Pregnant by the Good Guy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 32140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 161(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 107(@300wpm)

Last month, Mila’s parents tried to marry her off to some old criminal dude due to some debts her father owed. Once Mila realized it during dinner, she ran out in the middle of the cold, pregnant with no coat, purse, nothing but a phone and called Jake. Once he came and got her they went back to his parents place where they stay most days but on the days when his father is going to be home majority of the day, she sleeps at her parents place.

I didn’t know it at the time, but Jacob spoke with Royce and asked him to let me stay with her at her place when she is there because neither she nor him feel safe for her to be there alone. He is working on getting them an apartment. There is one that is opening up in our building. That would be great. To be honest though, I have been using that as an excuse to sort of run from the intensity of us. This man consumes not only my thoughts and dreams, but my time when are together. He is demanding both physically and mentally and at first I thought it was too much, but the longer I am away from him, the more I realize it is never enough.

“No shit. That was fast. I mean I get it. We both know if it was you…well shit I got us an apartment to keep you away from your mom’s house, but fuck.” He shouts into the room making my heart jump a few beats. “I don't know if I can continue this even for a few more days. Not having access to you whenever I want is fucking with my head, Mari.” Truthfully, I understand. I have gotten spoiled since we moved in together. He takes care of me. Treats me like something precious. Hell, he has already started decorating the second bedroom for the baby. I miss him every night.

“Do you want me to tell her I can’t come over anymore?” I would feel awful, especially with it only being a few days at best. She has become my best friend, but I would do it for him. It’s the least I can do.

“No,” he says, lifting me over him so I am straddling his lap. His fingers begin tugging at my nipples and my still unconscious pussy resuscitates. His mouth trails down my neck and back up. “I will take care of it. Right now what I want is for you to take my cock and slide your greedy pussy down on it. Again. You know how much I love to see your tits bounce and your belly between us.” She may be sore, but I do exactly what he says.

Crap. I roll over to a semi warm empty side of the bed and move the hair from my face. Looking at the clock, I see it is late afternoon which means he is probably at work. Normally I would be doing homework or studying but I finished all of my stuff and since graduation is less than two months away, there is barely anything else.

My stomach begins to growl, and I giggle rubbing my baby girl. “Mommy’s sorry baby girl. Your daddy wore me out. Come on. Let’s go eat something.” Grabbing my robe off the chair on my side, I slide my feet into my Happy Feet slippers he bought me last week because I commented on how cute these Mumble slippers were after we saw the movie. See, he spoils me.

I walk into the kitchen thinking in my head the last time we went grocery shopping and what there could be to eat, and I stop right in my tracks at what is waiting for me on the counter. There are three plates, all with warming tops on them and a note.

Hey baby,

I hate that I had to leave without saying bye, but you were sleeping so peacefully I couldn’t wake you. Our daughter on the other hand had a fun time giving daddy a high five. I grabbed a few things from the corner store for you to eat to hold you over until I get off. I will bring home dinner from the restaurant, and we will go shopping tomorrow. Mom wanted me to remind you that you are going to the house today to work on the baby shower. Enjoy your pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage. Take your vitamins and don’t forget your phone.

I love you baby.

You too, baby girl.

Love, Husband/Daddy.

This man is too much. I totally forgot about the baby shower day with his mom. With that in my mind, I eat my food and text with Mila while she tells me about her day and how she woke up today and suddenly she is huge. She is freaking out that she grew overnight. I can’t help laughing because I know exactly how she feels. One day I was able to ignore that I was pregnant and then the next day this little girl was making herself known.


