Rebellion – Cavan Gang Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Crime, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 68102 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 341(@200wpm)___ 272(@250wpm)___ 227(@300wpm)

He stepped back and she could finally take in several deep gasps of air. That was when she noticed that he had her phone in his hand.

Who was he calling?


How had he even gotten into her house and gotten her out? He had to have had help, which meant that one of Sacha’s men had betrayed him.

He was going to be so angry. Sofia had to find a way out of this mess. But she couldn’t see how with her hands tightly tied in front of her and her feet secured to the legs of the chair.

“Quiet now,” he told her. “We don’t want to scare Ms. Toresso.”

Miller? He was calling Miller? Why was Oleg suddenly interested in her?

Sofia guessed that it could only be because of her connection to Rogan.

Suddenly, someone walked in behind her and a hand was slipped over her mouth. She couldn’t see the person, which only added to her terror.

Who else was there?

“This isn’t Sofia,” Oleg suddenly said into the phone. “Although she close by. Are you alone? Think careful before you answer.”

Oh God. What was he planning?

She tried to scream at Miller from behind the hand. But it was no use. Finally, she drew her head back, giving her enough space to bite down on the hand.

God. It was so gross. Salty and disgusting.

The man behind her let out a muffled curse, dropping his hand away.

“Don’t do it, Miller! Don’t listen to—” Sofia’s voice broke off with a scream as the hand returned to her mouth. Only this time, the person squeezed harder, bringing tears of pain to her eyes.


What was happening?

“Miller,” Oleg said slimily. “You listen good unless you want me to hurt your friend.”

Suddenly, the guy removed his hand and, grabbing her hair, tugged it back hard. The pain was immediate and made her cry out.

“A car is outside for you to sneak out and get in. It going to bring you to me. You tell anyone and she die. You understand?” Oleg warned.

Tears ran down Sofia’s cheeks. But that hand was back over her mouth, keeping her quiet.

Don’t do it, Miller. Don’t come for me.

I’m not worth it.

“Get in car. You got three minute. Time tick away.”


Sofia didn’t know how long it was until Miller arrived with a large, heavily tattooed man behind her.

Who was he?

Both Anton and Pavel were here. Pavel had held his disgusting hand over her mouth.

While she wasn’t fully surprised, it still felt like a betrayal. These were men she’d worked with, who she’d watched out for as the owner of Solnyshko. And while they’d never been particularly friendly, other than the other day, she’d never felt threatened by them.

But that had all been blown out of the water.

The man behind Miller was new to her, though. And she would have remembered him if she’d seen him before.

A tattoo of a spider web covered his face, and from his left cheek, a giant spider climbed up the web.

He prodded Miller into the room where Sofia sat, watching the other woman fearfully.

She could feel Oleg standing behind her.

No doubt he had a hateful look on his face. To her credit, Miller didn’t look afraid. She kept her shoulders back as she glared at Oleg.

He placed his hands on Sofia’s shoulders and she flinched in reaction.

Please don’t let him hurt Miller.

For some reason, the man with Sofia scared her even more than Oleg. He was staring at Miller like he’d enjoy taking her apart.

Piece by piece.

She whimpered and his gaze shot to hers. A cold smile filled his face.

Oh, that wasn’t at all reassuring.

“Miller, so glad you join us,” Oleg said as though he was hosting her for high tea or something.

“Didn’t think I had much of a choice.” Miller’s gaze darted around the room. Sofia had already memorized the room. It had a few chairs and a small plastic table that held a half-empty bottle of whiskey, cigarettes, and a few bags of white stuff—most likely cocaine.

“You know most people here,” Oleg added. “Oh, except my friend behind you. His name is Arnie.”


Had she ever heard of an Arnie? If she had, she couldn’t remember. It wasn’t like Sacha ever kept her in the loop with the ins and outs of the family business anyway.

She was starting to see that maybe that was a big mistake.

Ignorance wasn’t always bliss.

“Arnie isn’t a very Russian name,” Miller commented.

“He not Russian. He is member of Seven Sinners. We have mutual goals. We both want your old man dead.”

Miller’s old man? Did they mean her dad, or were they talking about Rogan?

It had to be Rogan, right?

Seven Sinners? Oleg was affiliated with the Seven Sinners now? She knew next to nothing about them, but she had heard whispers about them causing trouble.

All she knew was that Sacha didn’t have any sort of agreement with them. They’d never been a part of the meetings that happened out the back of Solynshko.


