Queen of Their Colony – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 102360 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 512(@200wpm)___ 409(@250wpm)___ 341(@300wpm)

“Well…yes.” Terra felt her cheeks get even hotter. “But I mean, I only did it so we could all get away from DY-12. That horrible Watcher thing…Ugh!” She shivered.

“Yeah, that was pretty fucking bad,” V’rone agreed soberly. “Felt like it was raping my mind.”

“I don’t like the fact that it seemed interested in Earth,” Rive remarked. “I think we should warn both Chief Commander Rarev and Commander Sylvan of the regular Kindred once we get back home.”

“I think that would be a good idea.” Tem nodded.

“Then we’d probably better get going,” Terra said practically. She didn’t know if she was relieved or sad that the moment between herself and V’rone seemed to be ending.

When she’d first met the big red Monstrum, she had disliked him and thought he was arrogant and irritating. She still thought he was arrogant—it was just part of his personality as the leader of the colony—but it didn’t irritate her like it had before.

She felt…closer to him, she admitted to herself. Closer to all of them. Which probably wasn’t a good thing, considering she was still determined not to bond with them. Well, mostly determined.

“Let’s follow the path but not too quickly,” Rive suggested, rising slowly from the ground. “I’m still somewhat incapacitated from the Peace Drops.”

“You and me both, Brother—I got an extra dose.” V’rone put a hand to his temple and groaned. He looked like a man fighting a bad headache, Terra thought sympathetically.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked anxiously.

V’rone’s eyes flashed as he looked up at her.

“Actually, I think another dose of your honey would help immensely, my Queen,” he growled.

“Oh, uh…” Terra didn’t know what to say. She was suddenly aware that she still wasn’t wearing any panties and her dress was gaping open. “V’rone, I don’t think—” she began.

“We don’t have time right now,” Rive said, frowning.

“And don’t be greedy,” Tem added. “You know you’ve already had more than your fair share of our Lady’s honey. Save some for the rest of us.”

“But that’s the thing—the more honey I take, the more she makes,” V’rone growled, his eyes going half-lidded as he looked at Terra. “And I’m more than willing to share…”

“No, we must get going,” Rive said sternly. “We haven’t seen any threats here yet, but who knows what might pop up at any moment?”

“I thought Mistress Bodikin said the second world was ruled by sentient plants that called themselves Frizzles or Frunkles,” Tem said, frowning. “How scary could they be?”

“They’re called ‘Froozles’ and she also told us that there was no danger on DY-12,” Rive pointed out. “Come on—V’rone, you can lean on us if you’re still dizzy or in pain,” Rive offered his hand to help the other warrior up.

“Nah, I’m okay.” V’rone rose to his feet. “All right, let’s go.”

“Hey!” Terra exclaimed indignantly, putting her hands on her hips. “You were faking just now, weren’t you?”

V’rone flashed her a smile that was like a slice of white in his dark face.

“A male who won’t scheme a little to get a taste of his Queen’s honey, doesn’t deserve any,” he told her and his eyes went to her crotch, which was still completely bare.

Terra felt herself blushing again.

“Tem, do you have my panties?” she asked the blue Monstrum.

“Of course, my Lady. Though I fear I have lost your shoes,” Tem said apologetically, as he handed the flower panties over. “The guards took them from me, along with the pack Mistress Bodikin gave us which was filled with supplies.”

“Damn!” V’rone swore.

“All the more reason to finish this quest quickly, since we no longer have access to a trusted source of food and water,” Rive pointed out. “Come—let’s go.” He pointed to the glowing golden path, which was leading away over the rolling green hills covered in short, lush grass.

“Yes, let’s go,” Terra agreed, as she finished adjusting her panties. The flowers around the slit were rather wilted and torn—doubtless from letting the Monstrum lick her while she had them on—but they were still better than going completely bare.

Despite Rive’s words about finishing the quest quickly, they started out at an easy pace, which Terra was grateful for. It wasn’t easy keeping up with their long legs when they were all in a rush. Plus, it was hard to feel worried or excited or nervous in this new world—it was so lush and peaceful with a pale purple sky overhead and the gorgeous emerald green grass. It reminded Terra of a well-kept golf course back home on Earth—the kind you found in exclusive communities she couldn’t afford to live in.

Another reason for their easy pace, besides the lovely landscape, was the fact that V’rone still didn’t look quite himself. Maybe he hadn’t been faking it, Terra thought, giving the big red Monstrum a worried glance as she saw him rubbing his temples. The aftereffects of the Peace Drops seemed to be hitting him hard.


