Reaper’s Wrath Read online Jamie Begley (Road to Salvation A Last Rider’s Trilogy #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Road to Salvation A Last Rider's Trilogy Series by Jamie Begley

Total pages in book: 147
Estimated words: 140795 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 704(@200wpm)___ 563(@250wpm)___ 469(@300wpm)

When the third song ended, the audience tried for another, but Ginny raised a hand above her head, silencing them.

“I want to thank you all for letting me share my voice with you.” Ginny’s voice had a small catch that had him studying her from where he was standing. She was staring out over the crowded nightclub as if she were taking a picture.

Walking off the stage, Ginny left Kaden to deal with a crowd who demanded more.

A subdued Ginny walked past him as if he weren’t there. When they reached her dressing room, Nickel gave him a quizzical glance, as if he also noticed something was wrong.

“I won’t be a minute to get changed,” she said, going into her dressing room and closing the door behind her.

“Something happen?”

Perturbed at the change, Reaper shook his head. “No. Is she usually like that when a show is over?”

“No, but it’s been a couple of months since I’ve been here.” Nickel turned his head away from the closed door. “You sure nothing happened?”

“If you’re wanting to know if I’m the one responsible, ask. Don’t beat around the fucking bush.”

“Did you?” Nickel asked.

“No. We went to the stage, she sang, she came back, that’s all. I didn’t see any new faces in the crowd, either,” Reaper added.

The sound of the door opening had them ending the conversation. Ginny changed into a pair jeans and a dark navy sweater and was carrying her garment bag over her arm.

“You guys hungry?” Ginny’s friendly inquiry was a turnaround from the lukewarm demeanor she displayed before going inside the room. Reaper had noticed the change in her after the first set; Nickel only noticed after the second. Never having seen her perform—outside of the wedding—Reaper wouldn’t know if her behavior was out of the norm.

Nickel took the garment bag from her. “I could eat.”

“Are you sure?” Ginny asked doubtfully. “Gavin said your stomach was upset.”

“Did he?” Shooting him a dirty look, Nickel took Ginny’s arm as they began walking. “I have an iron stomach. What are you in the mood for?”

“I thought we’d just grab a pizza on the way home. If it’s okay with you guys?”

“Sounds good to me,” Nickel agreed, holding the back door open for Ginny.

Reaper wondered if Nickel would be so fucking agreeable with his boot shoved up his ass.

The private parking lot for employees was brightly lit. Reaper saw Ax, Sin, and Jesse talking by Kaden’s car, with Kaden sitting in the driver’s seat.

Nickel placed Ginny’s bag in the trunk while Reaper checked out Ginny’s car before motioning for her that it was safe.

“We’ll grab the pizza and meet you back at the apartment,” Reaper ordered Nickel after he shut the trunk. Reaper flipped Nickel the finger at his disappointed expression, then got in the front seat with Ginny.

“What do you like on your pizza?” Ginny asked with her phone in her hand.

“I’m not picky, just what you normally have.”

“I’m ordering a Hawaiian special, with extra pineapple.”

Reaper pretended to make a gagging noise. “Order an extra-large meat lovers. Nickel and I can share.”

Laughter filled the car. “I didn’t know you were capable of doing that.”

Reaper looked at her as he buckled the seatbelt. “Doing what?”

“Making a joke.” Grinning, Ginny started the car.

He didn’t know he could, either.

As he studied her in the dark interior of the car, she took her eyes off the road long enough to give him a quick smile.

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone,” she teased.

“No one would believe you.” Turning his head, he stared out the dark window.

“Why? The big bad Reaper doesn’t know how to tell a joke? Don’t you know laughter is soup for the soul?”

“You’re in a good mood all of a sudden.”

“Why wouldn’t I be in a good mood?”

“You weren’t earlier.”

“I guess it just hit me that singing at the nightclub is coming to an end.”

“What will you do next?”

“I haven’t decided.” It was the same evasive answer she gave everyone.


“I have a few options I’ve been thinking about.”

“Such as?”

“When I decide, I’ll let you know.”

“In other words, being your soul mate doesn’t invite me into your confidence?”

“It does if you believe I’m your soul mate. If you do, tell me and I’ll be completely transparent about my future plans.”

Reaper locked his jaw shut. He could wait until she was ready to tell him. He had never been good with ultimatums.

“I can wait.”

“Then we have that in common.”

Slowly braking, Ginny pulled into an open parking spot in front of a pizza restaurant.

“At least it looks cleaner than the last one you took me to.”

“You should lighten up. It’ll make the pizza go down easier. You can wait here. I won’t be a minute; my order is ready.”

“I’m coming inside with you.”

“Suit yourself.”

“I will.” Getting out the car, he went inside with her.

Two teenagers were behind the counter and greeted her as she came in the door.


