Marx Girl Read Online Free Book T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 131
Estimated words: 131799 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

His fingers slide beneath my panties and through my dripping-wet flesh. He makes a guttural moan, and I swear, it nearly makes me orgasm.

I clench to hold it back.

He inhales sharply as his kiss becomes frantic. “Bridget,” he whispers with his eyes closed. He slowly slides a finger into me and we both moan.

Oh, this is too good.


He adds another finger and I totally lose control as he slowly starts to pump me.

His breath quivers with deep arousal.

I clench around his fingers and he screws up his face. “We need to go home or I’m going to blow in my fucking pants,” he growls.

I nod as I try to control my breathing, but it’s too late. I need my orgasm now. “Give it to me,” I breathe.

His eyes flicker with arousal and he starts to pump me with his fingers in a rhythm that can only be described as oh my fucking God.

The sound of my slick arousal hangs around us, and hell… I’m in a fucking club, riding his thick fingers.

He bites my neck as he rubs my g-spot, and that’s it.

I clench.

I fall.

Oh, fuck.

”Ben,” I moan as a freight train of an orgasm rips through me.

His mouth hangs slack as he watches me ride it out. My eyes have rolled back in my head.

And then he kisses me, and it’s soft, tender, and loving, and I cling to him as if my life depends on it. Maybe it does.

He slowly takes his fingers out of my body and puts them in his mouth to suck them as his dark eyes hold mine. Then he readjusts my panties. “Let’s go home, angel,” he whispers in my ear as he bites it.

I nod, unable to answer, rocked to my core from the intensity of the orgasm he just gave me without hardly moving a muscle.

He takes my hand and leads me through the club. I spot Louisa, wave, and gesture to the door. Her mouth falls open before she gives me a nerdy two thumbs up.

The drive back to my place is made in silence. He has my hand in his on his lap and I can feel his hard dick in his pants. I’m a bit nervous, to be honest.

It’s been a long time.

Will it still be as hot as it used to be between us?

His eyes flash between me and the road. “What are you thinking about?” he asks.

My eyes hold his. “How good you felt inside of me.”

He puts my hand on his dick. “You ain’t see nothing.”

Fifteen minutes later, we burst through my apartment door like a pair of maniacs. Our lips are locked and he walks me backward into my apartment, lifting my dress over my head and slipping my high heels off.

“Naked. I need you naked,” he pants against my lips.

I moan as his lips drop to my neck and he bites me hard. “Ah,” I cry out.

He takes my bra off and then slides my panties down my legs. His eyes slowly drop down my body, and I feel the heat burn me from his gaze.

“Still fucking perfect,” he whispers.

He picks me up, throws me onto the kitchen table, and lays me back.

“Oh, God,” I whimper.

He takes his shirt off over his head then kicks his shoes and socks off. My eyes roam over his body and that broad chest with its scattering of dark hair. He has thick shoulders with sculptured arms, and I can see every muscle in his stomach.

“Take it all off,” I whisper.

His dark eyes hold mine as he slowly unzips his jeans and slides them down with his briefs.

His thick cock hangs heavily between his legs. Pre-ejaculate is dripping from the end.

Good God… I’m in Heaven.

Then he dips his head and his tongue pushes through my flesh. He moans into me; my legs lift off the table and close by themselves. He grabs my thighs and slams them back against the table.

“Let me in,” he growls.

He begins to suck on me, harder and harder, and his stubble is beginning to burn. I put my hands on the back of his head. His eyes are closed in pleasure and I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him so aroused. He pushes up with his shoulders under my thighs, and I slam up onto the table… hard.

Oh fuck, he’s out of control.

“Ben…” I whimper.

He moans into me again and I cry out. Holy fucking hell, this is what I’m talking about.

My back arches off the table, and he pushes four fingers into me with aggression.

“Ahh!” I cry out.

I’d forgotten what it was like to sleep with him. It’s nearly a blood sport, he’s so rough. “Watch me,” he commands.

I lean up onto my elbows and watch him lap me up, every last drop, and I don’t know what’s more arousing…

The feeling of him doing this to me, or the fact that he loves doing it so much.


