Princess of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 83520 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 418(@200wpm)___ 334(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

“Remember when you told me that Jasper wasn’t worth it?” His voice is the epitome of calm, and it washes over me, taking the worst part of my anger with it. “You were right. He’s not. All the ways he tried to fuck with us haven’t worked. I’m still here, Delilah. And I’m not going anywhere.”

The violence whipping through my body gradually dissipates, leaving behind a deep well of grief.

When I remain silent, unable to summon any words, his voice rises above the din of whispers that snake through the thick crowd as he turns to meet Jasper’s eyes.

“Aubrey outed you. She told me exactly how you dug through my school records, looking for something to use against me.” One side of Austin’s mouth hitches with amusement. “You must have thought you hit the jackpot when you found out that I’m dyslexic. But it didn’t work, did it?”

Austin’s arm slips around my waist before he tugs me against his bigger body.

“You need to get it through your head that Delilah isn’t yours. She will never be yours again, and there’s nothing you can do to change that. You’ve done your worst and it wasn’t enough. This girl is mine.” His voice deepens, ringing out over the mass of students. “She belongs to me the same way I belong to her.”

Jasper’s face transforms, the smirk morphing into an enraged scowl. A growl rumbles up from deep within his chest as he launches himself at Austin. Before he’s able to make contact, a tall, dark-haired woman pushes her way through the press of bodies and grabs him by the back of his blazer, holding him in place.

“Break it up,” she barks in a commanding voice.

Jasper turns glaring eyes on her. “Who the hell are you?”

She doesn’t release him as hers narrow. “Mrs. Brentwood.” There’s a pause. “The new headmistress of Hawthorne Prep.”

Just as he lifts his lips into a snarl, she snaps, “I’d like to see you in my office immediately, Mr. Morgan. It appears some accusations have been levied against you for drugging another student at a party.”

His eyes widen as a spark of fear ignites in his gray depths before he quickly smothers it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Nevertheless, the police are waiting in my office.”

He stills, face turning ashen. “Police?”

“That’s right.” She inclines her head. “Several, in fact.”

He jerks out of her hold before taking a menacing step toward the older woman. “Do you have any idea who my parents are?”

I didn’t think it was possible for her blue eyes to become any more frigid. “Actually, they’re both waiting in my office for your impending arrival.”

His nostrils flare as he glowers at me. “You fucking bitch. See the trouble you’ve caused?”

My mouth falls open.

That’s probably the closest thing I’ll get to an apology.

“This isn’t over by a longshot,” he promises.

“On the contrary, Mr. Morgan, it is, indeed, over. Now get to my office immediately or I’ll have the police physically drag you there. The choice is yours to make.”

With one final snarl, Jasper spins on his heels and stalks away, pushing and shoving through the throng until disappearing from sight.

The older woman watches him leave before turning her attention to me. “Ms. Robinson?”

My eyes widen and I almost take a hasty step in retreat. Our new headmistress has proven in the past five minutes that she is a force to be reckoned with. Austin remains steadfast at my side.

Instead of shrinking away, I straighten my shoulders and hold my ground. “Yes.”

“We’ll need to see you in the office as well to give an account of what transpired at Kingsley Hawthorne’s party.”

“I don’t remember much,” I admit.

A flash of sympathy softens her eyes, making her seem more approachable. “That’s quite all right. You just need to be honest with the police.”

“Okay.” I blow out a breath. “I can do that.”

Her gaze sweeps over the students of HP and they silently scatter like rats from a burning building. With a nod, she says, “I’ll see you inside.”

Before I can respond, she strides away like a military general set on renewing order to the rank and file.

And then it’s just the two of us. Austin shifts as his eyes stay pinned to mine. This is the first time in days we’ve spoken. It’s painful to be this close and feel the intensity that vibrates through the air.

“Can we talk?” he murmurs, voice filled with hesitation. It’s not a tone I’m used to hearing from him. He’s always so self-assured and forceful.

Especially where I’m concerned.

Unable to maintain eye contact, I glance away and chew my lower lip with indecision. When I remain silent, he takes a tentative step in my direction before sliding gentle fingertips beneath my chin and turning it until I have no other choice but to meet his gaze head on. Until I can feel the warmth of his breath feathering across my lips.


