Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

“Austin,” I whimper. “Please.”

His eyes lift, pinning me in place. There’s so much heat and arousal brimming within them that it feels like they could scorch me alive.

“Don’t rush me. This first time needs to be gentle in order to make it good for you. After that,” he growls, voice deepening, “I won’t make any promises. The next time I have you, I’m going to fuck you hard. I’ll turn you over and mount you from behind. So let me take this nice and slow. You deserve that.”

I nod, wanting his tenderness as much as I want his forcefulness. That’s when I realize that with him, I can have both. He’s opened up a whole new world I had no idea existed, and I want to take my time and explore it all.

He continues to tease, stroking his thick erection against my core until I’m writhing beneath him.

“Your pussy is so nice and wet. Ready for more?”

I nod.

“Good. Because I need to bury myself inside that sweet little cunt.” His gaze falls to my core. “As much as I fucking hate thinking about the two of you together, I can understand why Jasper wanted to keep you a virgin.”

His gaze slices to mine.

“Your pussy is so fucking perfect. If I didn’t want you so bad, I’d hold off, but there’s no way I can do that. I need to make you mine.”

Even the thought of him pulling away and denying me is enough to have icy cold tendrils of panic wrapping around my heart. “Please don’t. I need you inside me.”

A groan escapes from him as he flexes his hips. “Don’t worry. I’m going to fill you all the way up. You’ll get all the cock you need.”

My muscles loosen as relief crashes over me. “Thank you.”

“You can thank me afterward.”

It’s tempting to laugh, but I’m racked with too much tension to summon the sound.

Another long stroke and the head of his cock is pressed against my opening. Air gets trapped at the back of my throat as everything inside me stills.

A growl rumbles from deep within his chest. “Fuck. Are you on the pill or should I grab a condom?’

“I’m on the pill.”

He squeezes his eyes tightly shut. “Good, because I really don’t want to wear a rubber. I want to feel your tight heat surrounding me.” He swallows thickly, the corded muscles of his throat working. “I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone since we moved here.”


He cracks open his eyes and holds my stare. “Are you sure? Once I take you uncovered, I won’t wear anything again. I’ll want that pussy bare every single time.”

“I understand. I’ve been on it for a while.”

He jerks his head before pressing farther inside me. It’s not much. Just an inch or so. There’s a pinch as my body adjusts to his girth. Austin is both long and thick. I can’t imagine what it’ll feel like to have him buried deep inside my body.

The thought is as thrilling as it is scary.

With a flex of his hips, he works his way in another inch before stopping.

“You’re so damn wet,” he mutters, teeth tightly clenched, a bead of perspiration breaking out across his brow.

I wriggle against him, needing him deeper inside me.

“Don’t be greedy. You’ll get what I give you.”

He swats my clit with the tips of his fingers and a thousand little fireworks explode within me. I whine and writhe against him, unable to help myself. It’s as if my body has a mind of its own and I’m no longer in control. There’s something wonderfully liberating about the sensation. When he slides free, I cry out in frustration before he glides back inside. There’s another pinch of pain and I wince.

“Are you all right?” A muscle tics in his jaw.

I nod as my teeth scrape across my lower lip.

“Should I stop? Because I will, if that’s what you want.”

God, no.

“Please don’t.”

In response, he pushes a little farther inside until he’s buried halfway. My gaze drops to the place where we’re now intimately connected, and a wave of heat rolls over me.

How is he only halfway inside my body?

“I don’t think you’re going to fit,” I whisper.

The edges of his lips quirk. “I promise, it will. You were made for my cock. Do you know that?”

I feel the same, but still…

There’s so much of him. Pain radiates from my center as I stretch around his size. When he pulls out, a strange emptiness settles in my core, and it leaves me feeling hollow and bereft.

“Look at my dick. Do you see how wet you are for me?”

We both take a moment to stare at his thick erection. The tip is swollen and purplish in hue, as if it’ll explode any second. He’s right about it glistening with my arousal. That’s all it takes for more desire to flood me.


