Make a Wish (Spark House #3) Read Online Helena Hunting

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Spark House Series by Helena Hunting

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 115288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)

“You want me to stay the night? Do you think we should talk to Peyton about that first?”

“Maybe?” It sounds like a question. “Am I jumping the gun?”

“I think it’s probably a conversation we need to have first, in person, before we go making sleepover plans.”

He sighs. “You’re right. I just want some time with you, especially after this weekend. And I don’t want to have to wait until Peyton can have a sleepover at her grandparents’ place before I can spend a night with you beside me.”

My heart stutters. “Then maybe we need to broach the subject with Peyton and see how she feels about me staying overnight at your place. And we can go from there. Baby steps, Gavin.”

He chuckles again. “I would come over there right now if I had access to a sitter.”

“I don’t doubt that for a second, but it’s late, and you have work tomorrow, and so do I, and staying up until midnight so we can sneak in some sexy time seems irresponsible.”

“Sometimes being responsible is overrated.”

“It’s after ten. My carriage has already turned back into a pumpkin.”

He huffs. “This feels like a punishment.”

I bite back a grin, aware that I could go to his place right now, but that dropping everything for him sets a bad precedent. “You’ll see me in less than twenty-four hours.”

He makes a discontented sound, then asks, “Where are you?”

“What do you mean, where am I? I’m in my apartment.”

“I mean, what room are you in?” I hear rustling in the background.

“My living room, why?”

“What are you wearing? Are you ready for bed?”

“Nothing you can say is going to persuade me to leave my house right now.”

“I know, you’ve told me that. I’m improvising. I’m going to end this call and video chat you.”

My screen goes blank and lights up again a few seconds later. I answer the call, and Gavin’s handsome face appears. He shifts the phone around, setting it on one of the stands he has sitting around his house so he can have hands-free video chats. That’s when I realize he’s in his bedroom, and he’s shirtless.

His gaze moves over me in a hot sweep. “Wanna have a little fun with me?”

I bite my lip. “What kind of fun are you talking about?”

“The naked kind.” He arches a brow. “Unless that’s outside of your comfort zone.”

Have I ever had phone sex before? No. But that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in trying new things. “I can get on board with naked fun.”

I push up off the couch, grab my own phone stand, and walk down the hall to my bedroom. My stomach clenches with excitement as I set the phone on my nightstand and adjust it, making sure it’s set up to give Gavin an excellent view of my bed.

I open the nightstand and toss a few helpers on the mattress.

Gavin curses softly. “Have I told you lately how much I appreciate your willingness to try new things with me?”

“Does that mean you’re ready to have some fun?” I climb up onto the bed and arrange myself so I’m facing the screen and lift my top over my head. I’m already in pajamas—just a T-shirt and shorts—so I’m instantly topless.

Gavin groans. “What I wouldn’t give to be able to put my hands and mouth on you right now.”

“What would you do first, if you were here?” I drag my fingertips along my bottom lip.

“I would start by kissing that sweet, sexy mouth of yours.” His biceps flex and release, hand moving over his erection in slow, unhurried passes. “Then I’d trail them down your throat.”

“Would you use teeth?” I let my fingers drift down my throat and over my collarbone.

“Maybe a little, just to tease you.” He adjusts his own phone so I have a better view of his hand moving over his straining erection, thumb sweeping the crown on each upward stroke. “I wouldn’t linger there too long, though.”

“What would you do next?” I let my fingers drift down between my breasts. “Would you stop here?” I circle a nipple. “Maybe here is where you’d use teeth?” I pinch the taut peak.

He nods once, tongue sweeping across his bottom lip. “That’s exactly what I’d do. But I wouldn’t stop there, would I?”

I shake my head. “No. You’d keep going, wouldn’t you?” I walk my fingers down my stomach and past my navel, slipping my hand inside my sleep shorts. “You’d tease me some more, kiss the inside of my thigh, bite and suck, and leave whisper-light kisses where I need you the most.”

“I think you should lose the shorts, Harley, so I can see what you’re doing.”

I hook my thumbs in the waistband and drag them down my thighs, tossing them over the side of the bed.

Then we guide each other to orgasm, whispering hot words and needy sighs and groans until we tip over into bliss.


