Pulling Heartstrings Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 43749 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 219(@200wpm)___ 175(@250wpm)___ 146(@300wpm)

Marcus lifts his head, and then cool air fans across my sex. The pleasure that was right there is gone, and I snap my eyes open.

“No!” I scream, surprising myself.

“You need to stop fighting this, Bronte.” He licks his glistening lips.

“Please don’t tease me.”

“Tease you?” Marcus leans in and kisses my clit. The action causes my back to arch before he lifts his head again. “Do you have any idea how it’s been for me? For months, Bronte. This is how I’ve felt since meeting you.”

“No.” I shake my head back and forth. “That’s not possible.” A person couldn’t live this way.

“It is,” he says and then hums in pleasure. “But I’m not a cruel man.”

“Liar.” I wantonly lift my hips, silently begging him to keep going. My grip on his hair tightens, and I try pushing my sex against his mouth. What the heck has come over me?

“Not to you, teapot. If you would have given in to what we both wanted, I would have been eating out of your hand this whole time.” He licks his lips again. “And your pussy.”

I whimper at his words right before he covers my sex with his mouth. His hands go under me to lift my lower half off the floor, allowing him to reach as deep as he can go. He stiffens his tongue, and I feel it thrusting into me.

“Marcus.” I try to move my hips, but his hold is so tight. He’s in full control, and all I can do is lie there and take it.

He goes back to my clit, greedily sucking it into his mouth, and every inch of my body tightens. My legs shake, and I attempt to breathe, but it’s impossible. Marcus keeps me in place as my body spirals into pleasure, causing my sex to clench. Words come out of me, yet I struggle to comprehend them, or really anything at all. I’m lost in what he’s done to me until it feels like I’m completely spent and my body goes limp.

When lips touch my neck, my eyes flutter open.

“Oh my gosh,” I whisper.

"That's not what you were screaming a second ago." Marcus is smiling against my neck. I can feel it and even hear it in his voice.

"What did I say?" I ask hesitantly. I must have been out of my mind because I didn’t feel him move from between my legs and back up my body.

"You said, 'Holy fucking crap.'”

"No, I did not." I stare up at the ceiling, unable to remember anything but pure bliss.

I don't curse because I’m scared I might enjoy it too much. I’ve always made sure to never do it because Marcus isn't wrong. When I get worked up, I can go off. Even my grams used to tell me that I had a bit of a temper. She told me that I was as sweet as could be, until I wasn't.

Marcus touches my chin so I turn my head to look at him. “You did.” He kisses me before I can argue that he’s wrong.

I just did a lot of things that I’ve never done before, so maybe it’s possible a curse or two could have slipped out. Maybe.

“Hello?” I hear someone call out, and it breaks me from the spell I was under. I jerk back from Marcus as I shove my dress down to cover the lower half of my body. “Marcus?” I hear a female voice call out again.

Before I know what's happening, Marcus is standing up and taking me with him. He puts me on my feet and grabs the chair that had fallen over. A half second later, a woman knocks on the open office door.

Holy cheese ball. Did I do all that with Marcus while anyone could have walked in here and seen us? This is why I ran from him in the first place. He does things to my head and then I’m acting crazy. Well, crazy for me.

“Well, this place is certainly a change from your last office,” the woman inside the doorway says.

“Nina,” Marcus says in greeting.

“Am I interrupting? I was close, so I thought..." She trails off.

I'm not sure who she is, but based on her fancy suit, I’m going to assume she's a lawyer from the city. They must have a familiarity with each other because most lawyers refer to Marcus by his last name.


“Actually, I was just about to leave and run some errands,” I say, cutting Marcus off. I glance over at him, and if I wasn’t freaking out, I might smile because for once he has a few wrinkles in his suit. I love that I put them there and mussed up his usually perfect façade.

“Nina, this is Bronte, my⁠—”

“Paralegal,” I cut him off again because my heart couldn’t take the possibility of how he would have finished that sentence. After what happened moments ago, I think I might be more frightened about how I want him to finish that sentence. I grab my bag, and it takes everything in me not to look at him as I give Nina a polite smile. “I’ll give you both some space.”


