On Loverose Lane (Return to Dublin Street #1) Read Online Samantha Young

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Return to Dublin Street Series by Samantha Young

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 119005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 595(@200wpm)___ 476(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)


I reared back, smiling tightly to soften the blow of my reaction. “Nice to see you.” I skirted him, walking backward as I turned.

“Oh, don’t go yet.” He grabbed my hand, tugging me toward him, and that’s when I noticed the glassiness in his eyes.

Samuel was a wee bit drunk.

He wrapped his other arm around my waist, drawing me against him, and I knew if I resisted, we’d make a scene, so I let him. His breath reeked of whisky. “Dance with me.”

“No one else is dancing.”

His hand slid dangerously low on my back, so I reached behind me to stop its descent.

Samuel pouted. “Well, come sit with me. Let’s catch up.”

“I’m here with Callan, and I really need to get back to him.”

His arm banded tighter around me, crushing my chest against him. “Dump the dumb footballer, Beth. I’m much better company.”

I smiled widely but said through clenched teeth, “One, Callan is far from dumb. Two, I want this job, but I don’t want it enough to put up with your drunk groping. So let go of me, or I’m going to teach you what happens when you touch a woman without her permission.”

Samuel’s expression slackened, as did his hold. “No need to be a bitch.”

I smoothed my dress, keeping the placid smile on my face as I replied, “Go sober up, before you embarrass yourself and your mother.”

“I second that.” Sheera’s sharp voice sounded at our side, and I jerked my head toward her. She stood glowering at her son. “Go get yourself a glass of water, darling. Preferably several.” Her eyes cut to me, and she gave me an assessing look before shaking her head slightly.

My stomach dropped. I took that to mean we were not okay, and I shakily turned and strode across the ballroom away from the mother and son.

Callan was still seated at the table, and he glared as I walked toward him. His gaze dipped to the flash of my leg before returning to my face. Anger darkened his expression, and I frowned as I took my seat.

“I thought the whole point of me being here was because you didn’t want to date Samuel Green.”

The bite in his words made heat burn in my chest. “I don’t. He’s drunk and grew a million pair of hands. I was trying not to make a scene, but believe me, I do not enjoy being groped by men I don’t want groping me.”

“He was groping you? Where is the prick?” Callan moved to stand, anger bristling in his movements.

I grabbed his hand and tugged on it. “Sit down. It’s taken care of. I’ve probably lost the job.”

Callan’s expression softened with sympathy as he lowered to his seat.

We sat in silence for a while and then finally, he asked gruffly, “Are you okay?”

Before I could answer, a shadow fell over us. We looked up to find a handsome man, perhaps in his midforties. His dark eyes were on me. Recognition hit as he asked, “Excuse me, but would you like to dance?”

Sure enough, a quick glance behind informed me people were now out on the dance floor. “You’re … You’re Iain Erstwhile.”

He grinned, and it was attractive. “I am.”

This man was Maia’s boss’s boss. He was the CEO of Pennington’s, the oldest luxury department store chain in the country. My immediate thought jumped to business. If I could dance with him, I could tell him about Social Queens. Pennington’s was an even better client opportunity than Aura Beauty! Maybe tonight wouldn’t be a total loss.

“Sure.” I stood up, handing my clutch to Callan. “Will you look after this for me?”

Callan scowled. “Aye, sure, no problem.”

It did, in fact, sound like it was a big problem. I gave him a look that I hoped conveyed that I’d explain later. Then I followed Iain freaking Erstwhile onto the dance floor.

“I’m Beth Carmichael,” I introduced myself as I began swaying in his arms. He was a gentleman and kept an appropriate amount of space between us.

Iain raised an eyebrow. “Not Braden’s daughter?”


He frowned. “May I ask what age you are?”


Iain relaxed and murmured, “Old enough.”

Oh boy. Time to steer any thoughts like that far, far away. “I run a social media management company. Who does your socials for you?”

His lips twitched with amusement. “I asked you to dance because as soon as you walked in the room, I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I really don’t want to talk business with such a beautiful woman in my arms.”

Damn it. I gave him a flirty but abashed smile. “I came here with a date.”

“Callan Keen’s reputation is well known. I assumed it isn’t serious.”

Oh, he had been paying attention. “You assumed incorrectly,” I lied.

“Ah, pity.” His dark eyes moved over my face. “If you ever change your mind …” He released me to pull a card out of his suit pocket. “Call me.”


