Protect Me Not (Unprofessionally Yours #2) Read Online Natasha Anders

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Unprofessionally Yours Series by Natasha Anders

Total pages in book: 146
Estimated words: 138904 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 695(@200wpm)___ 556(@250wpm)___ 463(@300wpm)

He gave her an evil smile…oh, but she didn’t like the look of that mean twist of his lips, even while it sent a shudder of absolute pleasure and anticipation skittering up her spine.

He was hard. It was impossible not to notice the way he was tenting the fabric of his suit pants, but while her entire focus was on that bulge, he barely seemed to notice it. Instead, he licked his lips and dropped to his knees in front of her.

“Open.” The demand was reinforced by his hands on her knees, pushing them apart, and she willingly complied. Her breath caught when he made a deep, hungry sound, then just stared for a long moment.

“Have you been waiting for me all afternoon, honey? Hot and wet like this?”

“Yes. I’ve been hurting.”

“Good. You deserve it after what you put me through.”

“Please, Ty.” Her hands curled in his short hair, and he lowered his face toward her mound, close enough that she could feel his warm breath on her sensitive flesh.

His thumbs gently parted her folds and one of them gave her clit a gentle stroke. She arched into his touch, and her head fell back. Her hands left his head, and her palms braced on the desk beside her hips.

His tantalizing touch left her, and he flattened his palms against her inner thighs to push them further apart. Spreading her open to his voracious gaze.

And then he kissed her. First a sweet, searching peck right on her throbbing core, followed by gentle suction. Her hips twitched, and he lifted his eyes and—worse—his mouth, to give her a stern glare.

“Do not move.”

“I can’t help it.”

“You move, I stop.”




He went back to his torturous nibbles. Adding flicks and swirls of his tongue, all designed to take her to the brink and keep her there. The few times that she forgot herself and pushed against him, he lifted his head to give her a disappointed look, until she apologized and promised not to do it again.

She was sobbing in agonized pleasure, begging him for more, dying for him to deepen his touch. Wanting to move, wanting to take matters into her own hands and stroke herself to completion, but she couldn’t. She was helpless beneath his expert touches and wanted him—only him—to make her come.

She was so wrapped up in the delicious torment that the beeping didn’t register at first.

It was when he lifted his head and gently tugged her skirt down to cover her up, that she understood what was happening.

“No,” she moaned. Every part of her body was physically throbbing, and aching, and craving, and needing…but he was getting up. His expression aloof, his mouth gleaming with her moisture, his shaft still hard. He reached for his watch and put it back on.

“Break’s over.”

“No, Ty. Please. You have to finish. I can’t…”

“Not while I’m on duty, remember?” His voice was hard, his eyes frosty. “Remember, Vicki?”


“Bear that in mind the next time you decide to drive me crazy while I’m trying to do my job.”

That was what this was about? He was punishing her for being playful and a little daring?


“You’re a butthole,” she snapped, sliding from the desk on wobbly legs. “You’re seriously doing this? This macho, sadistic bullshit? Why? Because I took away some of your precious control? I’m not a toy for you to play sick, twisted games with.”

“I could say the same to you! What the fuck were you doing if not playing games with me?”

“This is not what I signed up for, we were supposed to have fun and sexy times, not whatever this is. You’re supposed to give me orgasms. Not withhold them.”

“You’ll get your orgasm,” he said, with an indifferent shrug, tugging on his cuffs and adjusting his jacket.

“I know I will, I’m perfectly capable of administering my own climaxes. I don’t need you to finish the job for me.”

“Don’t you fucking dare. I haven’t cashed in my IOU yet, Vicki. That orgasm belongs to me.”

“Then why the hell won’t you give it to me?”

“I will,” he said, his voice going deep and dark, a frigid smile twisting his lips. “And it will be mind-blowing. Trust me. But for now, you wait. Because I told you to.”

She glared at him, so furious she could barely speak. “Oh, my God, fuck you, Ty.”

“Language, honey.” His lips bloomed into a fully-fledged smile and damn him for being so irresistibly charming when he smiled. “This is how we make this thing between us work. Okay?”

“It’s not working for me,” she cried, and he rubbed his hand over his scalp.

“It will.”

“I think I truly hate you right now.”


“You can’t have all the control, Ty.”

“But I want all the control, Vicki. And you agreed to give it to me. You let me do the driving, and we’ll get through the next couple of months without forming emotional attachments.”


