Ninth Circle Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Erotic, Thriller Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 142664 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 713(@200wpm)___ 571(@250wpm)___ 476(@300wpm)

Her Dad I may take it easy on because he’s her Dad, I’ll let her take that as far as she chooses, but everyone else is fair game.


My inbox was crazy when I woke up this morning. The only people I have blocked are Sherry, Lacey, and Denny. I knew they would still see everything I posted; in fact, I was betting on it because we share so many friends in common.

I made sure to preset outgoing messages on a timed release the night before so I could sleep in, and once I woke up, there were literally thousands of messages waiting for me.

Though most of them were interested in my new husband, there were more than enough who wanted to know who the hell Denny had cheated with. I wasn’t going to answer that question because I wanted them to smoke out the guilty party themselves.

Since most of them seemed to think Sherry was the culprit, and since she cares so much about her cheating bitch of a sister, I’ll let her handle that herself. I’m sure once the heat gets to be too much she’d be the first to throw her under the bus. I never claimed to be nice.

I wasn’t about to clean up anyone else’s mess but my own, and since I had no hand in any of that shit, they can leave me the hell out of it. I’m not even mad, never was really, and to some, that might seem cold, but as far as I’ve learned, you can’t take down the enemy if your feelings are involved. In short, you just can’t care.

That’s how people walk over you. They prey on your sensibilities and use them against you for their own gain. I learned that at a very young age and never forgot it. My childhood therapist, the only one I went to before they quit, claimed I had sociopathic tendencies.

That’s when I looked her dead in her face and told her I wished her life to be the same hell as mine. Never saw her again and didn’t need to. I know I’m not crazy or antisocial or any of the other bullshit they try to label kids with when they’re just plain broken from the shit the adults around them did.

I don’t blame everyone for the things that happen; I just go directly to the source. Sure, I may be a bit cut-throat in my approach, but truth can be brutal, especially to people who don’t want a spotlight on the bullshit they’d rather keep hidden.

Society has done a good job victimizing the innocent to the point that it’s become acceptable, fuck that. Like the great Al Capone once said, you fuck with me, I’ll fuck with you.

Sun Tzu said, know your enemy. What works with one might not work with another, so I wouldn’t do the same things to Denny and Lacey that I do to Helen and Mitzie. Two separate enemy camps. But I can fight this war on both fronts and come out the winner.

Like right now, I’m watching Helen on the screen, but I’m systematically breaking Denny down without even interacting with him because I know what would get to him and break him until he’s a shell of himself. He hit me where it hurts, so I’m just returning the favor. He hates being ignored, the little shit. His ego can’t handle it. That’s why I have chosen to freeze him out.

Ghosting without explanation or prewarning is psychological warfare. It breaks down the recipient until they feel as if they’re going out of their mind. The blatant disrespect they feel as a human being who is being ignored, as if their very existence is null and void, will eat away at them until they break. I excel at this shit.

Denny will be little more than a festering puddle of insignificant sludge by the time I’m done, and Lacey, well, if she doesn’t move to another galaxy, she’ll never know peace. She broke the girl code. But, so far, what I’ve done to those two is just the appetizer of this four-course meal; I still have Helen and her crotch serpent to deal with.

Poor Mitzie is still in jail waiting to be bailed out, but her mother has no money because I emptied her accounts and cut off communication between her and her cash cow. She’s been losing her shit ever since I started watching her on the screen.

From the looks of it, she hadn’t slept a wink, which made sense because of all the fleas that had taken over her house, well, Dad’s house. A house he’s about to lose once I have it condemned.

The icing on the cake is that it’s already paid off, and oops, the insurance lapsed, the insurance that Helen was responsible for since she’s the one who handles the bills with her broke ass.


