One Night Valentine – Tangled in Temptation Read Online Hope Ford

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Novella, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 36185 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 181(@200wpm)___ 145(@250wpm)___ 121(@300wpm)

Her sister has done a number on her, and hopefully I can fix that because Tara is a special woman, and I’m the lucky man that gets to work side by side with her this evening. I take a deep breath, willing my dick to calm down because being this close to her is a temptation I wasn’t ready for.



When Cruz comes by to pick me up in the morning, I hide a yawn. I feel like I went on an all-night bender, and he looks completely put together… and handsome. I try to hide my thoughts since Lexi is standing beside me.

“Hey, big brother!”

He hands her a coffee from the tray he’s carrying, and she moans. “Oh thank you, just what I needed.”

He hands me the next cup. “Here you go. Lexi told me what you liked. Iced coffee, right?”

I moan the same way Lexi did. “Oh, I could just kiss you.” His eyes go straight to my mouth, and I start to stutter. “I mean, you know what I mean.” I grab the cup and try to change the subject. “Do you feel like you just left here?”

He’s watching me closely and nods his head. “I’ve been up since four.”

My mouth drops open. “Four? You left here at eleven last night.”

He doesn’t act like it’s a big deal at all. “Four is a habit. I’m sure it will change soon, but I’m used to getting up and working out.”

The open look he had before is gone, and now he appears guarded and somewhat worried, and I’m sure it’s about his announcement for tomorrow.

I want to reach for him, but I grip my drink tighter to refrain from doing just that. Lexi is already watching us with wide, curious eyes. The last thing I need is for her to think this is real. This is fake and doesn’t mean a thing.

“You ready to go?”

He nods. “Yeah. I got here early in case I could help you do anything before we go.”

I gesture around the store. “Are you kidding me? I can’t believe how much work we got done last night. You are a pro.” I hug Lexi. “Thanks for coming in to help. We won’t be gone long.”

She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. “Take as much time as you need.”

I laugh. “You know you’re talking about your brother, right?”

She grimaces. “Ewwww. Yuck, you’re right. Go, get out of here.”

Cruz and I laugh as we walk out of the shop. Always the gentleman, he helps me into his SUV that is parked right outside, and soon we’re driving across town to the elementary school. “So your sister is a teacher,” he says.

I nod. “Yep. My dad says it’s a respectable profession.”

He shrugs. “Yeah, it is. But you’re a business owner. That’s pretty respectable too.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “I started working at the shop in high school. My parents wanted me to go to college, but instead I learned everything I could about floral arrangement. When the store owner wanted to sell the business and move to Florida last year, he gave me a great deal.”

He pulls into the school and parks but surprises me when he doesn’t get out. He turns to me. “Don’t do that.”

“Do what?”

He puts his hand on the console between us. “Don’t make yourself little. What you are doing at that shop is amazing, and good for you for doing what you love.”

There’s no hiding the hope on my face. No one has ever said anything nice to me about my chosen profession. I open my mouth, close it, and then softly smile. “Thank you, Cruz. I am happy doing what I’m doing.”

He taps my leg. “Stay put. I’ll get the door for you.”

He gets out, and I watch as he walks around the front of the SUV. The man is dressed in khakis and a light blue button-down shirt with the Jasper Eagles logo on the left side of his chest. He looks handsome with his hair slicked back. I’ve never felt an attraction like this, and it sucks that I can’t give in to it.

He helps me out of the car and holds my hand as we walk across the parking lot. “Ya know, I didn’t picture your sister as a school teacher.”

“She says she’s quitting once she gets married.”

As he takes that in, we walk into the school and stop at the main office. One person recognizes Cruz and takes a few pictures. After we sign in, I assure them I know where Brynn’s classroom is.

“You’re like a celebrity.”

He takes a deep breath. “For now. They’ll forget about me soon.”

I’m not sure what it is, but it rubs me the wrong way. I stop walking and put my hand on his arm. “Hey.”

He looks at me, waiting.

I startle, being this close to him, but I have something I need to say. “You’re more than just a football player, you know that, right? Your job may change, but that’s not who you are.”


