Pretending I’m Yours – Forbidden Billionaires Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 90899 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 454(@200wpm)___ 364(@250wpm)___ 303(@300wpm)

She didn’t tell us she was buying her café until the deed was in hand, and I’m sure if she ever sells, it will be a similar situation. Elaina knows her own mind and doesn’t invite commentary on her decisions idly, even from her best friends.

I’m betting she’s also going to be the only one who understands why I’ve kept my big apartment purchase and plans to move to New York to myself, too.

Though she’ll probably be sad.

Once I leave, Elaina will be the last of our crew left in Sea Breeze.

In the guest room, I dig through my suitcase for clean clothes to change into, then pull out my phone to shoot Elaina a text.

Maya: Hey. How was your Christmas? I hope you had a great time with your family. Just wanted to let you know that I’m safe in the city…and that I may have lost my virginity and might be wondering how a person keeps from falling for a guy when the chemistry is off the charts?

Elaina: WHAT? OMG WHHHAAAAAT? You MIGHT have lost your virginity? My friend, you either lost it or you didn’t. Give it up. What happened last night?!

Maya: I did it. I lost it. As of sometime around nine p.m. last night, I am no longer the oldest member of the Never Been Boinked club!

Elaina: CONGRATULATIONS!! OMG, that’s amazing! At least, I hope it was amazing. You said the chemistry was off the charts, so I’m guessing your mystery man got the job done?

Maya: And then some. Elaina, he’s incredible. He’s smart and sexy and kind, but says filthy things when we’re naked and knows exactly how to touch me and it was just…the best night ever. Sex is not overrated, and I can’t flipping wait to do it again. He’s in the kitchen making breakfast for us now, but when we’re done eating, I’m going to drag him back upstairs and have my way with him.

Elaina: Oh, honey, good for you! This is fantastic news! You deserved a perfect, sexy, filthy-talking first time. So, tell me everything. Who is this guy? What does he do? And most importantly, what is his name, address, and social security number in case he decides to murder you?

Maya: He’s not going to murder me.

Elaina: I hope not, but it never hurts to be prepared. Just sneak his ID from his wallet when you get a chance, take a picture, and shoot it my way. That way I have all the info I need to report his ass if you go missing.

Maya: I’m not going to go missing. I trust him, Elaina. I’m actually staying at his place. He insisted on moving Pudge and me to his apartment in the East Village when he saw my sketchy hotel. But yes, I will send you his name and address later. But not his driver’s license. That would be weird.

Elaina: So? Weird is better than dead.

But you’ve always been good at reading people. If you say he’s a good egg, he’s probably a good egg. Though if he’s actually a keeper and not a serial killer, one part of this doesn’t make sense…

Maya: What’s that?

Elaina: Why are you worried about falling for him? Falling is good! I’d fall in love every week if I could. Even when it ends badly, being in love is the best feeling.

Maya: Says the woman who loves roller coasters. I prefer to keep my feet on the ground, thank you very much. I think we’ll have a great week together, but that’s all this is. Just a temporary thing.

Elaina: Why?!

Maya: It just is. Our lives are going in different directions and more isn’t possible right now. For either of us. I knew that going in, and I thought I was fine with it. But now…

Elaina: But now his magical penis has ensorcelled your heart along with your vagina, and you’re rethinking things?

Maya: I would have said ‘enchanted’ not ensorcelled, but…yes. That’s about the size of it.

Elaina: Speaking of size, how was that? Big, but not too big, I hope. When it comes to first times, sometimes less is more.

Maya: I obviously haven’t encountered many up close and personal, but from what I’ve seen in movies, it was bigger than average. But it was fine. Nothing I couldn’t handle.

Elaina: That’s my girl! You can handle any dick that swings your way. Assuming you want to handle it, of course. And you can handle the feelings, too. Just stay in the moment, enjoy every second, and try not to dwell on the future or lack thereof.

Maya: That’s what I was thinking.

Elaina: Of course you were. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders. And half the things we worry about never happen, anyway. Fretting about the future is a waste of life force. He could completely turn you off in a few days and then all that worrying about falling in love with him would have been a big waste of time.


