Possessive Player – Game On Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 40
Estimated words: 37217 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 186(@200wpm)___ 149(@250wpm)___ 124(@300wpm)

A bitter laugh bursts from my mouth. “You know that and I know that. Try telling my dad that, though. He’s afraid the appearance of impropriety will look bad.”

“Did he hire you?”

“No. Jordan Murray, the head trainer, hired me,” I reply. “My dad didn’t know I even applied until I surprised him on my first day. But he’s afraid people are going to think he gave me special treatment anyway and asked me to keep our relationship quiet.”

“That’s… stupid.”

A wry smile twists my lips. “It is. But I also understand it. My dad has devoted his life to whichever team he’s coaching. He puts all of himself into it, and everything he does is for the good of the team. I understand and believe in what he does. The last thing I want is to be a problem. So, for the good of the team, I go along. Whenever anybody asks, I use my mother’s maiden name.”

Carter slips his hands into the pockets of his jeans, and he looks down at the ground, his expression softening. I can still feel that wall between us, though. He’s still reluctant to defy my father and be with me even though I can tell by the look on his face that being apart has been as hard on him as it’s been on me.

“I’m a grown woman, Carter. He doesn’t get to say who I can and can’t be with.”

A sad smile touches his lips. “He does so long as he’s the one making the roster. And this might be my last shot at a winner, Cami. I don’t⁠—”

“My father doesn’t have to know. He won’t know.”

“I’m not going to ask you to keep another secret.”

“It’s my choice. You’re not asking me to do anything.”

I step over to him and lay my hands flat on his chest. His body is tense. Taut. But his eyes burn with the same desire I saw in his car at Mac's. The air between us crackles with that same sense of anticipation and electricity. Carter's breath catches in his throat. But then he shakes his head, takes hold of my wrists, and starts to step away.

I shake his hands off and grab the front of his t-shirt then pull him down, kissing him almost violently. He grabs the side of my face and turns me around, pinning me up against the wall as he kisses me harder. His tongue swirls forcefully around mine, hands sliding down to my breasts. He cups and kneads them through the fabric of the sweatshirt, his kiss growing hotter and even more frantic.

I raise my arms as he slides my hoodie up my body. Carter quickly pulls it off and throws it toward the couch. It misses and puddles on the floor. My bra quickly follows, and then Carter’s mouth and hands are on my breasts, squeezing and sucking them. Electricity crackles through my veins as he teases and grazes my nipples with his teeth. I run my hands through his hair, pulling on it and reveling in the feelings as my body tingles.

We quickly shed our clothes, tossing them aside, and it’s not long before Carter’s living room floor is littered with them. We’re both naked as the day we were born, and I get my first look at him in all his glory.

Carter’s body is a work of art. All hard angles and planes, thick, corded muscle, his skin warm and golden. He is what people talk about when they describe somebody as being chiseled out of marble in the likeness of a Greek God.

My eyes travel down his body, stopping at his thick girth, which is engorged and pointing straight up, and I gasp softly. Carter’s cock is thick and long, and honestly, I can’t believe I took something that large into my body. But the memory of riding him in his truck on that rainy day makes me shudder deliciously and anticipate having him inside of me again. My entire body trembles and I swallow hard, wanting to feel him on top of me, his cock buried to the hilt. Seeing him naked and raw is bringing all those dirty little things I’m learning that I enjoy to the surface all over again.

My skin feels like it’s on fire, lust pooling low in my belly, and I’m so wet, the insides of my thighs are slick with my juices. Carter takes a moment to look at me, a look of ecstasy and admiration on his face. He drinks me in with a look of such rapture on his face that it makes me shudder. I never imagined a man would look at me the way he does. And if I’m being honest, it’s getting me even wetter—wetter than I’ve ever been in my life.

“You are absolutely exquisite,” he says, his voice thick with desire.


