My Temptation (Kingston Lane #1) Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Kingston Lane Series by T.L. Swan

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 131728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

I knock on his door.

Knock, knock.



Boom bangs my heart.

The door opens in a rush, and I come face to face with Henley James. He’s wearing satin navy-blue boxer shorts and is shirtless, with his dark hair and perfect face. His ripped body only makes me more nervous.

There’s a lot at stake here.

“Hi.” I smile awkwardly.


“Umm.” I frown as I try to get my practiced speech right before I say it out loud. “I’m on my way to work a night shift, and Barry seems jumpy today, and I’m worried that he might bark and keep you awake.” I’m blurting the words out in a rush. “So I was thinking that if I gave you a key and he’s being noisy, you could come over to my house and put him inside.” I hold a key to my house out to him. “Because we’re friends and all.” I shrug nervously.

He doesn’t take the key from my outstretched hand. Instead he gives me a slow sexy smile and leans against the doorjamb.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I wait for his reply. “What do you think?”

His dark eyes sweep down my body and then back up to my face. “I think that you should come inside for a moment.”

“You do?”

He nods. “I do.” He steps to the side, and I walk past him, and he closes the door behind us and then pins me up against it and puts his lips to my ear. “You should know better than coming over here looking like a walking fucking wet dream.”

Butterflies dance in my stomach at his close proximity.

He takes my face into his hands and kisses me. His lips linger over mine with just the perfect amount of suction. “Hi,” he murmurs against my lips.

“Hi.” I smile shyly.

He kisses me again, and I feel his erection grow up against my hip. “What are you doing on Saturday night?” he asks.

Aah . . .

“Nothing.” His lips take mine again as our kiss deepens.

Damn, he’s good at this.

“I have tickets to the opera.”

“You do?”

“Do you like the opera?”

I do now.

“We should go.” He licks my open lips, and I feel it between my legs.

My brain has officially left the building. “Uh-huh . . .”

“But it would mean staying in town.”

I’m literally a genius. This plan is working to perfection. He’s asking me on a date—not just any date, a whole-night date.

“I suppose we can do that.” I try to act casual.

We keep kissing, and he slides his hand down the front of my pants and slides his fingertips through the lips of my sex. He works me as we kiss, and I see stars.

Oh . . .

We didn’t even make it inside. I’m still pinned to the back of his front door.


He lifts me, wanting more.

“I have to go to work, Henley.”

“You have work to do here.” He carries me to the couch and throws me onto it. I laugh as I bounce. He crawls over me, his erection now peeking over the top of his boxer shorts. Pre-ejaculate is dripping from his end.

Gah . . . I want it.

This man . . .

Suddenly our kiss turns frantic. He holds my legs back as he rubs his erection over my sex.

We stare at each other as desperation runs between us.

So hot.

Wait a minute, what the fuck is going on here? I have no restraint at all when it comes to him. Who even am I? This is an intel mission only.

Go to work.

“Henley, I have to go.”

“No, you have to come.” He smiles darkly against my lips as he pumps me with his hips.

I so do.

No, play it cool.

“You’re a fucking sex maniac, Henley James.”

“You make me one.”

I climb out from under him and stand. “Saturday.”

His eyes hold mine. “Saturday . . . ,” he whispers darkly.

The air swirls between us, and damn it, can he feel this?

Whatever this is . . .

I kiss him quickly, and without looking back I walk out the door. I bounce down the steps feeling triumphant, and I just want to jump and punch the air.


“Good evening, Mrs. Greenwell.” I smile as I walk into the room. “How’s my favorite patient?”

Mrs. Greenwell’s eyes light up. “Here she is, my favorite nurse. Hello, Juliet, I’ve been waiting for you.”

I fluff up her pillows and adjust her bed. I look over her chart. “You had extra pain management last night.” I glance up to her in question.

“Yes, terrible night it was.” She shakes her head. “And I don’t like that Michelle. She’s not very nice, is she?”

Michelle is a shift manager and no, she’s not very nice. Not that I’ll ever admit it.

“Behave, Mrs. Greenwell.” I smile as I readjust the pillows some more.

“She has a terrible bedside matter, and seeing as I am in bed . . .” She raises her eyebrows sarcastically. “I think I should know.”


