Preppy: The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part Two Read Online T.M. Frazier (King #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Crime, Dark, Drama, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: King Series by T.M. Frazier

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 74225 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 297(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

“Yeah, sounds about right,” I said.

“You had” King asked.

“Why is that so strange? We had all sorts of bitches at our parties.”

Bear’s smile grew even brighter and I froze, knowing exactly what he was about to say because I saw the memories taking hold in that brain of his. “‘Cause this is the only bitch we both had our dicks in at the same time.”

I could have said a million things but instead I chose to change the subject. “So when are we having my homecoming party?” I asked.

“You ready for that?”

“I’m ready for anything,” I said, snorting another line and hoping the blow would help me believe my own lie.



The house itself felt the same but looked a little different. The garage had either been remodeled or replaced because even in the dark it looked brand new. The main house had a new coat of paint for sure. The numerous windows are clean and appear to have new white window frames. The soffit that had been rusting and falling down were all new as well. The space under the house that used to be cluttered with random broken parts was completely clear of junk and was now being used as parking. The truck that Ray had driven when she came to see me at Mirna’s took up the space on the far wall. Several motorcycles took up the rest.

Torches with bright flames burned along the front walkway. All the lights were glowing from the bottom story, but only a single light was on upstairs, the window glowing yellow before whoever was in that room, that VERY familiar room, abruptly shut the blinds.

“This was a really bad idea,” I whispered to Brandon who wraps his arm around my shoulder. “I shouldn’t have come.” I turned back around but Brandon grabbed me by the wrist.

“You’re here now, Dre. You came to sell the house and get closure right? Well,” he said, gesturing to the house. Laughter, along with the light thump from the beat of the music playing echoed from the backyard. I knew where Brandon was about to say and he must have saw that I knew because he never finished his sentence. Instead, he took my hand and pulled me toward the house. I could’ve argued but there was no point. I hated it when he was right, which was often. I tried to relax my stiff shoulders by taking a deep calming breath and exhaling slowly.

Nope, didn’t work.

“Hey, over here” Ray shouted, spotting us from the porch, waving her arms around in the air. “I’m so glad you made it,” she said, approaching us. With Ray was the same beautiful girl with strawberry blonde hair who was there the day I discovered that Preppy was alive. “This is Thia,” Ray introduced.

“You can call me, Ti,” she offered with a sweet smile. My eyes dropped to the humungous baby belly between us. “Yeah, I know, I’m huge,” Ti said when she saw where I was looking. She patted her belly. “Any day now though and this little munchkin will finally stop stomping on my bladder. I swear to Christ I feel like the baby is using my pelvis as a trampoline. Up and down and up and down. I’m in shock I haven’t split in two yet.” I could feel how uncomfortable she was. Beads of sweat appeared on her pale skin, spotting over the bridge of her nose and cheeks. She fanned herself with her hand. “Is it hot out here? I feel like it’s really hot.”

It was the coolest night since I’d arrived in Logan’s Beach, although that meant it was in the seventies so to a pregnant woman that had to still be borderline surface of the sun temperature.

“I’m Brandon,” Brandon offered, shaking Ti’s hand.

“Shit, I’m sorry. I forgot to introduce you again,” I apologized.

“No worries, I know you have a lot on your mind.” Brandon gave my shoulder a squeeze and didn’t let go. He turned toward Ray and Thia. “Ladies, I think this one here could use a drink.”

“Yes!” Ray said, holding up her own beer dripping with condensation. Thia looked at it lovingly. Like it was an old friend she missed dearly. I tried not to laugh, hiding my smile behind my hand. “I’ll show you where the coolers are,” Ray said, hooking her arm with mine. She led me away from Brandon who offered to help Thia back up the steps into the house to find Bear.

Ray showed me where the coolers were against her house in the back. There was a crowd of people in all forms of sitting, standing, and leaning, around the bonfire in the backyard. The smell of cigarette smoke and weed hovered in the still night air. Ray reached into one of the coolers and twisted off the top of a beer, she handed it to me.


