No Cooldown for Love – Rock Falls Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92529 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 463(@200wpm)___ 370(@250wpm)___ 308(@300wpm)


“Flykra. Answer me.” This time, the grip on the underside of her leg flexed, grabbing onto her.

She gulped.

Mitchell wanted to know what the fuck she was talking about. Also, he wanted to know how the hell her skin was so damn soft. The fact her knee was still bothering her was an issue, but he wasn’t a doctor and she would probably be sore for a few days. That didn’t mean he had to like it.

Regardless of the sore knee, her skin, holy Christ. He was having dreams about it.

Right now, he needed answers. Mitchell didn’t know what the hell was going on here. He wasn’t in his typical world. Granted, being snowed in at a singles retreat would never have been his typical world. Yet Hope Roman was an unknown. One he wanted to learn about.

He kept his hands on her. One resting on her calf and the strong muscles there, and the other on the underside of her thigh.

“What difference does it make to you if I sleep here or down there?”

There was pain in her question. He shifted his fingers against her skin and tipped his head to the side, ignoring the hair that fell over one eye.

“Do you want to get away from me? Because I will sleep down there and give you the bed.”

“That’s not it.”

He grinned. Good to know. “Is my breath bad? Is that it?” He covered his mouth, blew into his palm and sniffed. Smelled like his toothpaste.

“No and thank you for reminding me mine is.”

Mitchell tugged on one curl before tucking it behind her ear. “We’re in this together, Hope. Sharing the bed and all.”

When he settled his hand along the side of her calf, she stiffened, gaze snapping down there as if she remembered he was touching her.

“I should head back down so you can get some work done.”

Yeah, he wasn’t letting her go there alone. Were the guys nice enough? Of course. But for him to let other men hit on his woman? No way, not a chance in hell that was going to happen.

His phone rang, shattering the spell between them. He retreated across the room to pick it up from where it rested near his computer.


Hope slid from the bed and he watched her tentatively test out her knee before putting her full weight on it. Then she made the bed and pulled her hair into a loose ponytail.

“How’re things going?” Tully’s question snapped his attention from the woman sliding to the door like Mitchell wasn’t watching her like a hawk.

Eyes locked on her, he refused to drop her gaze as she opened the door and slipped through. Only once the door closed did he find the wherewithal to turn his attention to the man on the phone.

With a grunt, he walked to the bed and flopped down on it. “I’m fine,” he said, switching the phone to speaker so he didn’t have to hold it and then letting it fall to the mattress beside his ear. If he tried hard enough, he could imagine the bedding still carried her scent. Okay, he didn’t have to try.

“How’s it going out there?” Linc piped in.

“He’s having woman trouble. Sounds all upset and moody.” No disguising the humor in Tully’s words.

Problem was, Mitchell didn’t find it amusing. He was angry and didn’t like that she wanted to run from him.

“She know who you are?” Leave it to Tully to hit hard at the crux of the matter.

Nodding before he remembered they weren’t there, he responded, “Yes. There is a kid here who recognized me.” But someone had alerted her prior, he believed, even if he didn’t know who. Funny thing, she didn’t much seem to care except to try to put more distance between them.

“And?” Linc asked around the pop of a can top.

Knowing his friends, it was beer.

“I’m curious as to why there is a kid at a singles mixer.”

“Tully has a point, Mitchell. What’s going on over there?”

“Blow me. They needed a place to hole up. He’s here with his father who, by the way, is glad I’m out of the league.”

Both men went silent. Then they laughed. Mitchell didn’t say a word, having expected that. All three of them had to deal with fans who were less than polite to them. Hell, some were downright rude and vicious. Especially the ones who threatened them.

“Whenever you bitches are done.” He stretched out his legs while he waited.

“Right,” Tully muttered.

“Fuck no. I’ll be laughing about this for a while.” Linc cleared his throat. “Enough talk about the man and his son, I want to know why you’re up in your room moping when the woman you’ve got a hard-on for isn’t there with you.”

“I’m up here because you called me.” He adjusted himself through his pants and used his legs to shove himself up the bed until his head rested on the pillow she’d used. Yes, now he could definitely smell her. The delicate floral scent had a deeper musk this time and he wholeheartedly approved.


