My Temptation (Kingston Lane #1) Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Kingston Lane Series by T.L. Swan

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 131728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

“I don’t trust him.”

“Good thing that you’re not going on a date with him, then, isn’t it?”

“No.” He steps forward, forcing me to step back. “You are not going out with him.”

I cross my arms in a sarcastic manner. “You can’t tell me what to do, Henley.”

“Watch me. Get upstairs, get those clothes off, and open your legs on that bed, because you’re about to get some sense fucked into you.”

Excitement runs through me. I like this game.

“Make me.”

He grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs and throws me onto the bed. “You will do as I fucking say from here on out. Do you hear me?” he whispers angrily as he rips his T-shirt off over his head.

“Or what?” I bait him. My eyes drop down his rippled abdomen and the V of muscles that disappears into his jeans.

“Or you’re going to get that sarcastic mouth of yours fucked hard . . . until you choke.”

“You couldn’t handle my mouth.”

“Watch me.” He unzips his jeans and pulls out his already-erect cock. It seems Henley likes this game too. He grabs my head and guides his cock into my mouth. He then pushes my head down onto him. I feel him slide deep down my throat, and my eyes close instinctively as I try to deal with his punishment.

Hmm . . . he tastes good. My insides begin to liquefy.

How is he so hot?

He grips my hair with two hands as he begins to ride my mouth. “And you’re going to swallow every fucking drop.”


I wake with a jump. What time is it?

I scramble for my phone: 5:15 a.m. Thank god, I’m not late. I still have time to enjoy the view for a moment. I roll toward Juliet and watch her as she sleeps. Her honey-blonde hair is splayed across her pillow, her flawless skin almost glowing in the dark. I run my hand over her full breasts and down to her shapely hips. I run the backs of my fingers through her well-kept pubic hair and feel my cock harden to her softness.

Fuck . . . she’s beautiful.

Her body is out of this world, and I just can’t get enough. No matter how many times I fuck her, I still want more.

It took all my strength to not climb the fence last week. She’s all I could think about. I’ll be over this infatuation soon. One more time and that should do it.

I get a vision of the two of us last night in the shower. The ways she milks me so tight, her kisses, that fuckable mouth of hers . . . my balls contract.

Get up.

Have some self-control, for fuck’s sake.

I sneak out of bed and quietly dress. I’ll go home and shower before I go to see Dad. I tiptoe downstairs and out into the backyard. Fuck it. I’m sick of climbing this fucking fence, and it’s only been once.

Maybe I should cut a gate in?

No . . . this is only happening one more time, remember?

I jump the fence and shower and then head off to go to the nursing home. I’m just pulling out of the street when I see the dickhead jogging.

My blood boils, and I slow down and lower the car window. “Mason, you’re up early.”

“Thought I’d go for a run.” He smiles.

He’s looking for her.

Well, too bad because she’s safely tucked up in bed with a broken pussy, care of my cock. She thinks she’s one up on me. Well, I’ll show her.

I drive along beside him as I contemplate my next move. “We should go on a double date some time,” I tell him.

“Yeah?” He frowns.

“Me and Taryn and you and a date.”

“Yeah.” He smiles excitedly. “That would be awesome, man.”

Poor dumb fuck.

“I could get Juliet to come,” he offers.

Not half as well as I can.

“Okay, then.” I fake a smile. “I’ll set it up and let you know.”

“Thanks, man. You’re a good guy.”

I wave and drive away; I watch him in the rearview mirror.

“Good at fucking you up, asshole,” I mutter under my breath. “Nobody touches her but me.”

Chapter 13

“Good morning to the lovely Jenny.” I smile as I walk through the reception area.

“Morning, Henley.” Jenny looks over the top of her glasses at me. “Everything okay?”

“Everything’s great.” I walk into my office and begin to unpack my briefcase onto my desk.

I can feel Jenny watching me from the door. “Your voice mail is full,” she says as she leans on my doorjamb.

“Is it?” I sit down at my desk and wince; I swear I have no skin left on my dick.

“You haven’t asked for your messages for a while now.”

I turn my computer on. “Haven’t I?” I log in. “I’ve been busy, I guess.”

She keeps watching me. “You’re different lately.”

I glance up. “How so?”

“Did you meet someone?”


