Pretending I’m Yours – Forbidden Billionaires Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 90899 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 454(@200wpm)___ 364(@250wpm)___ 303(@300wpm)

“Is everything all right?” Bailey Anne asks.

Maya nods. “Yes, it’s fine. Just friends from home checking in.”

Bailey Anne sighs. “I wish I had friends from home.” I arch a pointed brow, and she laughs. “I mean, friends from a cute little town in Maine kind of friends from home. City friends are different. We’re all so cynical.”

“Speak for yourself,” Harold says. “I’ve grown rather optimistic in my old age. I’m starting to have faith that it will all work out. Probably not in my lifetime, but I see a bright future ahead. We’re going to learn to do better. As a planet and a people.”

Bailey’s lips curve in a bemused grin. “I hope so, Harold. That sure would be nice.”

“To learning to do better,” I say, lifting my glass Maya’s way.

“To learning to do better,” she echoes, her gaze softening as she adds, “though I think you’re doing pretty good already, Mr. Clark.”

Harold and Bailey Anne exchange a subtle glance, making me glad I thought to warn them ahead of time. I didn’t tell them the whole crazy story—I wasn’t sure Harold was ready to hear that I decided to moonlight as a male escort—but they know I wasn’t completely honest with Maya the night we met.

And they know I’m here tonight to make up for that…

“Ready for your next surprise?” I ask as we set our now empty glasses down and Bailey Anne reaches for the bottle chilling on ice.

Maya’s brows lift. “Another surprise?”

“Anything worth doing is worth doing right,” I say with a little shrug, hoping she likes the next surprise as much as meeting my friends. It’s a little riskier, and could very well blow up in my face, but I still want to make the offer. I want her to know that I’m ready to put my money where my mouth is, and that I believe in her.

I really do. There’s no doubt in my mind that, with the proper support and capital at her fingertips, Maya can transform that building in Red Hook into something truly special.

“Hope to see you again soon, Maya,” Bailey Anne says with a warm smile. “I have to run in ten. Pilates.” She lifts her newly full glass with a laugh. “We’ll see how that goes. I don’t usually have champagne before I strap into the machine, but hell, it’s still the holidays.”

“I don’t usually have champagne at all,” Harold says with a tired shake of his head. “I can’t handle bubbles the way I used to. I’ll be lucky to make it home without falling asleep in the cab.”

“I’ll order you a coffee, my treat,” I say as Maya and I rise, waving off Harold’s protest. “It’s my pleasure. It was so good to see you both. Let’s get together again soon.”

“Yes, let’s,” Bailey Anne says. “And have them send over a dark chocolate raspberry mousse with his coffee, too. I think Harold might need some sugar to help keep him awake. And two spoons, in case he needs help finishing the whole thing.”

Maya laughs. “A woman after my own heart. Always make it easy for people to share their dessert.”

“Damned straight,” Bailey Anne says. She and Harold wave and offer wishes for a happy New Year as we move back toward the front of the bar.

“Thank you for that,” Maya whispers when we’re out of ear shot. “I like them.”

“And they liked you,” I say. “Thanks for keeping an open mind.”

“My mind is wide open,” she murmurs, her voice husky in a way that goes straight to my dick, easing his fears that we might never get to be naked with her again. “I’m sorry. I think I may have misjudged you.”

“You had every right to misjudge me. I’ve been keeping secrets, and I still haven’t explained this morning.”

She tips her head in acknowledgment of the fact. “No, you haven’t.”

“But I will,” I assure her. “That’s part of the next surprise. It’s waiting for us in the private library.”

“Private library, huh?” Her gaze flickers with anticipation. “That’s a pretty exciting surprise all by itself. You know I love a library, but I need to visit the ladies’ room first. Champagne and a small bladder. And I may have had a martini or two this afternoon, so…”

“You had every right to a martini or two after the day you had.” I motion toward the end of the hall closest to the front lobby, where we both entered the club last time. “I think the closest restrooms are in the front. I’ll send a hostess to wait for you and show you to the room after? I want to make sure everything’s ready.”

“All right. See you soon.” She nods as she backs away, clearly still curious, but far less suspicious than when we arrived half an hour ago.

“Soon,” I promise, gaining confidence that I’m going to win her back.


