On Loverose Lane (Return to Dublin Street #1) Read Online Samantha Young

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Return to Dublin Street Series by Samantha Young

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 119005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 595(@200wpm)___ 476(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)

He gave me a boyish smile, his eyes lighting up. As he took the seat next to me, he dropped his bag under the table. Then as he bent to pull his iPad out with one hand, he used the other to trail his fingertips up my calf.

I jumped a little in surprise and shot him a look.

Callan grinned unrepentantly as he straightened.

While Mr. Fisher spoke, I felt a touch against the back of my hand and glanced down to see Callan had rested his hand right next to mine and was subtly brushing his fingers against my skin. I suppressed a shiver and bit my lip to contain my smile.

It took all my concentration to focus on Mr. Fisher.

When he finally stopped talking so we could work on our dissertations, I turned to find Callan staring at me.

He was so unfairly hot.

“Are you deliberately trying to distract me?”

He shrugged. “Maybe.”

“No talking,” Mr. Fisher called from the front of the room.

Damn it.

After class, Callan threaded his fingers through mine, and I followed him instead of heading toward the cafeteria for my prefect duties. I’d, of course, signed up to be a prefect this year, which meant my breaks were taken over by standing guard in corridors so the younger students didn’t get rowdy on their way through the school.

I’d never shirked my responsibilities before. But Callan was worth it, and despite our current strangeness, Amanda would cover for me.

He pulled me into an empty art room and into the photo developing lab. Plunged into darkness as Callan pressed me against the door, I could feel, smell, and hear nothing but him. Then his mouth was on mine. Gentle and exploring. I sighed, tingles of heat shooting through me as he kissed my neck.

He raised his head only to whisper in my ear, “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

I wanted to question why he wouldn’t ask me out already when he seemed just as obsessed with me as I was with him.

But then he was kissing me again and I was lost.

When the bell rang for our next class, I was pretty sure I left the dark room with lips swollen enough to give me away. I didn’t care.

Callan clasped my hand in his as we walked out into the corridor to join the other kids heading toward class. “I talked my dad into coming tonight.”

I squeezed his hand at this revelation. Parents’ evening was that night, and Callan needed his father to show up for it because of his scholarship. I’d convinced him to annoy the hell out of his waste-of-space dad until he agreed.

“I had to bribe him.”

Anger flushed through me. “With what?”

“When … when my stepdad died, he left me stuff. Including an expensive watch.”

That anger ignited to rage. “No.” I stopped in the middle of the corridor, uncaring of the kids who had to maneuver around us.

Callan wouldn’t meet my eyes. “My dad—my real dad, not the sperm donor—he’d understand.”


“It’s done.” He tried to release my hand, but I held on.

“It’s done.” I leaned into him, forcing him to look at me. “And before you know it, you’ll be playing for Caledonia United and you’ll never have to deal with him again.”

Callan’s expression softened. “You really believe that?”

I smiled. “I may not know a lot about football, Callan Keen, but I know you’re special.”

He swallowed hard, his gaze darting between mine. “Beth, would⁠—”

“Oi, oi! Move out the way!” Ryan Preston shoulder-checked Callan, knocking him into me.

Callan steadied me, anger clouding his features. “Watch it!”

Ryan smirked. “Sorry, Beth.” Then he stuck his middle finger up at Callan and kept walking.

“Beth!” Lucy, a friend, suddenly appeared at my side. “You’re going to be late for class.” She tugged on my arm, pulling me away from Callan before he could finish his sentence.

I offered a small wave that he returned before Lucy pulled me around the corner and out of sight, leaving me to wonder if Ryan and Lucy had interrupted Callan finally asking me out.

I never got a chance to talk to Callan again that day. He had football practice and I had drama club before heading home for a quick change for parents’ evening.

Before we left for parents’ evening, however, I’d texted Amanda to ask if she’d be there. Twenty minutes after I’d sent the text, she replied. My stomach dropped as I read the text.

No. Bt we need 2 talk. I rlly feel like u put Callan b4 our friendship. I’m so hurt. U dnt seem 2 care.

Panic tightened my chest as my thumbs hovered over the screen. Amanda and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember. She was hilarious and kind and loyal. In fact, we’d been friends for so long and I loved her so much, I considered her my family.


