Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 119005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 595(@200wpm)___ 476(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 119005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 595(@200wpm)___ 476(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)
I was wound up more than usual because Gavin had shown up at practice on Saturday. I told security to get rid of him. But word reached me he was at the game yesterday and this time was drunk and saying shitty things about me. The thought of Gavin back in my life, hounding me—most likely for money—was something I couldn’t deal with. I needed a distraction. I’d been getting plenty of that from Beth over the past week, but the guys needed to blow off some steam, too, so a nightclub it was. The gaffer didn’t like us partying too much during the season, but even he recognized we needed an outlet now and then.
John had told me to invite Beth and her friends, so I did. She’d brought along the girls who worked with her, Cara and Michaela, and it occurred to me as we strolled into the club on the Cowgate together that Beth didn’t talk about the girls much other than in relation to work. She didn’t talk about any friends.
It seemed weird to me. If we were in a place where it was my business, I might ask her what was up with that.
Tonight was clearly hip-hop and R&B night at the club. Baird raised both arms as we walked in, drawing attention to us with his size. “That’s what I’m talking aboot!” He spun around, grinning as he did a couple of booty pops that made Beth fall into my side laughing.
I curled an arm around her waist, my hand resting possessively on her hip.
She looked amazing. She always looked amazing, but tonight I’d wanted to pull her back into her flat and peel the sexy blue dress off her. It molded to her gorgeous body like a second skin, and the hem stopped midthigh, showing off her long, strong legs. It had barely any straps and the round neck was low enough to tempt a saint. On her feet were blue heels that made my cock hard.
Even baring all that skin, she still had this classiness no amount of money could buy. It was in the way she held herself. She was just one of those women who always looked put together, even in joggers and a T-shirt. But it was more than that—it was also in the way she treated people.
We’d gone out for dinner a couple of times this past week before ending up back at my place, and anyone we encountered she was warm and friendly and polite to. On the cab ride here, she’d asked Cara and Michaela a ton of questions, never once steering the conversation back to herself, and she seemed genuinely interested in their lives and what they had to say. She’d even been warm and sweet to the girls I’d had one-night stands with before she and I got together. She treated everyone she met like long-lost friends and family.
It was how she’d been when we were kids. Why I’d liked her so much.
Something unpleasant burned in my chest.
Before it could take hold, John appeared with Kaito, Botan, and Eric at his back. Loud introductions were made, and I ignored another unpleasant sensation that arose when John enfolded Beth in a tight hug and kissed her cheeks.
“Happy Birthday!” She beamed up at him.
The sight of his hands on her lower back, near the curve of her arse, had me stepping forward. I gently pushed between them to embrace John. “Happy Birthday, mate.”
“The girls and I are going to grab drinks. What do you want?” Beth asked as I pulled back from my teammate and friend.
“We’ll get them,” I insisted.
“Opened a tab.” John smiled down at her. “Under the team’s name. Just put everything on that.”
“Nice!” Cara grinned. “Thanks.”
“Hey …” John’s gaze dragged down her body. “You’re welcome?”
“Cara,” Beth introduced. “And this is Michaela.”
“Nice to meet you both.”
Beth touched my arm. “What do you want?”
You in my bed right this fucking second. “Whatever they have on draft.”
She nodded, and she and her girls made their way through the club. I scowled as a group of lads spotted them and turned to watch them pass. They nudged each other and moved closer to the bar as Beth reached it. Strobe lights bounced off them and they stared at Beth’s arse in a way that made me want to rip off their balls.
I scowled and started to move forward.
“Whoa.” Baird slung an arm around my shoulders, appearing out of nowhere. “No starting fights on John’s birthday.”
I squeezed my eyes closed, trying to relax. “I’m fine.”
“You’re wound up tight, mate. Look, she’s a sexy lassie in a nightclub. People are going to look at her, so rein it in. Thought this was only casual between you, anyway?”
“It is.” One of the blokes was breaking away from his group, stepping toward Beth. “Excuse me.” I pushed by Baird and marched through the clubgoers, shoving past their jumping bodies.