Mine Tonight (One Night With You #1) Read Online Mia Brody

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Insta-Love Tags Authors: Series: One Night With You Series by Mia Brody

Total pages in book: 19
Estimated words: 17750 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 89(@200wpm)___ 71(@250wpm)___ 59(@300wpm)

“A three?” I mouth when I can finally speak. I remember the heated look in Eric’s eyes in the kitchen this morning. Something tells me he wouldn’t agree with Charlie.

There’s the sound of a twig snapping, and I whirl around to find myself face-to-chest with Eric.

I swallow hard and take a step away from him. My back bumps into the scratchy bark of the oak tree draped in Spanish moss and twinkling Christmas light. I have to crane my neck to look into his eyes.

“Charlie is a really good kisser.” I wait to see what Eric’s reaction will be, needing him to confirm he hated seeing me with another guy.

The lines of Eric’s face are harsh tonight. “Is he now? Did he make your panties wet, princess? Are your pretty thighs aching now?”

“So, what if they are? You’re the one who picked him.” Despite the fact that I started this argument, I’m filled with indignation. He threw me to the wolves, so he doesn’t have the right to complain if I smell of dog.

“The entire time you were dancing with him, you were wishing you were back in that hallway in Mexico, grinding your sweet little pussy against my cock.” He puts his arms on the trunk of the tree, caging me just like he did back then.

I never feel safer than when he does this, like he’s the barrier between me and the big, scary world. That feeling of safety ticks me off almost as much as his words.

“No, I was wondering why you’re a liar. You say you’re not attracted to me, but you’ll stare at my ass. You’ll send me on dates with other guys only to whisper filthy things in my ear later. Just admit you want me, Eric.”

“I don’t want you.” He drops his head and presses a kiss to the racing pulse in my neck. “I want sex. You’d know that if you were grown.”

My palm is connecting with his face before I even register that I’ve moved my hand. The sting of flesh smacking together echoes in the night air.

Eric doesn’t flinch. “You only get to do that once, sweetheart. Next time, I’ll tan your hide.”

The words create a mental picture that I’m all too eager for, to be possessed and known by Eric. To be only his.

I push at him, determined to be the one that breaks him down. “You’ll tan my hide as long as my dad’s not around, right? Maybe you should focus on scurrying back to him, make sure to lick his boots clean tonight.”

In the moonlight, I see the anger fade from his face. He drops his arms and steps back, leaving me suddenly cold without his body heat. “Have fun on your other dates.”



What the fuck, Holt?

I’m standing in a vending machine room, staring at the coffee display. But I’m not interested in a hot beverage. I’m trying to figure out why I want the woman I can’t have and why I have to be an asshole to her about it.

It’d be one thing if Atlas were simply the boss’s daughter. I could quit my job and go after her with a clear conscience.

But Michael isn’t just the guy signing the pay stubs. He’s a brother, a man I served with in the deepest, darkest parts of hell. He saved my life more times than I can count. He doesn’t deserve to have me fucking with his daughter.

Scrubbing a hand over my face, I realize what I have to do. A tactical retreat is the only thing that will keep Atlas safe from me and protect my friendship with Michael.

With the phone in my hand, I dial Gary’s number. Last week, he offered to triple what I make at Alpha Defense.

When he answers, I don’t bother with pleasantries. “Is the job still open?”

“For you it is.” Gary answers with a chuckle before breaking into his wheezing smoker’s cough. “Did something come up to make you change your mind like this?”

I think of Atlas in those little black panties. “Yeah, something came up all right.”

We hammer out a few details after that and before I end the call, I ask Gary to keep the news quiet until I can talk with Michael. I owe my friend that much.

I’m about to rejoin the party when my phone dings with a new text message. It’s from a number I don’t recognize. You look sexy tonight in the charcoal suit. How’d your presentation go?

Miss Karma.

Unmasking her is the final thing I need to do before I can make my escape. I send a quick text back, thinking of the dirty clip that started playing to a roomful of new recruits. You could call it a rousing success.

She knew the color of my suit, which means she might be watching me. All I have to do is get her to drop her guard. Then I can lure her out of hiding and expose the woman that continues to hack me.


