On Loverose Lane (Return to Dublin Street #1) Read Online Samantha Young

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Return to Dublin Street Series by Samantha Young

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 119005 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 595(@200wpm)___ 476(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)

Last week had been a surprise to see him with Georgia. The sight of him with the pretty brunette had caused this weird, horrible pang in my chest I wasn’t going to analyze, but I’d done a good job hiding it. I had to give Callan props for his good taste. Georgia was a sweetheart. We’d met for coffee yesterday, and I’d given her lots of information she’d need for starting her own accountancy business. Even though it was a different sector from mine, she had absolutely no idea where to begin, so I provided all the links to great resources for her start-up. Georgia had also told me Callan was just a one-night thing. “A pity,” she’d said, “because he’s phenomenal in the sack.”

I hadn’t pressed her for more.

I wasn’t interested in his sex life.

Speaking of which … as I locked the door, the man in question appeared, strolling down the stairwell with another girl at his side.

To my relief, there had been no loud parties from above since he’d moved in. I hadn’t even seen Baird or John again, but then I’d been rushed off my feet lately and it was the Scottish football season, so I imagined they were busy too.

And to be fair, Georgia and this woman were the only two I’d seen at Callan’s side. It was enough, however, to remind me of his reputation as a player in more ways than one.

Callan grimaced at the sight of me.


“Morning.” I gave the couple a wave and noted the stiletto-heeled pink metallic sandals the blond wore. “Your shoes are awesome.”

She smiled sweetly, and I noted how put together she looked for someone who’d just rolled out of bed. “Thanks. I love Jimmy Choos.”

“Nice.” I eyed the shoes enviously. Maybe Luke was onto something with his designer obsession. “I wish I could wear those, but I’d tower over everyone.” It was true. I’d inherited my dad’s height and was five ten. In six-inch heels, I was easily six four.

“Are you kidding?” The blond fell into step with me as we walked down the stairwell. “I’d kill for your height. You should wear whatever shoes you want. Fuck everyone else.”

Oh, I liked her immediately. “You are absolutely right.” Note to self: Go shoe shopping.

“Jimmy Choos are the comfiest shoes ever. Start there.” She grinned. “I’m Hailey, by the way.”

“Beth. Nice to meet you.”

“For fuck’s sake.” I heard Callan mutter behind us.

Hiding a grin, I decided to torture my neighbor further. “So, are you two dating?” I gestured between them as we reached the ground floor.

Hailey rolled her eyes. “God no.”

I raised my eyebrows, my lips pinching together to fight back a laugh.

Callan frowned, his nose wrinkling adorably. “Not that I disagree, but what does ‘God no’ mean?”

She shrugged. “It was only sex, right?”

“Right …”

“Was he any good?” I asked perversely.

Callan huffed indignantly.

“Meh, he was all right.”

My mouth made an O shape as delight thrummed through me at Callan’s affront.

“Excuse me?”

Hailey shrugged again. “You seemed kind of bored all the way through it.”

“Oh ho ho!” I couldn’t hold back my laughter. I had to stop to let it out, and there were actual tears as I cackled.

“It’s not that funny,” Callan grumbled while Hailey giggled.

Reaching out, I squeezed Hailey’s shoulder before continuing downstairs. “Thank you. Really. Thank you for what you’ve done here today.”

She grinned. “No problem.”

“Do you want a lift home or not?” Callan asked her sullenly as he held open the entrance door.

Aw, see, that made me dislike him a wee bit less. The woman insulted his prowess in the bedroom, and he still was going to drive her home.

“Sure. Bye … Beth, was it?”

“Yup. Bye. Thanks for making my day.”

She laughed and hurried out the entrance doors past Callan. He glowered at me. “For your information, I was knackered last night. We’ve been training hard.”

I desperately tried to keep a straight face. “Of course, Captain. Just tired. Not incompetent in the bedroom. I believe you.”

He opened his mouth to retort, but I asked quickly, “Did she mention the ugly sofa, by any chance?”

He threw me a dark look and marched out, letting it swing shut in my face.

“I’ll take that as a yes!” I shouted through the glass.



I’d have to reply to the rest of my emails whenever I could get a minute at the book signing I was on my way to. As such, I pulled up Lily’s podcast to listen to as I drove through the city center to the bookstore at Fort Kinnaird.

The podcast, Seek and You Shall Find, was a dating podcast I’d started while at the University of Edinburgh. It was named in honor of the university motto and was inspired by my goal to find my true love. I know, I know, that sounds cheesy. And I’d never outright say that was my goal because I didn’t think my mouth was capable of forming the words true love. But when you were raised by a mum and dad like mine, who were madly in love to this very day, and whose close friends were all in beautiful, strong, loving relationships, it made you want to find the same.


