Only You – The Adair Family Read Online Samantha Young

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 127
Estimated words: 121460 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 607(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

“Oh.” He took an unconscious step back. “You two …”

“Aye, we’re together.”

“I didn’t realize.” Haydyn gave a thin-lipped smile. “Sorry.”

“Now you know.” Brodan turned us away from my pupil’s father and muttered under his breath, “Prick.”

Seething at his side, I choked out, “Excuse me.” Then I pulled out of his hold and tried my best not to storm out of the cafeteria because I didn’t want to get tongues wagging. Giving parents a pained smile, I hurried as quickly from the room as possible, up the stairs, and along the corridor to the quiet of my classroom. I hadn’t yet made it to the room when I heard footsteps behind me.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Brodan following. I glowered and then marched into my classroom, whirling to face him.

He appeared a few seconds later, expression wary.

“How dare you?” I blurted out angrily.

He scowled. “You want that arsehole flirting with you?”

Gut churning with indignation, I tried to fry him with a look alone. “I was just about to tell Mr. Barr it was inappropriate for him to touch me without my permission. It was up to me to do that. I didn’t need you to come and pee all around me like I’m some possession to be fought over.”

Brodan exhaled slowly and then squeezed the bridge of his nose.

I trembled as I waited for him to annoy me by trying to justify his actions.

Instead, he shocked me.

“You’re right. You’re absolutely right.” He gave me a pleading look. “I’m sorry, Sunset.”

Stunned, I deflated. “You’re sorry?”

“Aye, I’m sorry.” He took a step toward me. “I have never been territorial over women … just you. And I’m not proud of it and promise to do better to curb the possessive arsehole within. I’m just … I’m afraid you’ll change your mind about me. That you’ll walk away. Maybe even find someone else.”

I wanted to be angry with him, but as I thought about my own jealous reaction to the parents flirting with him earlier, I’d be a hypocrite. Still, it was a good reminder. “I haven’t decided about us, Brodan. And watching your fans”—I gestured toward the door, indicating the legion waiting for him in the cafeteria—“fawn all over you isn’t exactly making me want to give us a shot.”

Brodan frowned, taking another step toward me. “They have nothing to do with me. I can’t help what other people do, Roe.”

“You didn’t exactly extract yourself from the situation.”

“I directed the musical their kids were in.” His voice rose with exasperation. “They wanted to thank me, to talk about it. I can’t help if they flirt while they do that, but I wasn’t flirting back, and you know that. Other people’s actions are not my responsibility, Roe, and you holding them against me isn’t fucking fair.” He looked devastated all of a sudden. “And I can’t live my life in fear that you’ll walk away from me because of it.”

So instead, he walked away from me.

Panic seized my chest with an unexpectedness that made my knees wobble. How had this discussion turned into something so devastatingly final?

I’d let my jealousy get the better of me.

Just as he had.

Damn it.

The entire time we’d become friends again, not once had he held that night with Arran against me. He’d shown me compassion and understanding for my lost night, despite it being the catalyst that ruined us.

I still didn’t know if I could fully trust my heart to him, but I knew I wanted to try, and our relationship wouldn’t survive if we held things against each other.

Hurrying out of the room, I slammed the classroom door shut behind me and locked it. I could see Brodan marching down the corridor, almost out of sight.

“Brodan!” I yelled, hurrying after him.

He kept walking.


To my relief, he halted and turned around. As I neared, I saw the muscle flexing in his jaw, his expression wary.

I didn’t stop until we were almost touching, tilting my chin to hold his gaze as I laid my hands gently on his chest. His heart beat fast beneath my palm. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

As he remained guarded, I continued, “Brodan, I’m sorry. We were both jealous. We’re both on edge as we work this thing out. I promise to do better.”

His entire body sagged with relief, and he reached for me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he bent to rest his forehead against mine. “I promise to do better too.”



“You’re sure your family doesn’t mind me crashing Christmas Day?” I asked, feeling more nervous about approaching Thane and Regan’s home than I had the afternoon of the Christmas fair.

Christmas Day was for family. Mum and I hadn’t spent Christmas Day together in well over a decade, so there was really no change in that department. I’d always called her, even though I’d end up feeling like shit after the call. No, over the years, I’d spent Christmas Day with friends and other people’s families. When someone heard you were spending it alone, the offers poured in. It was the season of generosity, after all.


