My Mom’s Ex-Husband – The Forbidden Fun Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Forbidden, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 26
Estimated words: 25301 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 127(@200wpm)___ 101(@250wpm)___ 84(@300wpm)

“Subject change!” I say brightly. “You’ll never guess what happened at work yesterday.”


“This really hot new guy came in and my panties almost melted on the spot.”

Bella giggles.

“Good! Did he tip well?”

I smile secretively.

“Well, that’s the best part. He left a hundred dollars beneath his plate –”

My friend lets out a whoop so loud that the baby jumps.

“A hundred bucks?” she screams. “Oh my God, that’s amazing!”

“I know, right?” I add smugly. “But guess what else? He wants to meet up tonight. He left me his address and everything.”

My friend nods enthusiastically.

“Oh, this is so romantic!” Bella says. “You’re going, right?”

I pause.

“Um Bells, I don’t think this is a romance kind of thing. This is a hook-up, no doubt. Hello, he wants me to go over to his place at 9 p.m. Oh yeah, this has hook-up written all over it.”

Her eyes widen.

“But still … you’re going right?”

I stare at her.

“Bells, I don’t know this guy. He could be an axe murderer, or a convicted felon. He could be anyone. I can’t go because it wouldn’t be safe!”

Bella looks thoughtful.

“I get what you’re saying, but if he’s that hot, then maybe you should risk it.”

I stare at her.

“Bells, you’re my stepmom. You’re supposed to be discouraging me from taking risks, and warning me about STDs and stuff.”

She tries to look innocent.

“I could be doing that,” she agrees. “But you just broke up with that asshole Jimmy, right? Some no-holds-barred sex with a hot stranger could be the exact cure you need. Why not? It’s one way to get back in the saddle again.”

I stare at her some more.

“OMG, I cannot believe you’re serious.”

She nods happily.

“Hey, just because I’m married doesn’t mean I’m dead. I think you should go have fun! Live it up a little! Throw caution to the wind! Trust me, once you have a baby, it all stops,” she says, shooting my little brother a rueful look. “Then, life is all about changing nappies and trying not to get spit-up on your clothes.”

I laugh.

“OMG, you’re so bad.”

Bella shoots me an innocent look.

“Who me? I just want you to be happy, Faith, and to have fun while doing it too,” she proclaims airily. “It’s what any good mother wants.”

I laugh merrily.

“Okay, okay. I’ll think about it.”

Bella merely leans forward.

“Don’t think, girlfriend. Let yourself feel. Imagine what it would be like to see that hot stranger naked. Does that get you going? Exactly. Let yourself feeeeel.”

I dissolve into giggles again because when Bells and I are together, sometimes the conversation is so hysterical. But then I sit back, trying to be serious.

“No really, Bells. I don’t know anything about this guy. It’s not safe just to show up at his place.”

She thinks for a moment.

“Did he pay with cash?”

I bite my lip. “No, he used a credit card.”

“So, then you do know his name. And you wrote it down, right?”

I nod slightly, embarrassed to admit that I did.

“Good,” she says with satisfaction. “What’s his name then?”

I take a deep breath. “Hunter Stockton.”

I was expecting a blank look, but instead Bella scrunches her forehead. “Why does that name sound familiar?”

I nod. “Because he’s a professional skier. He has his own Instagram fan club and everything. He’s big in Olympic circles and whatnot.”

She nods knowingly.

“Oh yeah, that’s right. I’ve seen his name around in magazines and stuff. The guy I’m thinking of is really cute too. OMG, he’s the one who wants you to come over? Then you definitely have to go.”

I fix her with a look.

“Professional athletes can still be serial killers, you know. Besides, what would a champion skier be doing in our little town?”

Bella gets a glint in her eye.

“That’s for you to find out, girlfriend. In between hot bouts of sex with this Hunter Stockton, hopefully.”

We both dissolve into giggles, but before I can respond, my dad walks into the room. Marcus looks good. Marriage has helped him relax because the brackets around his eyes seem less deep, and he’s even got a spring to his step.

“Hey Daddy,” I greet. “How are you?”

“Hey Faith. I didn’t know you were here,” he frowns.

I smile winsomely.

“I just dropped by to do some laundry,” I admit.

Dad laughs. “You’re always welcome at our house, sweetheart. We missed you. Besides, what do you think of the new décor?”

I tell him I love it, because I really do. I had no idea how big the living room really was until Bella painted the walls a tan color instead of the dark chocolate brown they were before. Meanwhile, Dad and I catch up a bit more until Howie starts to cry. Bella gets up to change him, but Dad immediately takes the baby from my friend’s arms before pressing a tender kiss to her cheek.

“I’ve got this, love. You two keep catching up. Faith, you’ll stay for dinner?”


