Rebellion – Cavan Gang Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Crime, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 68102 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 272(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

“Yeah? I don’t think it’s working, considering you almost died! If he didn’t need you for the call to Rogan, I think he would have finished the job. Please, Miller. Be careful.”

“Okay. I hear you. I can’t believe you pretended to date that ass.”

“Sometimes we have to go through hell to protect family,” Sofia replied.

Oleg was rattled.

It couldn’t be a good thing.

He’d just gotten off the phone with Rogan. And she’d only heard bits from his side of the conversation.

What was going on?

“I call him back. Tell him he got thirty minute to get here,” Oleg said.

“Shouldn’t we ask Arnie?” Pavel asked, sounding nervous.

It was clear that Arnie was really the one running the show. Only where was he?

“I am in charge!” Oleg growled. “I say what happen. He have twenty minute to get here, or the girl dies.” He swung his gaze from Miller to her. “Not you, though, Sofia. I have plans for you.”

Yay her.

Sofia glanced up the moment there was movement. She caught Pavel and Anton moving out of the room.

Her gaze met Miller’s.

Was Rogan here?

Just as she thought that the man in question entered the room.

Shit. Part of her hadn’t even been sure that he’d turn up. But she should have known better; Rogan would do anything for Miller.

The way his gaze went immediately to Miller when he walked in melted Sofia’s heart.

She wanted someone to look at her like that. To see her as their whole world. Then Colm stepped in behind him.

But he didn’t look at her like she was his world. Why would she expect that? She couldn’t.

No, he stared at her like he was both angry at her yet wanted to possess her. As though she was his and she’d done some grievous harm . . . to herself.

He looked like he couldn’t decide whether to punish her or kiss her.

But what right did he have to be angry at her?

For getting kidnapped? Hell, did he think she’d wanted any of this?

“MacGuire, pleased you could join party.” Oleg stepped forward. He had a slimy smile on his face. As though he’d thought he had already won.

But he was vastly underestimating Rogan.

At least, she hoped he was.

She hoped MacGuire had a secret plan to get them all out of this horrible place. Alive.

Rogan let out a low growl that made her shiver, his hands clenching into fists as he stepped forward.

“Rogan,” Miller cried, running her eyes over the other man.

Yeah. Sofia really wished she could have that one day. Her gaze returned to Colm, but she didn’t dare look up and into his face. She couldn’t bear it if he wouldn’t even look at her.

She just wanted to be his with an urgency that made her feel ill. But she didn’t even know if she was going to survive tonight.

“Let’s get this done,” Rogan demanded. He pointed at Sofia. “What are you doing with her?”

“Oh, she special present for me. You don’t worry about lovely Sofia.” Oleg ran his fingers down her cheek as she shuddered, leaning away from him as much as she could.

Did someone just growl?

It was so low and quiet that she couldn’t figure out where it had come from.

“Give her to us as well and I’ll double your money. One million dollars.”

They’d only asked for half a million dollars for Miller? Wow. What planet was Oleg living on?

Oleg eyed Rogan. “Two million.”

“Fine,” Rogan replied. He gestured to Colm, who placed the laptop on the table.

“Untie her,” Colm growled, pointing to Sofia.

Oleg nodded over at Anton, who undid her ties.

Was he really giving her up this easily? No, this was a trick. He intended to kill Rogan.

She opened her mouth as Anton pulled her up roughly and shoved her at Miller.

Suddenly, the room went pitch black. She let out a cry that she quickly muffled. A gun fired and Miller grabbed her, pulling her down onto the floor with her.

Pain shot up her back, but she ignored it. She’d already strained something when she was tied up.

There were worse things going on than her sore back.

Oh God.

Oh God.

What was happening? Was Colm all right? Was he hurt? Who had fired that gun? Someone grabbed them and she cried out, lashing out at him in fury. Their attacker let out a grunt of pain before being ripped away from them.

Then, as quickly as they’d gone off, the lights came back on. Sofia glanced around, panting heavily, feeling like she was in shock.

Oleg lay on the ground with Rogan standing over him, a knife to his throat. Colm had Anton and Pavel on the floor, his gun aimed at them.

She ran her gaze over Colm, trying to see if he was injured.

But he appeared unharmed.

Thank you, God.

“Get on your stomach,” Colm growled at Anton and Pavel, who looked worse for wear. “Sofia, Miller, stand over there.”


