Punished (Brides of the Kindred #27) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 130317 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

He motioned to the two desks they were occupying.

Mia wanted in the worst way to point out that the entire room was empty and they weren’t taking spots away from anyone, but she sensed that would only get them kicked out of the library that much sooner.

“Just a little while longer, please Brother Beemux,” Zellah pleaded softly. “I know we’re not as smart as you, but when we are within the Library of The Prophet, we can feel his wisdom sinking into our bones and making us better wives and Concubines. Better, more subservient women.”

“Well…” The librarian nodded grudgingly. “All right. But keep your voices down—there are men in the next room who are wrestling with great matters of philosophy and science who need silence to concentrate!”

“We will be as quiet as two little meecen,” Zellah promised him solemnly.

“See that you are!” And the librarian gave them a last baleful glare before spinning on his heel and marching away.

“Wow,” Mia whispered, after she was sure he was gone. “You’re good! How did you know that flattering him would work?”

Zellah sighed.

“Unfortunately, I’ve had lots of practice flattering men in power since I came to the Dome. Because here, only the men have power.”

Mia could only imagine what a terrible life poor Zellah was living. She wanted to give the other woman more time to vent, but there were things she needed to know about the Dome blueprints—especially if they were in danger of being kicked out.

“What’s this?” she asked, pointing to the area on the 3-D holo model behind the towering structure of the Inner Sanctum. “It looks like an extra long hallway.”

“Oh, that?” Zellah looked around as though to make sure no one was listening. “That’s the secret passageway, under the Dome,” she whispered. “Nobody knows about that but The Prophet. Well, and me,” she added. “But I only know because Kal told me about it after he built it.”

“Where does it lead?” Mia asked, fascinated. So Sister Kissie had been right!

“There’s a door in the very back of The Prophet’s closet in his private sleeping quarters and it leads to the passageway which leads to the Docking Cave,” Zellah explained. She sighed. “If I knew anything at all about piloting, I’d try to steal a ship and get away. Unfortunately, my degree is in hydroponics and botany. And besides, I can’t leave my babies, even though I almost never get to see them.”

Mia gave her a surprised look.

“So…you’re a scientist?”

“Oh yes.” Zellah nodded. “Kal and I were originally brought in as a team—him to design and build the Dome and me to make sure there it was self-sustaining with plenty of plants for food and as an oxygen source.” She shook her head, a bitter look in her lovely eyes. “I took high honors in the University of Kromelle—I even had a special Science Fellowship grant. And now I’m nothing but a Concubine. Just another ‘receptacle for The Prophet’s seed.’”

Mia squeezed her arm.

“Try not to be so upset,” she whispered. “Maybe things will change soon. Maybe—”

At that moment, she had the strangest sensation. It felt like something wet was leaking from her breasts. Looking down, she saw two large spots on the front of her dress, which rendered the white fabric completely see-through.

“Oh my God!” she gasped, covering her breasts and their see-through patches with her arms.

“Milking time for you,” Zellah remarked conversationally, as though it was no big deal. “I hope you enjoy submitting to your husband. I didn’t mind with my Kal, but when I start to leak around The Prophet…” She shook her head and made a face.

“But…but I thought this only happened to Chakiouns!” Mia exclaimed. “I’m a human!”

Zellah frowned.

“Your people are humanoid and mammalian, right? That’s all it takes for the chemicals and hormones in the Nutrient Crème to work on you.”

“To…to work on me?” Mia looked down at herself again. “But…what can I do about it?”

“Nothing but ask your husband to help milk you when you get home. Of course, if you’re not pregnant, the hormones will only make you produce nectar,” Zellah said, shrugging. “But it’s the same concept—it still has to be sucked out of you by the milking mat.” She frowned at Mia. “You do have a milking mat at your domicile, don’t you?”

“Well, yes but…why do I have to ask my husband to help?” Mia demanded. Just the thought of being on her hands and knees with the two metal suction cups pumping the nectar out of her swollen breasts while Sev watched made her feel hot with embarrassment and shame.

“Because the suction of the mat isn’t enough to force the milk out,” Zellah explained. “The hormones are designed to make it so your breasts will only release the milk when you’re being filled—you know, between your legs.” She nodded at her lap discretely. “So your husband has to help you by thrusting inside you—either with one of the milking mat phalluses or his own shaft—breeding you.”


