Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

I want more.

His lips hover over mine, ghosting back and forth until I want to scream with the pent-up desire gathering inside me like an impending storm. The second I open my mouth to say his name, his tongue plunges inside, tangling with my own. Sparks of bright color explode inside my brain as our teeth scrape and lips brush. It feels as if I’m being consumed one needy breath at a time.

And yet, I’m still an active participant. He’s not being overly rough. There’s no need for me to fight him off. For each thrust, I parry. There’s a give and take I wasn’t expecting from him. It's as if he wants me to explore him in the same way he’s acquainting himself with me.

I lose track of how long our lips stay fused before he nibbles at the corners of my mouth, sweeping his velvety softness over mine with achingly deep strokes that make my head spin.

Just when I don’t think I’ll be able to withstand another second of this sweet torture, his teeth rake over my chin before sinking lower to the column of my throat. I can’t help but tilt my head, allowing him greater access to my flesh.

My fingers graze over lips that now feel swollen. I’ve kissed Jasper many times and it’s always been more of an assult. One I had to fight off, afraid it would escalate before careening out of control.

Austin slides lower, his mouth hovering over one taut peak. When the warmth of his breath penetrates the material of my shirt and bra, my back arches as the need to get closer thrums through me.

“Greedy, aren’t you?”

Apparently so.

A pleased note weaves its way through his voice as if the realization makes him happy.

When I remain silent, he bites down on one stiff bud. A gasp explodes from my lips as pain bursts inside me. It’s quickly chased away by sparks of pleasure.

Unable to lie still, I shift restlessly as he drifts further down my body before reaching the waistband of my skirt. With his gaze locked on mine, he untucks the snowy white material and presses his lips to the trembling flesh. His fingers slip beneath the band as he drags the material down, exposing more of my skin. Sharp teeth scrape against my belly as his hand snakes under the hem of my wool skirt, shoving it upward and baring my panties to his sight.

Today, I’m wearing pale pink ones. They’re cotton and certainly nothing fancy but they’re the nicest ones I own. He groans at the sight before scooting further down my length until his mouth can hover over the thin fabric. My breath hitches as air gets caught in my lungs.

For just a moment, time stutters to a stop and hangs in suspension.

An inch or two separates us before he closes it, stroking my already sensitive clit with the tip of his nose. Newfound awareness explodes inside me as the room goes still until all I hear is the harsh intake of his breath.

“You smell so damn good.”

My belly plunges at least ten stories as the feeling of being in free fall consumes me.

As he slides the tip of his nose across my slit, more sensation ignites within, rocking me to the very core of my being.




“Your panties are fucking soaked.”

He’s right. They’re drenched. I’m so turned on it’s painful.

I’m a throbby mess.

My teeth sink into my lip to stifle the moan rising in my throat.

With a tug of the elastic band, he yanks it down until the top of my pussy is exposed. A growl escapes from him as he stares intently, eating me up with his eyes. I shift as need spirals through me. If I’m not careful, it’ll consume my soul until there’s nothing left.

When he presses his lips against my naked flesh, another round of explosions detonates inside me.

“You know what we’re going to do now?”

I shake my head as excitement surges throughout me. I’m almost dizzy with anticipation.

“Get to work.”



I blink as he shoves away and rises to his feet.



Laughter vibrates in his chest as he swings away, sauntering to the dresser before yanking open the first drawer and grabbing a pair of underwear.

I force my gaze to the ceiling and attempt to settle everything that riots beneath the surface of my skin. It’s not easy. Blood roars through my veins as a dull ache settles uncomfortably in my core, throbbing a harsh beat.

It’s only when he looms over me that I realize he’s thrown on black athletic shorts while I’m still sprawled on the mattress, heart thudding painfully in my chest.

“We should probably get to it.” He glances at the black sports watch wrapped around his wrist. “Otherwise, we’ll run out of time.” His gaze spears mine. “Wouldn’t want that to happen, would we?”


