Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 119005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 595(@200wpm)___ 476(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 119005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 595(@200wpm)___ 476(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)
I stared, stunned.
“You have to know it’s bullshit.”
“Aye, don’t listen to that crap.” Adam shook his head, expression twisted in anger. “Doesn’t surprise me Gavin would even be jealous of his own son. Just sorry you have to deal with that.”
“Not anymore.” Braden’s tone was final.
I narrowed my eyes. “What do you mean?”
“I know a lot of people. People that can cause a great deal of problems for Gavin if he comes anywhere near my family. I’ve told him that, and he knows I can cause him a world of pain. He won’t be bothering you again, Callan.”
I sat on the end of my bed, elbows to knees, head bowed, staring unseeing at the floor.
There was movement in the room. And then Beth was on her knees before me, gently lifting my chin to force me to look at her.
She smoothed her hands down my forearms. “Talk to me.”
Love, so much love filled me, it was overwhelming. “Your dad took my back tonight.”
“He did.” She smiled, eyes shiny with tears for me but also pride for her dad.
“I thought he’d think I was scum … after seeing Gavin like that.”
“The only person he thinks is scum is Gavin.”
I nodded because I believed that. “I haven’t … I forgot. What it was like to have a dad give a shit.”
She blinked rapidly, the tears escaping down her cheeks. “My family is your family now, Captain … Does that frighten you?”
“No.” I exhaled slowly, curling my hand around one of hers. “It’s going to take some getting used to.”
“I know you have Baird and John and the team … but you have me now too. And you have the entire Carmichael clan and all our cousins. You basically nearly have another football team at your back.”
Reaching out, I wiped the tears off her face. “I love you, Beth Carmichael. So fucking much.”
“Even though you tried to kill me with curry, I love you so freaking much too.”
I chuckled, pulling her between my legs to cuddle her. I kissed the top of her head as she wound her arms around my back. “I really am never going to live that down, am I?”
“I tell you what … you reupholster that ugly sofa, and I’ll never mention the curry again.”
Laughing harder, I tightened my hold. Because only she could make me smile after a night like tonight. Beth Carmichael was pure fucking magic. “If it means that much to you …”
After a while, she whispered, “You can keep the floral travesty as it is.”
“Because it makes you happy.”
“Stop it.” My words were gruff.
“Stop what?”
“Making me love you more. I can’t handle it.”
I felt her smile against my chest. “Aye, you can. Just deal with it, buddy. If I can deal with that sofa, you can deal with how bloody awesome I am.”
Shaking with laughter, I kissed the top of her head again and thanked whatever fate was out there who decided to bring me to this flat on Loverose Lane.
To bring me back to Beth.
It was the first game of December. Yesterday, I’d spent the evening watching Beth put Christmas decorations up in her flat, all the while pestering me to go shopping so we could buy decorations for mine. I didn’t really do Christmas decorating. And that wasn’t why I was watching and not helping. That night I’d discovered something new about Beth.
She was a Christmas nut and very particular about decorating her tree.
I left her to it, agreeing to buy a tree for my place since I couldn’t care less and it would make her happy.
And I had to admit, her flat looked straight out of a fancy Christmas advert once she was done.
Now, I was standing on a pitch that was getting muddier by the second as rain pelted down. When we’d first jogged out, we’d been Baltic. It only took five minutes of the game to get the blood up. Except for it running into my eyes, I barely felt the cold rain. We lived in Scotland. We were used to playing in adverse weather, and this had come on out of the blue.
Ainsley and Beth were in the stands probably getting soaked too. But I couldn’t think about Beth.
We were down by one and frustration was getting the better of me. Baumann had lost control of the ball every single time it got to him. As captain, I was supposed to keep us together as a team, but I was only human. And the Swiss was pissing me off. “Where’s your fucking head?” I yelled at him, gesturing angrily after he lost the ball again and Dundonald United scored. This was supposed to be the game we trounced them.
“Focus on your own game!” Baumann shouted back at me and then yelled something in Swedish I’m sure was not in any way complimentary.