Only You – The Adair Family Read Online Samantha Young

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 127
Estimated words: 121460 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 607(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

So imagine my surprise when the bell tinkled above the door and in came Arrochar, pushing a pram. My pulse raced as our eyes connected. I didn’t know how Arro would respond to my being home. In fact, it was a miracle we hadn’t bumped into each other yet. Now here we were, in another village, staring at one another.

To my shock, Arro’s face split into a beautiful smile. “Roe!”

My eyebrows sprung upward. “Arro.”

She pushed the pram toward my table, and my eyes dropped as I heard a baby making gurgling noises from within. Arro’s wee girl. My goodness. Sometimes it felt like time hadn’t passed, and then I was reminded that it absolutely had. Arro pushed the pram into the corner by my table, and I stood to greet her as she wrapped her arms around me. The smell of her perfume enveloped me, and tears sprung to my eyes as she squeezed me hard.

“I’ve missed you,” she said, sounding a little hoarse.

I cleared my throat. “You too,” I whispered.

When she pulled back, she didn’t release me. Arro stared down at me, studying my face as I studied hers. She hadn’t changed much. In fact, she glowed, her blond hair lighter than it used to be, her eyes that same striking pale blue as Brodan’s. Happiness radiated from her, and I was glad. When I’d first discovered she was married to her sister-in-law’s father, I didn’t know what to make of it. Then I saw Mackennon Galbraith in the village one day, and I could certainly see the attraction. He’d had Robyn very young, so the age gap between him and Arro didn’t seem so drastic in reality. Especially considering Arro was a mature woman in her thirties.

Still, what a complicated family tree the Adairs were growing.

“I can’t believe we bumped into each other here. Since I heard you were back, I have been waiting to see you. I actually called the school for your number, but they wouldn’t give it to me.”

Shocked by this revelation, I had to force back fresh tears. I was so sure Arro was mad at me. But no. “They wouldn’t? I’m sorry.” I blushed with frustration at myself. “I … I just assumed you didn’t want to hear from me. That’s why I never …”

Arro gave my arms another squeeze and stepped back. “It’s all water under the bridge. Do you mind if Skye and I join you?”

It was on the tip of my tongue to reject her, just as I’d rejected Arran the numerous times he’d tried to engage in friendship. But after the way Brodan had treated me in rehearsal—in fact, since that first day in Flora’s—I was done acting like I had done something wrong. I was sick and tired of hosting all the blame for the deterioration of our friendship. Why should I make myself miserable for someone who didn’t exist anymore? Brodan wasn’t the kind, protective boy of my childhood.

He was a complete and total wanker.

My attention moved to the pram, to the adorable baby girl inside staring up at her mum. “Oh, Arro, she’s beautiful.”

“Thank you. Let’s settle in, and you can hold her if you’d like.”

An ache tore through my chest. “I’d like that.”

“Can you watch her while I order a coffee?”

“Of course.”

“Do you want anything?”

“I’m good.” I was reeling. This felt surreal on so many levels.

As Arro waited to be served, I leaned over the pram. “Hullo, Skye,” I greeted the baby softly.

Her blue eyes moved to me and she raised her fists, giving me a smile in return.

The pain of longing intensified.

I thought I’d have children, plural, by now. Maybe even one already in high school.

Life didn’t turn out how I’d expected. I wondered if it did for anyone.

When Arro returned to her seat, I asked, “What brings you to Golspie?”

“They needed Mac at the estate for some security system update today.” She shrugged before taking a quick sip of coffee. “And honestly, I just wanted to have a gander with Skye without bumping into someone every five seconds.” Realizing how that sounded, she placed a hand over mine. “Not you. This is different. I’m so glad we bumped into each other.”

“No, I get it. Why do you think I’m here?”

Arro chuckled and then shook her head as she held my gaze. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

“Neither have you.”

“You’re too kind.” She smoothed a hand over Skye’s blanket. “I’ve changed since this wee drop of stardust fell into my life. I haven’t had a full night’s sleep since, for a start.”

“Well, you would never know. You look beautiful.”

Arro gave me a soft smile. “Forever kind, as always, Roe. Goodness, I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to see you.” Her smile dropped. “Though Arran tells me you’re staying in Gordon’s caravan. That won’t do, Monroe. Not over the winter. One reason I wanted to bump into you was to offer you Mac’s cottage on Castle Street. We’ve been renting it as a holiday let, so there’s no current tenant. We can rent it to you for the same as whatever Gordon’s renting the caravan.”


