My Stepmom’s Boyfriend – Forbidden Fun Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 27227 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 136(@200wpm)___ 109(@250wpm)___ 91(@300wpm)

“It’s complicated, Cam,” I begin.

“I know and that’s why I’m worried about you. You know I love you more than anyone else in the world, Caity. I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t. But I just don’t want you to be swept away by Travis because he’s not a knight in shining armor. Not even close, do you see what I mean? I don’t want you to get hurt.”

I stammer, even as tears begin to fill my eyes.

“I’m just having some fun right now. I swear, I don’t have high hopes or false expectations.”

Cammie is silent, and then she lets out a long sigh.

“That’s good, Caity. I want you to be happy, girlfriend, and well … Travis is great, he’s rich, he’s handsome, he’s a lot of things, but he’s not a boyfriend.”

With that, a big tear rolls down my cheek although I don’t let out a sound. I don’t want my friend to know how right she is, and how my emotions have gotten away from me.

“How are the clothes coming?” she asks gently while changing the subject.

I sniffle a bit.

“Good, I think. I’m not quite ready to start selling my stuff, but I hope soon. Maybe by the end of the year.”

“Good. I want to be your first customer when you open up shop, okay?”

“You will be, I promise.”

“Excellent, because you’re the most talented person I know. Listen, I’ve got to go to work, but let’s talk again soon okay? Dinner next week?”

I hold down another sob so that my voice comes out normal.

“Sounds good. Love you, Cam.”

“You too, Caity. Bye now!”

We hang up, and my hand is lifeless as I drop the phone. Now, full-bodied cries are tearing through my chest and I put my head down in my arms. Oh god, this is all so wrong. All I want is for Travis to look at me like I’m someone special, and not just a toy he enjoys playing with. I want him to want me, even though from the very beginning, he made clear that a relationship isn’t on the table. I want him to breathe promises in my ear before slipping a ring on my finger and making me his. Is that too much to ask?

Unfortunately, in my case, it is.



* * *

Two months later.

I stare with trepidation at my new website. After my talk with Cammie, I decided to get serious about selling my designs. Maybe I won’t come out of this experience with a boyfriend, but at the very least I can get my business off the ground. Thus, Get Pressed was born. It’s a fashion and design site with an emphasis on upcycled materials. That means many of the garments we create will be from fabric that would otherwise be discarded. The garments are beautiful because in addition to meticulous tailoring, each one is unique with its own charm. It’s basically the opposite of fast fashion.

But there’s still one piece missing, and that’s small batch manufacturing. Although I’d love to be able to hand make everything I sell, it’s not realistic. Even five orders would put me over the top, so I need additional horsepower.

Fortunately, Travis has connections and offered to introduce me to a local factory called Nova Arte. If all goes well and Nova likes me, they’ll be the ones creating the actual products my customers buy and not me. It’s a huge opportunity, and in fact, Nova Arte is located right here in Medina! I had no idea companies like this even existed.

But first things first. I have to dazzle Nova so that they pick up my designs. I’m hoping they like me, but who knows? As a result, Travis is taking me to meet them for the first time today, and I’ve dressed carefully for the part. My outfit is trendy but not overly-so, and my curls are neatly pinned to the back of my head. I hope I look fashionable, but also business-like and serious.

I smooth out my dress and exhale, while trying not to tap my foot. Travis should be here soon, and we’ll jump in his car and head to Nova Arte. My heart is beating a hundred miles a minute, and I hope to god this works out.

My phone rings, causing me to jump. I answer it the second I realize it’s Cammie.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Hey girlfriend!” she sings. “Ready for your big day?”

My pulse races.

“Yes. We’re going over to the manufacturer’s site shortly. With Travis’s investment in my business, I think Nova’s going to take me seriously. This whole thing could be up and running in a week!”

Cam whistles.

“Nice work, girlfriend! So Travis made the investment? That’s a lot of money, girl! You go!”

Of course, I don’t mention that Travis hasn’t made the investment quite yet. It’s something we’ve been talking about, and he’s assured me he’s good for the fifty thousand dollars. I think if we get Nova on board, he’ll definitely be in for sure.


