murphy’s adoption on the calendar and this morning we went to court. Marcel, Rock, and Hope joined us to watch Murphy formally adopt Alexa.

I couldn’t stop throwing up before court. Not from nerves. I knew our case would go smoothly.

“Well, you were right.” I step out of the bathroom staring at the stick in my hands, afraid if I look away the result will change.

“I told you,” Marcel says, but there’s nothing smug about the intensity on his face. “It would happen when we were ready.”

He grasps my free hand and pulls me closer. “Are you happy?”

“I’m scared,” I whisper.


The corners of my mouth quirk up. That’s my man. Blunt and to the point.

“Do you want to tell everyone tonight?” he asks.

“No, tonight’s about celebrating the O’Callaghan clan.” Murphy is such a proud dad, he deserves a night to celebrate the commitment he’s made to his girls. “Your sister already suspects, but I’d still like to wait until I’m farther along to make any announcements.”

“Can we move the wedding date up, though?” he asks.

“Yes, absolutely.” I curl my hand over the back of his neck. “I can’t wait to marry my handsome king.”

His expression softens and he runs his fingers through my hair. “Are you sure you still want to do it in the backyard?”

“This is our home, I can’t think of a better place to pledge our lives to each other.”

His gaze shifts. Was pledge our lives too formal?

“Do you think the name change will be finalized soon?” he asks.

Shoot, I should’ve realized that’s what he’s concerned about. “Don’t be mad, but I asked Mara if she could help me speed it up.”

“You did?” His teal-blue eyes widen and he cocks his head. “Why would I be mad?”

“I wasn’t sure you wanted me to spread your personal business around to my colleagues.”

“I don’t care. I like Mara and she would’ve found out at the wedding anyway.”

“Good.” My stomach rumbles and I press my hand over it to muffle the obnoxious sound.

“Are you sick?” Concern darkens Marcel’s eyes.

“No. Hungry.”

He releases a relieved breath. “That, I can fix.” He curls his warm hand around mine and we head downstairs to the kitchen.

I sit at the kitchen table and Marcel sets a glass of water in front of me. “Thanks.”

“What do you feel like?” he asks, peering into the refrigerator.

“I don’t know.”

My phone vibrates from its stand and I cross the kitchen to see what it is.

Uncle C: Who’s walking you down the aisle?

Not you. My thumb hovers over the send button, then quickly hits backspace until the letters disappear. I resist further temptation to respond by setting my phone on the counter facedown.

Ugh, I don’t need this today. I only want to celebrate good things for our family, not dwell on the bad.


