Pretending I’m Yours – Forbidden Billionaires Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 90899 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 454(@200wpm)___ 364(@250wpm)___ 303(@300wpm)

“No kicking and screaming,” I say, starting back down the dimly lit path, mentally adding, unless Anthony actually is a serial killer, and then I’ll kick and scream like a champ.

But he’s not a serial killer.

And he’s even more gorgeous than I remember…

As soon as I turn the corner to see my drop-dead sexy date standing in the warm glow of a gas lantern by the slightly ajar back gate, wearing a tailored gray wool coat and red scarf the same deep crimson as my own, my fears melt away in a rush of warmth and excitement.

It’s the way he smiles that does it—like he’s thrilled, and a little bit relieved, to see me. He seems every bit as excited about our date as I am.

Besides, there’s a folded blanket and a picnic basket sitting by his feet, and I’m pretty sure serial killers don’t feed you dinner first.

“You should have told me we were doing a picnic,” I say, my face heating as he rests a hand lightly at the small of my back and leans in to kiss my cheek. My eyes slide closed, my heart beating faster as his spicy smell floods through my head, and my nerve endings sizzle to life the way they did last night in our private room. “I could have brought wine or fancy Italian soda or s-something,” I stammer as he pulls back, gazing down at me with an intensity that makes me feel beautiful and desired and…nervous.

Very nervous.

Tonight, I’m finally going to learn what it’s like to be naked with a man. Heck, with another person, period. I wasn’t an athlete like my friend, Sully, and I’m not comfortable prancing around the beach in tiny bikinis like Elaina. I’ve never changed in a locker room, and all my swimsuits are one-pieces.

If Anthony gets me out of my fleece-lined jeans and white cashmere sweater, I will be the most naked I’ve ever been with anyone besides myself.

And Pudge, but he doesn’t count. Cats are notoriously unfazed by nudity and Pudge is unfazed by just about everything except the weird sound that was coming from the hotel’s ancient radiator this morning.

But that’s the reason I’m here, after all, and so far, Anthony doesn’t seem bothered by the fact that I’m probably twenty pounds over my fighting weight and can’t remember the last time I hit the gym. I’ve been too busy working to make time for more than a long walk after work, but the way his fingers curl lightly into my hip through my coat, lingering for a long beat before he steps back, makes me feel like I might have a sex vibe, after all.

At least with him.

“I’ve got it all covered,” he says, reaching for the basket and blanket. “Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options, and a few things in case you’re a vegetarian. I was already at the store by the time I realized I forgot to ask.”

“No, I’m not a vegetarian,” I say, following him toward the cracked gate. “That’s not allowed in my part of Maine. Meat eating is expected, and seafood is on the table just about every night. My uncle and half my cousins work on fishing boats, so…”

“Same where I grew up,” he says. “Well, the meat part, not the fishing. Though we couldn’t always afford quality meat. Spam sandwiches for dinner were a fairly common occurrence.”

I fight to conceal my surprise. So, he wasn’t always this posh-looking person in designer clothes with an expensive-looking haircut that makes his shaggy brown hair fall in a perfect wave over his forehead.

It makes him even more interesting, someone I’m even more eager to get to know. As foolish as it probably is, I find myself desperate to know everything about this man, even if we will be parting ways in just a week.

He nods over my shoulder. “Just close the gate behind you and hit that red button on the panel on the left. That should rearm the security system on the outer gate. My contact turned off the video streams and alarms inside the garden, but in the past they’ve had kids climb the outer gate and cause trouble, so he wants to be sure the electric fence is fully functional while we’re here.”

“Got it, sure thing,” I say, following his directions, flinching slightly at the sharp buzz that sounds after I arm the system.

“Sorry,” Anthony says with a soft laugh. “He didn’t say it would be that loud.”

I turn back with a rush of breath. “No, it’s fine. It wasn’t that loud. I’m just…a little jumpy, I guess.” I shrug and wave an awkward mitten in the air between us. “First dates are kind of scary, even when they’re normal first dates.”

He arches a wry brow.

“I didn’t mean that in a bad way,” I hurry to assure him, cursing myself for making things even more awkward.


