Mountain Man Soldier Read Online Natasha L. Black

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 64419 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 322(@200wpm)___ 258(@250wpm)___ 215(@300wpm)

We were almost there, my heart straining to break free. And finally, we crashed upon the shore, releasing all our pent-up energy in one fantastic burst. I wrapped myself around him, drawing him as deep as I possibly could. He shuddered within me, every muscle tense. I felt myself fall over the edge, my body spasming, lights dancing in my head.

It took a moment to find my bearings. Our breathing slowed, and the heat between us cooled. I could feel his chest rising and falling above my own. I ran a hand from the top of his head, down his back, to the curve of his ass before he pulled back, removing his plow from my field.

I sighed, feeling a satisfaction that no plastic toy could ever duplicate. Linc rolled away, and we lay side by side, not speaking. I wanted to cuddle, but that didn’t seem to be in the cards. It wasn’t awkward, but it wasn’t passionate. We were like two shipwrecked sailors flung upon the beach. The space between us mounted until it could fill an Olympic swimming pool, and I began to regret my choices.

Had I moved too fast? He had been the one to invite me back here, but had he made a mistake? Did we ruin the budding friendship between us by giving in to our animal instincts? Was one sweaty roll in the sheets all we would have? Was there any way to recover?

“I’m gonna take a shower.” He sat up, running a hand down his face.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Yeah.” He bent over to kiss me. “Better than okay. I’ll be right back.”

He stood up, still naked, and wandered off to the bathroom. I waited until the door closed and I heard the drumbeat of the water before I leapt to my feet. Searching out my underwear, I struggled into them. My jeans were on the bedroom floor, but my shirt was outside near the couch.

I sat down to pull my shoes on, grabbed my purse, and let myself out the door. I felt like I was fleeing the scene of a crime, as if I had done something monstrous, and by running away, I was trying to pretend that it had never happened. All my fantasies about Linc had stopped the moment I reached my climax. I had never once thought about the moments after, about how intimacy would change us. I suddenly realized I was in over my head, and if I wanted to salvage what was left of my pride, I had to be the one to leave.



Idried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist. It was late, and I thought I might be able to sleep. Maybe Aly was already asleep and I could climb into bed beside her. I wasn’t sure how I felt about sharing the bed with another person, but with her, I would try.

Walking out of the bathroom, I went straight for the bedroom, expecting to find Aly waiting for me. I hadn’t been in the shower for very long, but when I returned to the bed, I found it empty. I checked the living room and it was also empty. Aly had hit it and quit it.

I found myself laughing. It was usually the other way around, wasn’t it? The guy in the situation was the one to duck out. Finding myself the brunt of a booty-call joke, I had to laugh. She was sly. I never imagined that she would sneak away, that her interest in me would evaporate after one fuck. The laughter died quickly though as an empty feeling settled in my gut. I realized I wanted more than just that one encounter.

I put on some new clothes and my boots and returned to bed. I was able to get a few hours of sleep before morning.

I overslept. I hadn’t set an alarm because sleeping was so rare. When I next opened my eyes, the sun was streaming through the narrow basement window. I checked my phone and saw that Danny was due to arrive any minute. Luckily, I was fully dressed. I ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and hurried out to the curb.

Danny was waiting for me, just about to give my phone a buzz if I didn’t appear. “Did you sleep?” he asked, because I had told him about my insomnia.

“Yeah.” I buckled my seatbelt.

“Was it the tea?” As soon as I mentioned I was having trouble sleeping, everyone wanted to give me their guaranteed home remedy. Danny’s had been Sleepytime tea.

“No, it wasn’t the tea,” I said, leaving it at that.

Danny glanced at me out of the corner of his eye but let the matter drop. We pulled into the employee parking lot and got out. I realized I had forgotten to pack a lunch. Usually if that was the case, I skipped lunch or ordered pizza delivery. Today, I had something else in mind.


